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Messages - Mantis

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 16 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Richmond
Another win and another step forwards to lock in a top 4 spot. We need a top 4 finish, no matter what. Our best is great but there are still a few lose ends in the team. Some fine tuning to do to be elite. I just hope injures don’t kill this season. Keep banking the 4 points every game. If we continue to get over the line. Keep up the hard work boys. Keep digging deep.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 16 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Richmond
I have little concern to how the AA team is selected and which one or maybe two players make the cut. I would rather see us have minimal players selected as AA and win a flag. We are second on the ladder and absolutely looking as the second best side in the league. Natural assumptions would be to have multiple players in for AA selection. Maybe we are a well balanced side with few stand outs. I heard a long time ago that a team of champions doesn’t always make a championship team. Balanced efforts across every position holds for a better result. This might be close to the weakest side Richmond will send out on the park against us for quite a few years. Better we not drop our guard in this one. Is Lynch a definite in or out? Limited fire power without him. Less than 6 goal victory to us would actually be disappointing. Let me hope injures are not a consequence of this game. How have we carried the season with more than enough injuries and still stacked up so many wins?
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 16 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Richmond
Don’t take this team for granted and have a loss. Don’t show them any mercy. Surely if you can beat the cats by a healthy margin, a game against the Tigers at this point in time is a percentage booster. Logic would say this is what should happen. Then again, since when has logic been something to rely on. Just win the f#$king thing.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: State Elections
Well, with all we have just seen I am guessing Hitler can justify the Nobel Peace Prize. His future generations could. For all the hard work he did killing people. So Dan Andrews gets an award for what exactly? Hotel debacle with many lives lost and no accountability. Largest world wide lock downs and curfews during the covid period that didn’t really make a magical impact on public health. Blowing all our tax paying money to put this state in dept more so than the three other states in Australia. Commonwealth Games screw up which must have cost us at least $620 million. Land tax which will force many home owners to sell their investment properties which will put pressure on the government to create more public housing. What exactly is he being rewarded for again? I nearly lost my ability to earn my way to feed myself three times during his reign and took a 25% pay cut to keep my head above water over nearly 10 years of Dan in power.

Make your own mind up. Don’t listen to me . I had my mother die from heart failure and listed as death via covid. She was sick for more than a year in hospital and covid was the last of her problems.  Dan is a legend. He has found a way to f@#k everyone over without anyone knowing what is going on. Now the powers that can do so award him with a medal and an award for his work. F@#k you Dan. You might be in a position to think I am not a strong follower of Dan Andrews. I will not say anymore.

Worst thing was that it was a case of dumb and dumber. We really had no chance.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
Fortunately (as it turned out) missed the game last night. Agree with PaulP, need to just wipe this game and move on.
The next 3 weeks against GC, Port and the Don's suddenly season defining.
The group especially the leaders need to take stock, reset and come out with purpose next week. What happens above the shoulders will be the key. A bit of luck with injuries will help also!

I think the Cats follow this challenge of some difficult competition. 4 games that could go either way. It sucks that we have had so many injuries early in this season. We could easily be in the top 4 if football fortunes were on our side. I hope we don’t lose Cripps, Walsh and Weitering in the period while other players do return. There would almost be no leadership left in the remaining group. I hope the guys can protect them and give them a chop out on the park. I hope we find players to fill their shoes in the future.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
I never got a chance to see the game, but by the result it looks like it was quite an embarrassing effort and performance. I agree with those here that fear the similar slump losing multiple games in a row last season. If it happens again I have doubts we could win 9 out of 10 to finish the season well. Did the players look completely lost with confidence and belief? Did they just give up? Our next 4 games could all potentially be lost.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
I still have serious doubts we can get over the line against a well drilled unit like the Swans. With less injuries it might be a yes we can and will. I can only hope they don’t recover well from the long travel to have played the Dockers. Them being way too confident with their start so far and being a little too complacent when we hit the ground against us. Expecting to pencil the win in for them before the first centre bounce. They are way too professional a unit for all of this to happen. I might just pray for the Fremantle curse. Otherwise I think I have nothing or little hope.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
I wasn’t confident about our clash with Melbourne and expected us to lose. With what will be available in our list, I am even less confident that we will win this one against Sydney. Even though we beat both sides in the finals last season, and just got over the line last week against the Demons. I just hope they don’t belt us. I hope we don’t get more injuries to worry about fighting to stay in the game. I might pray to the footy gods.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 9 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Melbourne
I didn’t see this one coming. I thought after the finals last year that Melbourne would win with sheer will and beat us by a few goals. Being at work I kept checking the scores. Keeping Melbourne to no score and 5 goals up in the first quarter made me so happy. Still up at half time by the same time made me even more excited. I didn’t have a chance to check the score until the game was finished. To win by a single point must have been nail biting to watch. Take the 4 points and bank them. Next match against Sydney could be an even more difficult contest. Even though we did beat them the last time we played which was in the finals. Much will depend on who is available. Not happy to hear Cerra is injured again. I hope injuries don’t give us problems though the next few weeks. One point. One point. That will hurt the Melbourne football club and their supporters.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Domestic violence and why the government will struggle to attention the problem.
My house is now unconditional with the sale and I have less worry about that part of my life. I got to a point that I was over 20 years of age. I hooked up with a girl and we started seeing each other. We had a moment when she came to visit me and she always greeted my dad at the front door. We had a night when he had enough of a stranger sleeping the night in my bedroom which was his house, and he kicked us out onto the street. I slept the night at her parents house and they offered me somewhere to live until we sorted the family situation out.

