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Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #15
The question they think it is worth it?

They could quite conceivably say yes.

Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #16
The defense lawyer playing the Mental Health card is a f#ckwit though. Mental health is a serious issue but these two flogs knew exactly what they were doing and were deceptive in every way...even forging NT documents. Hopefully the NT judicial system dispenses its own justice and their penalties are served separately from this 3 month stint in jail. Maybe a few Bulldogs supporters inside can give them a bit of payback.

Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #17
I think you'd be hard pressed to find somone who hasnt had mental health impacted by the pandemic.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #19
I think you'd be hard pressed to find somone who hasnt had mental health impacted by the pandemic.

I'm happy to put my hand up and say that it's had no impact on me.  But then I was forced to do National Service and had virtually no contact with family and friends for almost two years while living and working in a very challenging environment.  Fortunately, I didn't have people firing live rounds at me.  They said it would make a man out of me - perhaps it did  ::)

Seriously though, the pandemic may have impacted on the mental health of some folk but most of my family, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, etc are sailing along and making the best of it.  I guess it's a resilience thing.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #20
I guess it's a resilience thing.
For many how the pandemic impacts them is a choice, an attitude they take into any situation not just COVID. I realise for many it isn't, but for a lot they can basically choose how they are going to deal with it, and the vast majority of the protestors and dissenters fall into this free choice category. There are no 3rd world style victims of the pandemic here in Australia, but if minorities keep screwing over the efforts to get things back on track there could be!

Many could have done the right thing and made life easier for themselves, health workers and neighbours, but instead they chose to set the joint on fire and watched it burn! Now from a position of privilege they spend time on social media claiming their liberties are impinged, I suppose typing while they suck down some home delivered KFC, smoke a joint or snort a line of cocaine! Australia's poor poor downtrodden!

The minute Australia is loaded up on rapid antigen LFTs the borders should open, based purely on the science and compliance. No compliance no freedom, it's not that hard to understand and I'm convinced it has to be kept as simple as possible to get any significant buy in. We need the dissenting groups to become a smaller and smaller minority until they are basically outliers.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #21
Yeah it's my mum's choice she lost her husband 3 years ago at 60 years old and left her on her lonesome.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #22
Yeah it's my mum's choice she lost her husband 3 years ago at 60 years old and left her on her lonesome.
That is very sad, especially if she is not coping, I'm sorry to hear it.

The adjectives I use, like 'many' or 'some', actually mean something, they don't just take up space!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #23
They broke the law. They went to jail.

There should be a hell of a lot more of it.
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.


Re: Jailed for 3 months

Reply #24
I'm happy to put my hand up and say that it's had no impact on me.  But then I was forced to do National Service and had virtually no contact with family and friends for almost two years while living and working in a very challenging environment.  Fortunately, I didn't have people firing live rounds at me.  They said it would make a man out of me - perhaps it did  ::)

Seriously though, the pandemic may have impacted on the mental health of some folk but most of my family, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, etc are sailing along and making the best of it.  I guess it's a resilience thing.

If you can put your hand on your heart and tell me you have experienced 0 angst, anxiety, fear, frustration during this time, you aren't being resilient you are actually in denial.

Which is also an indicator of peoples mental health being impacted.

The key here isn't to minimise it.

If a pandemic doesn't cause some mental health impact I dont know what to think of you, but the fact you even stated resilience is a tell.  Resilience by very definition is to have experienced the sort of impact i am talking about and then returned to pre crisis levels quickly. 

You aren't resilient if you experience no crisis. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson