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Should we seriously consider adopting Sharia law in Australia?

Yes and kill the infidels.
[ 0 ] (0%)
Yes and have mercy on the infidels.
[ 0 ] (0%)
Yes and spare the women and children of the infidels.
[ 0 ] (0%)
No because Australians are so cool they realise religion is a bunch of crap.
[ 3 ] (25%)
No because Australians know that women matter more than beards and beheading innocent people.
[ 9 ] (75%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Topic: Rock the Casbah (Read 20830 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #15
All Muslims and Muslim clerics should denounce ISIS or leave the country IMO. Any followers do not belong in this country. 98% of Muslims are just your average joe just like you or me. It's the 2% that concerns me.

With regards to Israel and the West Bank their treatment of the Palestinians there is disgraceful. Young boys arrested and tortured, Palestinians forbidden from entering certain areas. Two different laws for two different races.

Don't even get me started on the horror show that is Gaza. That speaks for itself.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #16
The sad death of Numan Haider lays solely at the feet of the extremists such as ISIS. These radicals are using their outdated ideology to recruit disenfranchised youth to support their cause without any fear or concern of the consequences to the individuals. The media want to paint this kid as a monster and a terrorist from the world of Islam, to me he is a boy who has been let down by external influences which have preyed upon his circumstance.

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #17
The sad death of Numan Haider lays solely at the feet of the extremists such as ISIS. These radicals are using their outdated ideology to recruit disenfranchised youth to support their cause without any fear or concern of the consequences to the individuals. The media want to paint this kid as a monster and a terrorist from the world of Islam, to me he is a boy who has been let down by external influences which have preyed upon his circumstance.

This kid was no 'on-the-dole  come-from-a-poor-family, disenfranchised' kid.  He went to a good school was an ok student at least, had jobs, family obviously had money - judging by the family 2-storey home.  So he does NOT fit the bill that so many muslims like to push.  It is the religion that is the matter.   >:(

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #18
Didnt know we are a current affairs website.How about we talk footy.I have my own opinion of this but I dont think this is where I should give my point of view  :-\  nor should others 

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #19
Didnt know we are a current affairs website.How about we talk footy.I have my own opinion of this but I dont think this is where I should give my point of view  :-\  nor should others

No one ever has an issue with the tennis threads  ;D

This is on topic for this sub-forum. You are free to ignore the discussion here. It doesn't take much discipline.

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #20
It is the religion that is the matter.   >:(

All religions are the problem as they are all unfounded belief systems unsupported by fact, in other words fantasies about deities!

The only true purpose for religion as far as I can tell is as a tool of the intelligentsia to put the fear of some supernatural power into the utter lunatics who transgress societies boundaries. Religion is the tool most useful in controlling the morally ambiguous or the down trodden, it's better than law in this respect.

Laws work out of a sense of fairness, religion works out of a sense of fear, both are misappropriated by malevolent!

But on the main subject, ISIS and Islam, for me that Haider kids religion has nothing to do with his death, or with the behavior of ISIS. That kid is dead because he stabbed two police officers, many now wish to make this a religious issue which it clearly isn't because he'd still be dead if he was agnostic, if he hadn't stabbed people he would still be alive today! ISIS has no religion, they just use religion as a cover for otherwise anarchic activities that are diametrically opposed to the religion they claim to represent.

Look at the ISIS stereotype, lonely male virgin, derided by women in the western society he left, claims religious celibacy but really not by choice. Yet under vows of strength through abstinence marries and impregnates a child bride, then abusively dominates a family like an overlord until he grows tired of his wife and claims she committed adultery! This man is really a thief, a thief of womens rights, a thief of peoples freedoms and thief of happiness! Let his Sharia Law deal with his thefts in that very place he migrates to, only two of his peers need testify an oath on the Koran for him to be found guilty, we have no room for two laws here as we have a law and it is not Sharia Law.

Regardless, personally I think ISIS is as religiously invalid to Islam as were the Spaniards who took part in the Inquisition to Catholicism, the true motives of both groups lay elsewhere, they both want for wealth and power! ;)

These radical groups continue exist because they prey on forgiveness and tolerance. Like the Spaniards in the Inquisition who relied on the forgiveness of Rome, ISIS relies on the forgiveness of the west. Had they cut the heads off some Chinese officials I suspect the ISIS war would already be done and lost. But ISIS leaders are not so brave as to deliberately make themselves martyrs, that claim is made retrospectively after an unplanned death, and furthermore they are not stupid enough to poke the Chinese bear!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #21
But on the main subject, ISIS and Islam, for me that Haider kids religion has nothing to with his death, or with the behavior of ISIS. That kid is dead because he stabbed two police officers, many now wish to make this a religious issue which it clearly isn't because he'd still be dead if he was agnostic, if he hadn't stabbed people he would still be alive today! ISIS has no religion, they just use religion as a cover for otherwise anarchic activities that are diametrically opposed to the religion they claim to represent.

