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Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #15
OK, this transgender sh1te is going too far.

I was scoffed at on this forum when I suggested somewhere at some stage a B Grade male professional athlete would change gender to make a living out of their chosen career in a female comp.

Well I was wrong, it won't be just B Graders. Laurel Hubbard, a former NZ Mens weightlifting champion is cleaning up while competing as a woman in the Comm Games.

I'm calling it Bullsh1t!

Bad luck for Hannah Mouncey, I feel sorry for her, but she should not be allowed to make or supplement her living out of being a Professional Female Athlete!

Bring in the chromosome tests, they are now dirt cheap and unequivocal and can form part of an athletes Bio-Passport, I don't give a stuff about political correctness.

There was a Comm Games photo of the competitors in one of the weekly rags, it fair dinkum looked like Andre the Giant surrounded by a Melbourne Cup field of Jockeys!

Some of those poor girls have trained their whole sporting life for a crack at being a very distant second to a bloke!

It's Bullh!t, I call it Bullsh1t and it's gone too far! :o
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #16
OK, this transgender sh1te is going too far.

I was scoffed at on this forum when I suggested somewhere at some stage a B Grade male professional athlete would change gender to make a living out of their chosen career.

Well I was wrong, it won't be just B Graders. Laurel Hubbard, a former NZ Mens weightlifting champion is cleaning up while competing as a woman in the Comm Games.

I'm calling it Bullsh1t!

Bad luck for Hannah Mouncey, I feel sorry for her, but she should not be allowed to make or supplement her living out of being a Professional Female Athlete!

Bring in the chromosome tests, they are now dirt cheap and unequivocal and can form part of an athletes Bio-Passport

This has been going on for many years. Recall the Press sisters, Tamara and Irena? They were very successful Soviet  athletes in the 1960s with big question marks over their gender even at that time - before anyone had ever heard of 'transgender".
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #17
Laurel/Gavin snapped his arm.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #18
Laurel/Gavin snapped his arm.

I know, but it is still bullsh1t MBB, was that injury a snapped conscience!

Win or lose, Laurel/Laurie/Gavin whatever was a former male national champion!

I actually feel sorry for Laurel, because if that failed record attempt was a way out of the uncomfortable situation she found herself in then it sucks, because Laurel shouldn't have been put in that situation in the first place!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #19
This has been going on for many years. Recall the Press sisters, Tamara and Irena? They were very successful Soviet  athletes in the 1960s with big question marks over their gender even at that time - before anyone had ever heard of 'transgender".

Stella Walsh the 1932 Olympic 100 metre champion

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #20
I've got an idea for Levi!

Can we send a hat around to fund some silicone?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #21
I've got an idea for Levi!

Can we send a hat around to fund some silicone?

WTF are you on LP?  Perhaps you'd like to suggest that to Levi in person.  Of course, he is a very well balanced young man and would probably excuse your comments as the ravings of a troubled soul.

Two of my work colleagues underwent gender re-assignment and, based on their experiences, it's not something you would undergo just to have a more successful sporting career.

The fact of the matter is that gender is not binary but, like most things, is a gradation from one extreme to the other.  Those folk who fall in the middle, and who are wrongly categorised by doctors, family and/or physical appearance have every right to take whatever steps are necessary to correct nature's errors.

It's interesting that Caster Semenya is embraced by South Africans who can see beyond the physical manifestations of hyperandrogenism.  As Semenya explains, they call their approach "humanity".  
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #23
It's bullsh1t, plain and simple.

We are not talking about the average Joe who has some surgery and tries something new. These people are / were professional high level male athletes, who have switched and gone on to compete at the top of the female professional athletic spectrum against women who in some cases have dedicated and trained their whole life with a goal to compete at the highest level.

There are two sides to this argument, it's not all about Mouncey and Hubbard, don't the other sportswomen competitors deserve a voice and fair go? Shouldn't we be respecting their wishes and efforts that in some cases have lasted decades?