I saw mum every two days at the family home while dad was at work. I refused to come back to live there. Even if it left mum and my sister with dad alone. After 2 weeks I offered my mum several thousand dollars to help her get her and my sister out of the house. She had a part time job but most of the money the family used for expenses was in an account in dads name. She finally agreed to moved with my help and to repay every cent I would give her to move. We planned the day well and I rented a removal truck and came to the house after dad left for work. We packed everything very quickly and left. Mum had a rental organised with the money I gave her and paid for 4 months really rent in advance. She had enough left over to eat and pay all the bills for at least 4 months. She immediately saw a solicitor and filed for a formal separation. She was able to get several thousands of dollars in advance and the balance of a separation settlement to be paid months later. A year later she bought a sh1ty flat in Dandenong where she and my sister moved into to live. We all stayed in touch and visited each other regularly. I eventually married and eventually had two daughters of my own. I bought my own house and my sister got together with a friend I knew for years and they bought a house of their own.

This was now the new family that dad was isolated from. My sister was forced to visit her dad by my mum, as mum thought it was the right thing to do. Not a real connection but visiting to show something. She showed photos of my family and house and her house and it finally hit home. Dad finally saw what he was missing. Living all alone with no family around him. All while we have moved on to a better life. Years later mum got very sick in her late 70’s. She ended up dying from heart failure. She was sick for 18 months and spent 12 of those months in hospital. She ended up dying in her own house. After my sister and I discharged her from hospital for the last time. We gave her her last wish. We promised to look after each other forever. We all came to the funeral and Dad came also for support. Even though it made me sick in my stomach I didn’t create any bad feelings between us. I just refused to come to see him or have him come to see me which he respected. I painted and cleaned the flat from arseh@le to ear. I changed the carpets. I replaced the Lino floors and all the light fittings. New cooktop , oven and a range hood. We sold the flat and split the proceeds under the inheritance conditions. We had over $110,000 each after costs to fix the place and pay for the funeral.

A few years later I went through a very nasty divorce. I was in a relationship with a narcissist for too many years. I was with a person that tried to control my entire life. Verbally aggressive for many years. I saw myself back to a natural pull to a person that takes control and runs my life. Like I had as a child with dad. I got out because this was going to be the end of me. My wife tried to run me into ruins in terms of financial stability. She tried to take everything. She poached almost $40,000 from an account that was my share of an inheritance from the death of my mother. Plus around $15,000 missing from our own family expense accounts. Not to worry as life goes on. My sister gave me a place to live to get back on my feet. At least a year. We made a promise to mum before she died that we would stand side by side and support each other in every way forever. After I moved out of my sisters house she decided to separate from her partner. She had options but I had a small 2 bedroom unit for her to move into with me. We spent 3 months looking for options for her while her separation settlement was sorted and I found by a chance a house and land package for her. She bought it and guess what? She had to move in with me for almost a year. Before the build was finished. We both engaged back with dad and he finally saw what family was all about. It brought tears to his eyes. The love that two siblings could offer each other that he missed for years. We got together for every Easter, Christmas,  Birthdays, and a simple excuse to eat KFC, what ever. He eventually became very sick man quite a few years later with lung cancer. Dad refused to consider this as any more than a government trying to take away his pension. We drove him from specialist to the next doctor appointment. For at least 8 months Multiple times a week. A lung cancer the size of the palm of your hand was evident with scans. He eventually accepted chemotherapeutic treatment and made huge improvements For around 5 months. Watching poor little children in the hospitals with the same problems. Little children with no hair. It made him sad. It made me sad also. Eventually his immune system dropped and he developed a infection in his lungs. He was hospitalised and had my sister and myself make a promise to him. We had to promise to him that we would help each other as real brother and sister until the day we die. Not a hard call considering we were as close as any other family members ever were. His infection was water on the lungs. He was gone in just 48 hours. His last day in hospital was on morphine just to reduce the pain. I had a last visit without knowing it would be the last and saw him like he was on his death bed. I was at work later that night and received the call when it all ended. He had died. I had so many sickening years with him. I also had years of joy with a man that was a different person. A man showing real love. Real care. Real remorse. Not by words, because he couldn’t say what he really thought. The way he should have treated the entire family for so many years. He changed his way of life and I experienced it. Many years later which in an ideal world would have been all our lives.  I was still sad and missed him. Why? Probably because he was the only father figure that I had ever experienced. One that was there. Good or bad. Just be there and be a role model. Not always a great role model but he did teach me many things.