Look at the ISIS stereotype, lonely male virgin, derided by women in the western society he left, claims religious celibacy but really not by choice. Yet under vows of strength through abstinence marries and impregnates a child bride, then abusively dominates a family like an overlord until he grows tired of his wife and claims she committed adultery! This man is really a thief, a thief of womens rights, a thief of peoples freedoms and thief of happiness! Let his Sharia Law deal with his thefts in that very place he migrates to, only two of his peers need testify an oath on the Koran for him to be found guilty, we have no room for two laws here as we have a law and it is not Sharia Law.

Regardless, personally I think ISIS is as religiously invalid to Islam as were the Spaniards who took part in the Inquisition to Catholicism, the true motives of both groups lay elsewhere, they both want for wealth and power! ;)

These radical groups continue exist because they prey on forgiveness and tolerance. Like the Spaniards in the Inquisition who relied on the forgiveness of Rome, ISIS relies on the forgiveness of the west. Had they cut the heads off some Chinese officials I suspect the ISIS war would already be done and lost. But ISIS leaders are not so brave as to deliberately make themselves martyrs, that claim is made retrospectively after an unplanned death, and furthermore they are not stupid enough to poke the Chinese bear!

Well said LP, one of the best posts of the year.
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #22
Are you serious, Thry?

Just because that's the acronym in English doesn't mean it is used in Arabic.  We know what NATO is, but in French it is known as OTAN.  The French call the USA les États-Unis. 

To make your case, you'd have to show that there's no Arabic name for ISIS.  Couldn't ISIS merely be the English translation of the Arabic name?  Wikipedia gives the Arabic name and asserts it is known by the Arabic acronym Da'esh.

Sort of.

Personally, this is a storm in a tea cup created by a previous storm in a tea cup, that has negatively affected an entire area dating back to the establishment of Israel.

I also dont find it coincidental that so soon after the negative press about Palestine, that we are all of a sudden up in arms about a seperate issue in a similar location, that all of a sudden means that the Palestinian discussion has ceased completely.

As always, geo politically, things are not simple.

Ironically, we are sending in the troops here, whilst we were happy enough to sit by idly whilst a whole race of people are being persecuted in the West Bank.

The annexation of Palestine to create  Israel unfortunately is the lightening rod for all Muslims however defined or labelled.

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #23
ISIS has no religion, they just use religion as a cover for otherwise anarchic activities that are diametrically opposed to the religion they claim to represent.

can you expand on this?

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #24
ISIS has no religion, they just use religion as a cover for otherwise anarchic activities that are diametrically opposed to the religion they claim to represent.

can you expand on this?

Disaffected and angry people using any excuse (religion in this case) to get attention and importance through harm and violence. Well, that's my humble take on it!
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #25
ISIS has no religion, they just use religion as a cover for otherwise anarchic activities that are diametrically opposed to the religion they claim to represent.

can you expand on this?

Did you see the press conference with Ken Lay and the two Sheiks (not ours) LR?

The Sheik who spoke articulately explained how ISIS/ISIL is the enemy of Muslims.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #26

Did you see the press conference with Ken Lay and the two Sheiks (not ours) LR?

The Sheik who spoke articulately explained how ISIS/ISIL is the enemy of Muslims.

can you please link it?

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #27
The sad death of Numan Haider lays solely at the feet of the extremists such as ISIS. These radicals are using their outdated ideology to recruit disenfranchised youth to support their cause without any fear or concern of the consequences to the individuals. The media want to paint this kid as a monster and a terrorist from the world of Islam, to me he is a boy who has been let down by external influences which have preyed upon his circumstance.

This kid was no 'on-the-dole  come-from-a-poor-family, disenfranchised' kid.  He went to a good school was an ok student at least, had jobs, family obviously had money - judging by the family 2-storey home.  So he does NOT fit the bill that so many muslims like to push.  It is the religion that is the matter.   >:(

Mate I'm sorry to break it to you but the disenfranchised are hardly stereotypically designed to satisfy our prejudices. Virgin teens of Islamic faith in a foreign country with a predetermination of our cultural stance are easy converts for the Jihadists despite efforts from our Government and the Islamic leaders of this country. This kid was recruited from a minority group and has died trying to deliver a message from a terrorist sect that has no place in our political landscape.

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #28
ISIS is no more representative of Muslims than the KKK is representative of Christians.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Rock the Casbah

Reply #29
ISIS is no more representative of Muslims than the KKK is representative of Christians.

ISIS are taking the literal translation of the Koran.  These are people who want to take the world back to the 7th century when the Koran was written.

Also Baggers, not sure it is great comparison. While yes they are both extremist groups ISIS reflects are wider struggle between the largest schism in Islam - Sunni v Shia (ISIS are Sunni).

KKK is a violent off shoot of an extreme baptist sect in the south of America. Virtually all Christian groups denounced the KKK at the time of their inception and continue to do so today.