If just one career sporstwomen is displaced by Hubbard or Mouncey is it fair, will you tell that girl or woman her career is over, that she has been cut by a bigger and better model that happens to be a bloke no matter what suit they wear?

Heart, lungs, bones, muscles, size and strength are not re-assigned. Tell EB1 his girls have to go out on the AFLW or WNBA field and have a head clash with the skull of Hubbard or Mouncey? No matter what medicine does to make the chemistry appear female, they are still male!

If DJC digs them up in a thousand years and tests the DNA he'll report them as male remains!

The old moderate line, "Ask the girls, if they don't complain then everybody is happy" is also bullsh1t!

It's hypocrisy that the politically correct want the traditional athletes to come out in publicly complain before anything is done about it, knowing full well they'll be stoned by the radicals for speaking out! It's the old Judas argument, they want them to complain then be thrown on the fire for the privilege!

I suppose when young sportswomen start necking themselves because their life long dreams have been destroyed by the impossibility of competing with some of these transgender super-athletes the moderates will say she wasn't well!

Where is the balance in this debate, it seems to be all pro-transgender and bugger the sportswomen!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #24
Yeah, it's weak administrators who are too scared to act. 

If a female athlete, who has been female her entire life decides to pack some steroids leading up to a Comm, World champs, or Olympic games in a desperate attempt to grab that elusive Gold medal, she would be banned forthwith.....for a long time.

But apparently it's OK for a male athlete (who's not been quite good enough at this level of competition) who's been a bloke for 35 years to make a decision to allow them to compete in the womens competition in an attempt to grab a Gold medal.....then that's OK.

It's rubbish.  Extremely lucky that their injury maintained the integrity of the competition in this case.......but for how long ?  Someday someone else, not quite good enough for Mens comp, but with that Gold Medal obsession, will make a similar decision with the express intent of winning an Olympic Gold.....and do so.... then the you know what will hit the fan.

Life is pain....... anyone who says differently is selling something.

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #25
WTF are you on LP?  Perhaps you'd like to suggest that to Levi in person.  Of course, he is a very well balanced young man and would probably excuse your comments as the ravings of a troubled soul.

Two of my work colleagues underwent gender re-assignment and, based on their experiences, it's not something you would undergo just to have a more successful sporting career.

The fact of the matter is that gender is not binary but, like most things, is a gradation from one extreme to the other.  Those folk who fall in the middle, and who are wrongly categorised by doctors, family and/or physical appearance have every right to take whatever steps are necessary to correct nature's errors.

It's interesting that Caster Semenya is embraced by South Africans who can see beyond the physical manifestations of hyperandrogenism.  As Semenya explains, they call their approach "humanity".

DJC I think things are getting a bit out of hand regarding trans.

People cannot change their gender.

If they were born hermaphrodite or in semenya's case a little bit of both, then these people aren't actually trans and it's an insult to them to call them so.

The non binary terminology is not healthy.  Man and woman are not at ends of a spectrum.  We are too similar for that to be anything but rhetoric.   Males experience the same set of emotions that females do, and vice versa.   The only point of difference is our biology.  Granted in a minute number, statistically represented as outliers, biology has created a bit of a grey area but most of these trans people wear a gender like we wear clothing and it's true that everyone feels genuinely uncomfortable about elements of their physiology at one point or another which will result in a few false trans people.

I can appreciate that people might not agree with what I have to say, but I think people need to understand that they wear a persona and cannot change the unchangeable surgery or not. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #26
It's rubbish.  Extremely lucky that their injury maintained the integrity of the competition in this case.......but for how long ?  Someday someone else, not quite good enough for Mens comp, but with that Gold Medal obsession, will make a similar decision with the express intent of winning an Olympic Gold.....and do so.... then the you know what will hit the fan.

I find it somewhat ironic that people believe doing a transition would be over the top and out of the question for anyone, like humans have some sort of common natural limit to how far they will go!

I'm not claiming this will become widespread, but even one taking a loophole to an extreme is too much in my opinion. It's a situation that can destroy a legitimate athletes whole career!

