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Topic: Stuff Apple get Amazon (Read 2468 times) previous topic - next topic
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Stuff Apple get Amazon

OK, a different topic.

Some of you will be aware of the controversy regarding the proposed Apple Store to built in Melbourne's CBD. In a district that was previously allocated for arts, community and entertainment it seems a odd fit.

But if the city council is going to allow this area to become heavily commercialized, then why go half-arsed about it. I'd boot Apple and court Amazon to build a major secondary headquarters there instead! Jeff Bezos is a much better fit for the direction Australia wants to head in than Apple selling us yet another version of the same thing!

Leave the vacuous bling to Sydney and instead fill Melbourne with some substance!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: Stuff Apple get Amazon

Reply #1
Arts, community and entertainment?

It's mostly restaurants. And not very good ones.

I couldn't care less. Fed square is s a monstrosity in it's current form and anything either apple or amazon did would be an improvement.

Whoever was on the council that approved that hideous building ought to be hunted for sport.