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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2686
Remember, he warned that if Biden were elected, the Dow would crash. I guess he’d argue that Biden didn’t win and he did  ::)

Without attributing markets to any one person, place, animal or thing, the current rally on the back of middling vaccine news is doomed to fail.


They have become very forward looking on the back of the recent Vax news.  The ASX has well and truly gone into lift off.

I expect a correction will occur when the news drops on the back of how quickly vax can actually be given and become effective.  This is way too quick an economic recovery given the headwinds.

When you see current values so far above the moving averages its destined for a pull back.

Donnie can say what he likes about the Dow, but if you really want to see lift off, the stimulus package that they are waiting for will really kick it along.

So far, this is all shot in the arm stuff (so to speak) and economic foundations are very flaky currently.

Before anyone thinks to tell me otherwise, I started my investment journey in April/May, and bought my last couple of stocks about 4 weeks ago.

I am on paper ahead 20% and am looking at it, and thought my best case scenario had me here in about 12 months time.

I am even contemplating whether or not to jump out and back in on some of the ones I have bought because I see a massive correction on the news.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2687
The big boys are cashed up and mopping up heavily discounted commercial properties all over the country, perhaps Barangaroo will become the biggest of them all!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2688
Of course there is one other desperate measure open to Donny to somehow miraculously retain power, should he be diabolical enough - pick a fight with China and see it escalate to military exchanges. I bet he's thought about it.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2689
Wouldn’t help him. Even FDR has to front up to an election in 1944 even though the US was locked in a war in both Europe and Japan. If Trump starts a war, it’ll be prosecuted by the military rather than Trump, so replacing Trump on 20 Jan would be no biggie. It’s not as though Trump would be in a bunker like Hitler was, poring over battleplans and taking charge of the campaign. At least Hitler had experience as a soldier. Trump used Trumped-up claims of heel spurs to get him out of serving in Vietnam. Just think of the brilliant schemes Trump would dream up; we saw how brilliant he can be when he suggested injecting disinfectant and dropping nuclear bombs on hurricanes.

PS: Interesting fact: General Douglas MacArthur was a candidate to be the Republican nominee to challenge FDR in the 1944 while serving as the Supreme Commander of the Pacific Forces. Dewey romped away in the Wisconsin Primary and that was that. But how does a General in wartime run against the sitting Commander-in-Chief?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2690
Thanks David, bet it's beautiful in your part of the world today... sensational on the Island.

I wish they'd reported on Donny's response to the question of him pardoning himself from one of the journos. Would have been fascinating.

His media conference today was fascinating... 1 minute of how he and his administration has created the best ever Dow... though others are reporting the strong Dow is due to Biden's cabinet, especially their liking of the finance woman, who is apparently deeply respected by financial markets and gurus. Does his narcissism know no bounds... a rhetorical question of course.

Beautiful here today Baggers even if I spoiled it a little by burning off.

Now that I know that the POTUS will be off like a piece of cheese in January, I can have a chuckle at his bizarre language and inability to grasp concepts that a sixth grader would be all over.  However, I still have concerns that he will cause another calamity before he’s shown the door.

I suspect that Biden will give him a pardon but he will still be hounded through the courts for years to come.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2691
The pardoning thing is a bit dicey.
Can he pardon himself...seems a bit of a grey area...and opinion seems to favor a  'no'
Could he resign tomorrow and have President Pence pardon him?
Does a pardon apply  to legal actions across the board...criminal and civil?

I think the pardoning thing has been covered by others, but i think its as much about Immunity rather than a pardon.
With immunity he can't be charged.
A pardon is generally done after charges stick.....but not always as has been pointed out.
A pardon still does imply guilt in most peoples minds, whereas immunity does less so.

Either way, i reckon trump will take anything he can just not sure if he will get offered anything.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2692
The POTUS has pardoned Michael Flynn; predictable but perhaps not to the POTUS's advantage; Flynn is now not covered by the 5th amendment and could be required to answer questions that may implicate others.

It also seems that pardons can be voided if corrupt ...
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2693
On the low standard of proof used by Trump and his cronies when it comes to their own conspiracy theories (it feels like something’s going on & critics have to disprove them), there’s no doubt Trump pardoning Flynn and others after dangling pardons at a time they might testify against him was corrupt. But proving that in a court of law would be next to impossible. Ironically, he would then demand that type of conspiracy be proved beyond reasonable doubt by introducing cogent and admissible evidence. Hypocritical much?

Some suspected that Nixon did a deal with Ford that Ford would pardon him if he resigned. Ford rejected that accusation vehemently. He relied on a telephone call he made to Nixon in the presence of 2 witnesses in which he told Nixon he wouldn’t guarantee a pardon. Unless Trump and his lawyers are complete idiots (and that’s possible), Trump will have made sure he has plausible deniability.


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2694
The Oligarchy that run the states wouldnt have rubber stamped Trumps presidency if they didnt want him privy to enough information that could bring down the lot.

He will get away with everything he is being accused of, unless they dont want him to, and in the process he will cause more trouble for them than its worth and they know it.

For anyone who thinks that he will actually face any adversity, they are in for a bit of dissapointment IMHO.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2695
NY ain’t going to pull any punches. Saying he’s going to withhold vaccines from NY shows he expects the NY prosecutors will keep on investigating.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2697
There was an estimate based on current infection rates, that delivering the same Trump style treatment regime to the infected percentage of the US population would cost US$4.5T, ($4,500,000,000,000)   .............. sure they were all getting it, ............. and vaccines are a waste of money! ::)

Trump offered $5B for exclusive US access to the vaccine, he knew exactly what COVID costs yet politically he chose to claim treatment was effective. His actions did not match his words yet his followers seem/are oblivious to the reality!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2698
In some ways, Covid is perfect for Trump’s base. It is far more deadly to black and brown people and the poor. White supremacists must think it was heaven-sent by their (White) God.

Even the poor and elderly amongst Trump’s base would focus on the harm it’s doing to those “others” rather than on the risks Covid poses to them.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2699
Been thinking....
I wonder what secret stuff Presidents really get told once they assume power. :D
...and what would cause one who's a bit of a loose cannon to reveal where the aliens are really buried. ;D