Does offering some forgiveness mean anything? Great question. I can’t answer that. I did it whether right or wrong. Would mum roll over in her grave thinking about how I came back to the man that offered so much pain in our lives for so many years? Did I offer some closure? I don’t know. I just opened and opportunity to change. My sister is fine with it. She has a sense of relief. Maybe that is what is an end result. We are as tight as the tightest knot on this planet. Maybe this is what my parents wanted and needed. We my sister and myself do not share the same opinions, and not even close in any opinions. We do share the same life experience and we do share the same offer of support for each other no matter what.

I hope I haven’t offended any here. You are all good mates to me. I hope I haven’t brought something to you that you have never experienced. If so then I hope you can learn that some things in life are real. It does exist. You should not be immune to the reality of life. I haven’t made this life story worse than it really was. In fact it was probably worse than I could explain all the details. I am happy to always answer any questions. Some of them I might be hesitant on initially. I am so glad so many have been empathetic. I am happy to share my empathy with any experienced issues you may have or have had. It was a very hard story to tell. Let me tell you that. However I really feel that I have had more therapy from this than I have ever had from professionals in the field in the past 30 years ago. Please feel free to PM me or ask for my phone number to speak to me in the future if you see the same issue in your life or the life of friends.  I am the best ears you will ever enjoy.

I will not judge. I will not give advice without offering opportunities to seek help. If I can help there I will be the first to seek options. Just remember one thing that I was taught years ago. Fear isn’t weakness or failure. Fear is fear. It is a feeling. It is a part of what you are experiencing. How you react is what makes you as a person and it determines the rest of your life as a potential result. Don’t fight fire with fire. Water might be the best way to put the fire out. Think about it. Not text book theory. I actually feel so much better about this story than I have for years. I still love my mum. I still love my stepdad even though the early years were tough. I will always love my sister no matter what. Unconditional love. I will also never forget one important thing. I will never forget to love myself. I know that I am not great in the eyes of many. I just need to be great in my own mind and love myself. If I can’t do that then I will never have real self respect. My remaining family will be my future. Love you all to bits on this site. I hope I haven’t offended any or horrified by o many too much I hope it helps some learn something from other experiences. Thanks for your nice thoughts. My empathy is always there on anything any of you have as a life problem in life no matter what. Anything.

Big green stick going to bed but always here in some form.
Blah-Blah Bar / Domestic violence and why the government will struggle to attention the problem.
Domestic violence is something coming up in the news lately and for a long time. My opinion is the government will fail to address the problem due to a lack of true understanding of what it actually means and how it has an effect on individuals and an entire family. Especially the children. I repeat, especially the children. It should not be a mistake that it it considered to be men abusing women. It works both ways. Even though it might be more of an issue with men abusing or killing women, it is a two way street. Women can be very dangerous with verbal abuse and physical violence. Many times involving knives and other chosen weapons. I have witnessed this first hand multiple times in my life. Pause for a short moment and get yourself comfortable with a box of tissues and I am not happy to vent my life experience, but if it helps people understand what happens behind closed doors it might allow people to understand real fear and why victims act the way they do.

My mother came to this country back in 1968. She was pregnant and expecting a child literally 4 months after landing in this country. She was married and her husband sent her here to start a life while he settled some family issues before he was to come from Croatia to join her here in Australia. She lived in a bungalow with other Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian people new to the country. After giving birth she got a job and tried to get her life in order. Her husband never returned her mail. Never answered any communications. It became obvious to her that she would be left alone here in a new country with minimal money and not a great deal of support.

