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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 447167 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5565
How is that fake?
I suppose it depends if what he all that he films is real or artificially orchestrated.

I believe it was alleged or exposed that he or someone connected to him was actually facilitating some events, creating their own news as it were, which is a tad ironic!

I suppose, everyone has agendas, are all agendas equal?
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5566
Through Berejiklian and now Dominic Perrottet, NSW is beating the trail for Australia because no matter what the COVID-free states might believe, they are behind, not ahead, on the path out. One day, they will have to exit by the same door. Their great advantage is time, and they are squandering it by not forcing the pace of vaccination.
I'm not sure, and I'm not omnipotent, but that last sentence seems to be a direct contradiction of the articles general conclusion.

I would have thought compulsory vaccination is effectively forcing the pace of vaccination, and it looks to be working! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5567
Interesting thoughts on Chris Uhlmann in Crikey.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5568
Interesting thoughts on Chris Uhlmann in Crikey.
Regardless of his political of social bent, when publishing an article it pays to be referentially self-consistent.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5569
I suppose it depends if what he all that he films is real or artificially orchestrated.

I believe it was alleged or exposed that he or someone connected to him was actually facilitating some events, creating their own news as it were, which is a tad ironic!

I suppose, everyone has agendas, are all agendas equal?

I watched him live on youtube for about 10 minutes one morning (There was hardly anyone there) and he was just walking around. He was asked about 5 times for his press ID in the short time I viewed. The police handcuffed and arrested a young asian woman who couldn't or wouldn't tell them why she was out. The police let some other guys (who actually looked like protestors) go after their ID checked out and they were told to put their masks on.

The footage was unedited.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5570
The footage was unedited.
No doubt, I never claimed all his work was staged.

It's a bit like a lie, get caught just once it throws everything into disregard, we sack politicians just being caught once, so that is the defacto standard for all public commentary. I'd be a hypocrite if I bagged News Ltd and didn't highlight such questions directed at independents as well.

Let's not forget, people watching him on Youtube earns him money, and money corrupts, he isn't doing this out of the good of his heart!

Perhaps even worse, he answers to nobody, not to a shareholder, not to a board, probably just his bank balance and conscience!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5571
Regardless of his political of social bent, when publishing an article it pays to be referentially self-consistent.
True. I also noted that paragraph when I read it. But remember he was really only addressing lockdowns and said nothing about vaccine mandates (and NSW imposed its vaccine mandate in the health sector before Victoria). Yet the article is apparently being cited as a criticism of vaccine mandates given that this is the issue du jour.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5572
I'm not sure, and I'm not omnipotent, but that last sentence seems to be a direct contradiction of the articles general conclusion.

I would have thought compulsory vaccination is effectively forcing the pace of vaccination, and it looks to be working! :o

It has pushed indecisive people over the line (3 contractors at work are getting it done today) but we have outcast "anti vaxxers". There is one antivaxxer at my work and he is one of the nicest blokes you could ever meet. A lot nicer than any of us in this thread lol and certainly not a neo nazi. He is taking a month off Long Service Leave hoping the mandate goes away.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5573
True. I also noted that paragraph when I read it. But remember he was really only addressing lockdowns and said nothing about vaccine mandates (and NSW imposed its vaccine mandate in the health sector before Victoria). Yet the article is apparently being cited as a criticism of vaccine mandates given that this is the issue du jour.
having worked in the industry, I know very well that articles like this, professional articles, are deliberately fashioned to be ambiguous, they are designed to capture as many people from both sides of the argument as possible and will discard credibility as part of doing that!

Interestingly, the internet has greatly reduced the quality of such commentary, because in the past the content passed through a phalanx of sub-editors and editors who would pick it apart, have it reviewed and revised, fact checked long before it hit the street. Now sometimes it's published isn't even passed over by the legal department and gets tagged as 'opinion' to avoid liability.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5574
MBB, I don’t think there’s a suggestion that anti-vaxxers are all neo-Nazis or even natural allies. The concern is that the neo-Nazis, alt-Right, and anti-vaxxers have promoted Covid-related protests as a recruiting tool. Your average Covid-vaccine-hesitant isn’t going to be attacking police or harassing health workers. For the committed anti-vaxxer, Covid vaccines are just another vaccine that pisses them off. The MMR vaccine is still front and centre.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5575
It has pushed indecisive people over the line (3 contractors at work are getting it done today) but we have outcast "anti vaxxers". There is one antivaxxer at my work and he is one of the nicest blokes you could ever meet. A lot nicer than any of us in this thread lol and certainly not a neo nazi. He is taking a month off Long Service Leave hoping the mandate goes away.

Thats roughly the description of the bloke I work with.

Married, 3 kids.  Naturapathic lifestyle, has sworn away all sorts of foods that dont agree with him, stays off sugar, doesnt smoke, doesn't really drink alcohol, believes in the healing power of dandelion tea, and the sun, takes his shoes and socks off whenever we are at a park.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5576
That's why vaccine mandates are so good. These 2 guys are lambs to the slaughter when it comes to Covid. Call me cynical, but naturopathic remedies would be as effective as crucifixes in warding off the Delta variant. Employers are then given motivation to redeploy them away from the front line. Not only do they benefit but the community does as well. Win-win.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5577
Ruskan is a mate of Avi Yemeni who draws plenty of heat from all areas of the community and authorities would see him as a problem child like AY.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5578
Crikey's take on the Real Rukshan: click HERE

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5579
MBB, I don’t think there’s a suggestion that anti-vaxxers are all neo-Nazis or even natural allies. The concern is that the neo-Nazis, alt-Right, and anti-vaxxers have promoted Covid-related protests as a recruiting tool. Your average Covid-vaccine-hesitant isn’t going to be attacking police or harassing health workers. For the committed anti-vaxxer, Covid vaccines are just another vaccine that pisses them off. The MMR vaccine is still front and centre.

We need a label for XR and ANTIFA.