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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5700
It looks like Professor Borody has a financial interest in the ivermectin treatment he has been pushing ... Say it ain't so, Joe!:

Doctor who advocated Covid-19 therapy including ivermectin applied for patent on same unproven treatment, The Guardian.

Not only had he applied for a patent (which he rarely disclosed when lobbying governments or giving interviews) but he also was busy prescribing ivermectin before the TGA shut down that business opportunity.

Don't the Ivermectin crowd argue that we shouldn't trust vaccines because Big Pharma is out to make money from it? I guess if that's your line, it's not great when the doctors pushing ivermectin are doing the same.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5701
There is more than one reason to follow what the British Government are doing.

The American system is fully privatised.  Whenever my friends sent me videos about the alternative to our governments approach using any data out of the USA I automatically dismissed them stating to find me an Australian source, because how can you have faith in a fully privatised health care network, that is ultimately a money maker? 

That's not to say that the people in it, are not acting in their clients best health interests, nor does it mean that they are only in it to make money, but in that equation they are serving two masters, and one of them is about profits.  Profits and best interests rarely go hand in hand.  What it does mean, if you are affluent, you are likely to find a treatment that will work for you than someone who has less money.  When those resources are stressed by a pandemic, they have a financial interest to look after as well as wellness, which means any group of doctors going against the COVID grain from the USA need to be viewed with a level of healthy skepticism. 

I am comfortable following the British model, and when you have stuff all information coming from Europe about Ivermectin, its a concrete tell that someone is out there to make some cash.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5702
Interesting political connections between right-wing dark money and ivermectin activists in the US. Over there, the GOP is becoming the anti-vaxxer party as part of its campaign to unite everyone with a grievance about anything. Here, both Labor & the Liberals are pro-vax with the far right trying to pander to anti-vaxxers (e.g. Craig Kelly). 

The conservative group using the courts to push ivermectin on COVID patients, Salon.

There's also an interesting connection between wellness influencers and the far right:
The dark side of wellness: the overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies, The Guardian.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5703
The conservative group using the courts to push ivermectin on COVID patients, Salon.

There's also an interesting connection between wellness influencers and the far right:
The dark side of wellness: the overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies, The Guardian.
Personally, I think the government or corporate conspiracy side is way overstated, if any conspiracy exists it's the conspiracy to use advertised conspiracies as a smokescreen for charlatan types practises purely targeted at income over welfare.

It's about time the mainstream media started calling it out for what it is rather than offering a lot of it up as alternative opinions!

For me mainstream media and social media are equally culpable, and all for profit, so it's about time society stripped a few of them of their wealth, it's the only thing they care about!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5704
It's not about conspiracies, it's about politics. As I noted, in the US the right wing can take power by mobilising those with grievances as they'd be motivated to vote: that's crucial as in a voluntary voting system getting out the vote is half the game.

In Australia, compulsory voting means that sort of strategy won't work well. But it can work in the Senate as a handful of votes can get you a seat if preferences break your way. Mobilising a militant minority can work even better. That's the strategy Craig Kelly is using. I don't know whether he believes any of the nonsense he's selling. He doesn't need to believe it to benefit from it.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5705
It's not about conspiracies, it's about politics.
Ultimately the politics is also about obtaining power or influence to build wealth and affluence.

It's the fundamental truth of someone like Trump, it's not about power, obtaining power is a means to an end, if there was no ultimate financial gain or financial security from obtaining power he and others like him(Kelly) wouldn't be in the gig!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5706
True. Trump is all about the grift.

But there's also a narcissistic need to be admired, loved, feared and respected. In the US, money begets power, and power begets money. And those with money and power are idolised.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5707
More fake outrage coming from the hospitality industry, relating to compulsory vaccinations versus nothing yet for nurses.

Let hospitality workers, office workers, factory workers, etc., etc., remain unvaccinated. But require them to wear for their full working day all the same PPE that vaccinated and unvaccinated health workers and hospital nurses must now wear, and there the comparison ends! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5708
More fake outrage coming from the hospitality industry, relating to compulsory vaccinations versus nothing yet for nurses.

Let hospitality workers, office workers, factory workers, etc., etc., remain unvaccinated. But require them to wear for their full working day all the same PPE that vaccinated and unvaccinated health workers and hospital nurses must now wear, and there the comparison ends! ;)

I beg your pardon, but healthcare workers were stood down if they hadnt at least booked their first vaccine dose last thursday.

12.01 on Friday the 15th was the end of their  working  elligibility.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5709
I beg your pardon, but healthcare workers were stood down if they hadnt at least booked their first vaccine dose last thursday.

12.01 on Friday the 15th was the end of their  working  elligibility.
As I wrote "More fake outrage ................... "

But even if it were true, the working circumstance is clearly not equal! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5710
Got a letter from my son's kinder saying he can go next week if both parents are double vaxxed. However this rule doesn't apply after November 5th.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5711
I beg your pardon, but healthcare workers were stood down if they hadnt at least booked their first vaccine dose last thursday.

12.01 on Friday the 15th was the end of their  working  elligibility.

Construction workers the same.

No vax, no work.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5712
Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, was asked by her nemesis, Pete Doocey from Fox News, about reports of mass police stand downs in the wake of the vaccine mandate. She questioned him about where he got his 'facts' from and he conceded he was basing this on a mere prediction from 1 police source.

She then hit him out of the park by asking him a question: "What's the leading cause of death amongst police officers in the US this year?"

He had no answer, so she supplied it: "The leading cause of death amongst police officers is Covid 19". Bang!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5713
On Thursday night it's not safe to be out after 9pm but then at midnight it becomes safe and you're allowed out.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5714
I beg your pardon, but healthcare workers were stood down if they hadnt at least booked their first vaccine dose last thursday.

12.01 on Friday the 15th was the end of their  working  elligibility.

Correct.....vaxxed agency nurses have been getting more work offers this week..
@LP ..Full PPE gear has been a prerequisite in certain hospital wards for a while, no one wants a dose of HepC or be transmitting
anything nasty to vulnerable patients. Our Dentist and her crew had adopted fairly extensive PPE gear long before CoVid too, anywhere where
you can get blood splatter you need it.