This isn't a debate about the equality of a bunch of kids playing in a kindergarten sandpit, but that seems analogous to the argument many trans-gender proponents take! The argument that we are all the same, and we should play together nicely! That vision of physical gender equality is Hollywood rubbish, there are no female detectives bashing groups of Hell's Angel in real life for a very good reason!

So I'm assuming that DJC's argument is based on the assumption that if the AFLW girls start earning million dollar wages there will never be a Casboult prepared to make the switch! History as well as common sense laughs at the suggestion that won't happen!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #27
Good luck to her, but imagine what would happen to someone like little Georgia Gee if she was standing under a hospital handball and Mouncey was charging through. Lawsuit waiting to happen.

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #28
Hannay Mouncey almost gave up entire footy dream after star’s backlash

HANNAH Mouncey has hit out at footy legend Chris Judd for his outspoken criticism of her admission to the AFLW.

The transgender footballer was sensationally blocked from registering for the 2017 AFLW Draft following an AFL backflip.

Judd was vocal supporter of the decision, following concern from officials that Mouncey would have had a physical advantage that would have been unfair on the other female competitors.

“It’s an issue that’s got to be tackled with sensitivity because of the personal journey the transgender community goes through which is something we’ll forever find hard to understand,” Judd said on Channel 9’s Footy Classified two weeks ago.

“That doesn’t mean that it should change the fairness of women’s sport or potentially the safety if you’re playing a contact sport.

“Purely, the level of testosterone that transgender women grow up with for 20-plus years puts them at a distinct advantage to put down muscle bulk, create power that other females athletes don’t have and I think the AFL were right in not allowing Hannah to play in the AFLW.”

Mouncey has held back from responding to Judd, but on Monday revealed the toll his comments took on her.

It came as the 28-year-old confirmed she will play in the VFLW with the Darebin Falcons this season and will again consider nominating for the AFLW draft in 2018.

However, the outspoken comments surrounding her VFLW season almost convinced her to give up the sport. 

“The fact my AFLW draft issue was brought up again on Footy Classified, and the comments Chris Judd made with absolutely no understanding whatsoever of the situation, really did have more of an impact on me than it otherwise might have before,” Mouncey wrote in a column for Players Voice.

“In isolation it probably wouldn’t have mattered. But after everything that had gone on regarding the AFLW draft — and had subsequently died down — having people talking about it again was enough to tip me from wanting to play, to not.

“You take it with a grain of salt but, after a while, it does wear you down. When you hear so many people talking absolute rubbish about a situation they know nothing about, you eventually get pretty bloody sick of it.

“Some people are not willing to listen to the facts. You’re being attacked just for the sake of it.”

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Hannah Mouncey

Reply #29
Hannay Mouncey almost gave up entire footy dream after star’s backlash

I thought Judd dealt with the situation as reasonably and fairly as he could, Judd spoke the truth isn't the truth allowed anymore?

What are "The Facts" Mouncey refers to, that she wasn't a professional male athlete prior to re-assignment!

Like I posted once before, this isn't a case of kids playing fair in the kindergarten sand pit, Mouncey is obviously only considering her perspective. But if a lifelong born female athlete, or even one who transitioned pre-adolesence, is de-listed, overlooked, replaced or injured in a collision by a mature age re-assigned athlete like Mouncey how is that in anyway fair?

How about we stand the human rights lawyers in a line and launch a range of AFLW players including Mouncey at them from a trebuchet in the best Monty Pyhton style. Let's see who they prefer catching or hitting them! We can have the lawyers draw straws to see which player they get, and monitor the facial expressions of those who do or don't get Mouncey!

I'm sure Julian Burnside will voluntarily chose Mouncey to prove his point, that he's possibly a highly regarded moron. Cynics of lawyers would say he makes the choice knowing he cannot catch, I myself would take a potential collision with Georgia Gee whether I can catch or cannot!

I'm obviously not as sensitive about this situation as Judd! ;D

Mouncey playing VFLW or AFLW is just a politically correct can of worms, and completely unfair to the existing female athletes regardless of Mouncey's ability!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"