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Topic: Halloween.... (Read 5514 times) previous topic - next topic
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"The private party, thrown by co-founder Bijan Tehrani, was held at 29 St Georges Rd on Monday night with “every hot influencer in Melbourne” there, along with US rapper YG who put on a private show for guests.

Mia Fevola, Jordan De Goey, James Hachem, Tommy Bugg, Sam Guggenheimer, Jasmine Tavares, Hannah Dalsasso, and Shaun Wilson and Tess Shanahan"

Is that our a Thomas Bugg who we had for 10 min??

Re: Halloween....

Reply #1
The old ghost house in Toorak, the other half of bought it didnt he?
Bugg the Thug more infamous for decking Callum Mills behind play, dont think we missed much when he retired early.
Halloween is just commercial American BS  at its worst and I cant believe we give it anytime in mini america once known as Ozstralia. Just shows you how much American culture has wormed its way into our culture and not for the better Imho.
Influencers need to get a real job and stop using/rorting vulnerable, lonely and gullible online viewers looking for direction in their life...just Parasites.

Re: Halloween....

Reply #2
The old ghost house in Toorak, the other half of bought it didnt he?
Bugg the Thug more infamous for decking Callum Mills behind play, dont think we missed much when he retired early.
Halloween is just commercial American BS  at its worst and I cant believe we give it anytime in mini america once known as Ozstralia. Just shows you how much American culture has wormed its way into our culture and not for the better Imho.
Influencers need to get a real job and stop using/rorting vulnerable, lonely and gullible online viewers looking for direction in their life...just Parasites.
Agree, can't stand all the Halloween BS, just more US crap.
As for Bugg the Grub, retired early? We sacked him for stealing our membership list details for use in his private business didn't we?
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Halloween....

Reply #3
Agree, can't stand all the Halloween BS, just more US crap.
As for Bugg the Grub, retired early? We sacked him for stealing our membership list details for use in his private business didn't we?
There were rumors  about Bugg , think he stated he wanted to further his business interests which included online bikini models.....

Re: Halloween....

Reply #4
As much as I agree, I think the Halloween thing is here to stay.
Decorations were in the shops for weeks before the event.

There was a huge crowd for the Halloween street parade here in bayside Queensland.

Shops were giving away lollies by the bucket load.
...and that was on Saturday, two days before the 'trick or treaters' backed it up on the actual Halloween day.

Re: Halloween....

Reply #5
Gold Coast nowadays aren’t you Lods…?
It’s a sad thing when the best of the Gold Coast is you and Wazza Capper… it’s a cesspit in my humble opinion, Halloween seems strangely fitting.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: Halloween....

Reply #6
Gold Coast nowadays aren’t you Lods…?
It’s a sad thing when the best of the Gold Coast is you and Wazza Capper… it’s a cesspit in my humble opinion, Halloween seems strangely fitting.

A bit further North NB. We live in the Cleveland area of Brisbane. It's on the Bay  not far from Wynnum- Manly. It's a nice residential area....very different from the Gold Coast. We've moved up here to watch the grandkids grow.

The only problem is you cant go out during day light hours because of the heat..or maybe that's the vampire kicking in. :D

Re: Halloween....

Reply #7
I think Principal LODS is right, this Yank commercial cr@p is here to stay. If it's commercially viable even profitable, it'll spread like an unwanted rash.

Nice part of the world, LODS. I have friends in Manly (Qld) and liked it when I visited last many moons ago... but I just couldn't live up there, too damn hot & humid. As for the Gold Coast, I think others have summed up that plastic joint rather nicely.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Halloween....

Reply #8
Its a bit of fun.  You dress up, the kids get lollies, some houses around mine here in Greensborough go all out and decorate like its Christmas.

The alternative is fine, but whats life without whimsy?
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Halloween....

Reply #9
Halloween is the Christianised takeover of the pagan Samhain festival and the pumpkin carving (originally turnips) and trick or treating have been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.  Yes, it’s commercialised but what isn’t these days.

The only problem I have is that it’s the wrong time of the year to celebrate Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere.  We should be celebrating Beltane on 1 Nov and Samhain on 1 May.

As Thry says, it’s a bit of family fun and where’s the harm in that.

And, getting back to Townsend’s post, does anyone know someone who was influenced by an “influencer”?
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Halloween....

Reply #10
Halloween is the Christianised takeover of the pagan Samhain festival and the pumpkin carving (originally turnips) and trick or treating have been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.  Yes, it’s commercialised but what isn’t these days.

The only problem I have is that it’s the wrong time of the year to celebrate Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere.  We should be celebrating Beltane on 1 Nov and Samhain on 1 May.

As Thry says, it’s a bit of family fun and where’s the harm in that.

And, getting back to Townsend’s post, does anyone know someone who was influenced by an “influencer”?
Plenty of people get influenced, there called suckers and places like YouTube provide a steady income by allowing them to ply their BS.i know a kid who makes 300k a year, drives a Tesla, new home and gives financial advice on how to invest, he is a uni dropout with no qualifications who signs people up to his courses then provides BS info you can get for nothing on websites and he isn't the only one.

Re: Halloween....

Reply #11
Plenty of people get influenced, there called suckers and places like YouTube provide a steady income by allowing them to ply their BS.i know a kid who makes 300k a year, drives a Tesla, new home and gives financial advice on how to invest, he is a uni dropout with no qualifications who signs people up to his courses then provides BS info you can get for nothing on websites and he isn't the only one.

Never give a sucker an even break... WC Fields I believe.

Where there's a market ripe for exploitation, you'll find opportunists and suckers. But there are many layers... as 3 Leos and Principal LODS point out, it's fun for communities and creates connection and joy, that is great. The kids and parents I saw roaming the streets and shops were just bloody happy. I joined in with one young girl pretending to be frightened by her spooky outfit, she played up to it, mum laughed.

But then another part of my brain pops up with concerns about getting hooked on sugar, then I'm wrapped that small businesses get a loot hit selling their sweets and costumes, then I wonder about those who exploit the day for greedy gains... Time to go outside, play with the dog, water the veggie garden and see what's new on Netflix.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Halloween....

Reply #12
Never give a sucker an even break... WC Fields I believe.

Where there's a market ripe for exploitation, you'll find opportunists and suckers. But there are many layers... as 3 Leos and Principal LODS point out, it's fun for communities and creates connection and joy, that is great. The kids and parents I saw roaming the streets and shops were just bloody happy. I joined in with one young girl pretending to be frightened by her spooky outfit, she played up to it, mum laughed.

But then another part of my brain pops up with concerns about getting hooked on sugar, then I'm wrapped that small businesses get a loot hit selling their sweets and costumes, then I wonder about those who exploit the day for greedy gains... Time to go outside, play with the dog, water the veggie garden and see what's new on Netflix.

A couple in our district tried handing out small gifts, books etc rather than lollies.  They were abused and had their house egged.  They now hide and pretend to be not at home when the trick or treaters call. 
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Halloween....

Reply #13
I keep hearing how it’s a “traditional celebration”
It may be but not in Oz.
Never existed here 45 years ago, it’s an import.
Unless we’ve had a rise of religious types in our midst…?
Let’s go BIG !

Re: Halloween....

Reply #14
I'm not a fan of small kids going around to random houses knocking on doors begging for lollies.
You just don't know who or what is behind the door and what danger exists with what they are given.