She then met my future step father by chance and they began a relationship. He offered to help her get a rental and help her find her feet. She was overwhelmed with joy. They lived in a rental for 2 years and he offered her to join him in the ownership of a house and live together as a family. Everything was great. While they would argue over small trivial things at times it was only verbal frustrations most families would experience. A few years later she was pregnant again and expecting a daughter to her new defacto partner. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter and life was about to get better. I was around 5 years of age at the time and very excited. Suddenly things started going pear shaped.

I would talk to dad (he was the only dad figure to me and we got on really well), and I asked him why he had a different last name to me and my mother. He said I was what would translate into English as a whores bastard. I was too young to understand what that was. I then asked mum what that was and she explained but insisted I tell her where I heard this term. She had suspected dad said it to me. She confronted him about it after he got home from work the following day as to why you would suggest or call your son this term. He absolutely exploded in rage and claimed I was never his son and never will be. He has a real daughter and doesn’t need me or my mother anymore. She started packing her bags. She said she will never stay in a house where she wasn’t respected or their son. He dragged her into the house by the hair up 4 or 5 steps leading to the front door. Then locked the door. I was stuck locked outside. I have never heard a woman or person scream so much in my life. I heard smashing glass. Loud banging on walls and continuous yelling. Her screaming made me wet my pants. I thought she would die. I sat in the front yard shivering with fear. Not that he would hurt or kill me. The silence in the house made me think my mum was dead. The same might have been with my sister. The door opened and he yelled at me. “Come here”. “ Help the whore clean up my house”. He looked at me from close proximity and said “ if you open your big mouth again this will be the same for you”. I walked in the house and in the kitchen my mother was sitting on the floor shivering with fear. Blood covering the floor beneath her, blood on the walls, and 3 white items on the floor that I picked up. It was her broken teeth. Mum and I cleaned the house and I shivered the whole time for at least an hour and a half. I wet my pants again. I was really scared at what this beast could do. Imagine what he could do to me? Mum was petite. Only 55kg. At my age I was lucky to weigh 25kg. How do you fight a 120kg beast of a full grown man?

A month went by and everything went back to part normal but not really normal. We had some visitors from interstate come to see us. For a long weekend. Mum cooked and cleaned and had some evidence of bruising to her eye. The visitors kept asking how this injury took place. The interrogation of questioning came to a point that mum lashed out and said ask him, pointing to my dad. He walked over to her an punched her so hard in the face that she had the biggest black eye I have ever seen. Her eye was instantly closed not even seeing a slit. The visitors got up, and packed their belongings and set off back home. Dad gave mum an myself that look. The look of you are finished. Once they left, we were both in real trouble. Mum, my sister and myself hide in the spare bedroom. Dad came back after a couple of hours. He found us. He took my sister which was his daughter to his bedroom and put her to bed. He then came into the bedroom with us with a rolling pin and we both copped a complete beating. Like you would see in the movie “Once were Warriors “.

This never ended. We would see 2 to 3 weeks for the moment to settle, but mum would open her big mouth again and we would experience a moment where she would say stop being an idiot and shut the gate otherwise the kids will run out onto the streets. Dad didn’t like someone challenge his thought process. He walked from the rear yard into the house and could see trouble starting again. Scared like anything I threatened to kill him with a butter knife in my hands. Shivering with complete fear. He picked me up and threw me through the front yard lounge window. When mum came in to protect her son, he slammed her into the wall. I ran onto the house and he was stomping on her head. I thought she was dead again. Blood everywhere. I ran like I have never run before out of the house. I had no idea where I was going. I guess it was just to get out of there. I am getting sick of the blood. The clean up. The living with fear. This went on month after month. For 22 years with mum and myself having more broken teeth and broken bones that you can’t imagine. This had to end. I had to be selfish. I had to start a new beginning. If I didn’t leave, the rest would live in a safe space. My sister was fine. She was the daughter. However the remaining family members weren’t. My memory of being hit by a hammer or a piece of steel was not something new. Hence why I thought why did we endure so much?

No real support. No family or friends to accept am knew life. A new beginning. Sure back 30 plus years ago it didn’t exist. These were once or twice a month violence activity at an extreme level. 3 or 4 times on what might be medium level. Fear of death. How many freak of death periods to the do young kids experience ever in life? Anxiety. I still don’t sleep at night without some weapon in close grasp. Why did I get exposed to this lifestyle? Why?  What will the government do to help the situation? Short term money to help. Short term housing. Everything shows a typical result. Coming back home without the ability to set themselves free. That is what my mother couldn’t do. Money talks and bullcrap walks. Long term money.