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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6930

Agree...Nurses still being sacked for not getting the booster.I know of three specialist nurses who had bad side effects from the second jab who refused the booster and were fired soon after. Stupid waste of talent and a waste of money given the training and experience they had.
@ElwoodBlues1 Makes even less sense when the science clearly shows the booster can any of the available vaccines.

Again, it is another case of politics and bureaucracy getting in the way of progress.

btw; The strong side-effects of the 2nd jab are it seems a known known for Pfizer / Moderna.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6931
Life under the chairman ... who now has had his powers extended (again) because of that deal struck with patten. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6932
Considering Vic and NSW state governments are seriously looking at dropping mandates for unvaxed with word being they will be allowed back into restaurant bars etc I wonder if the afl will also do a back flip.

Probably not as I’m there would have been a fair portion of players that got it when they didn’t really want to so would probably just cause them more issues.
No chance IMO.

It would be bad for the brand if some unvaxed player got covid and ended up in ICU.
Better to be safe than sorry

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6933
No chance IMO.

It would be bad for the brand if some unvaxed player got covid and ended up in ICU.
Better to be safe than sorry
Its interesting having been in hospital recently you find its the staff in the main who have come down with CoVid rather badly, the patients seem well looked after in that regard and handled with a safety first approach but when you talked to the nurses etc I was surprised at how many were agency fill ins or poached from other wards, other hospitals because of how many regulars had tested positive for CoVid.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6934

Agree...Nurses still being sacked for not getting the booster.I know of three specialist nurses who had bad side effects from the second jab who refused the booster and were fired soon after. Stupid waste of talent and a waste of money given the training and experience they had.

My wife is one who won’t get the booster because of how crook she was from her second jab. Been nearly 6 months and she is still affected.  And she is not on her own. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6935
Gee @shawny .... sure hope for her sake (and yours of course) that life gets back to where it should.  My best wishes to you.   :)

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6936
Ollie Wines joining the list of young people with heart issues. The Sunday footy show via Damian Barrett raised the alarming rise in heart issues and other side effects like Bells Palsy after having the 2nd dose of vaccine or booster shot. Matthew Loyd of course has just had a bad dose of Bells Palsy as has my daughter in law who has spent a week in hospital undergoing auto immune testing.
I'm not anti vax and have had my three shots but my heart issues were also only three weeks after the booster.
Imho there needs to be more investigation into the side effects and vaccine safety.
Medical testing prior to boosters should be available imo for those with family history and anti body level testing for Covid so those not needing boosters don't get them. All the best to Shawnys wife for a quick full recovery...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6937
Ollie Wines joining the list of young people with heart issues. The Sunday footy show via Damian Barrett raised the alarming rise in heart issues and other side effects like Bells Palsy after having the 2nd dose of vaccine or booster shot. Matthew Loyd of course has just had a bad dose of Bells Palsy as has my daughter in law who has spent a week in hospital undergoing auto immune testing.
I'm not anti vax and have had my three shots but my heart issues were also only three weeks after the booster.
Imho there needs to be more investigation into the side effects and vaccine safety.
Medical testing prior to boosters should be available imo for those with family history and anti body level testing for Covid so those not needing boosters don't get them. All the best to Shawnys wife for a quick full recovery...

Thanks EB and I totally agree with everything you say but don’t hold your breath thinking we will be getting any accurate side effect data anytime soon.

It’s not good for business.

All I know is I won’t be pushed with taking any booster and will wait and see the severity of the particular strain we are dealing with and will make a decision then.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6938
Don't let a coincidence detail your lives.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6939
I see the Sunday Footy Show has ventured into the medical field, pontificating about Lloyd's Bell's Palsy and Ollie Wines' health issues. Well, I shouldn't say pontificating because they just did the Donald Trump thing of saying people are asking questions.

I contracted Bell's Palsy too. In my case, it was years ago and I never figured out how that happened. Maybe SciFi is right and ripples in time went into the past caused by my booster.

And maybe that's what happened to Nathan Eagleton. Fit footballers don't collapse on field for no reason.

PS: Both Bell's Palsy and myocarditis have been associated with Covid infection too.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6940
Yes I've read quite a few Bell's Palsy R&D articles in recent years, and I believe Lloyd had it previously before the pandemic.

I had always thought that men and women were affected equally, but apparently when looking at age distribution I was surprised to read how common it is for younger women. Also it's under-diagnosed, the speculation is that many do not even realise they have had it as the symptoms and side-effects can be very mild and are usually not permanent, a twitchy feeling in an eyelid or eyebrow might be all people notice. There have been some suggestions contraceptive pills are also a contributing cause in young women, but these all seem to be correlation rather than causation, and the researchers pointed out that the same correlation could easily point to increasing sexual activity in adolescents and this might point to some commonly encountered viruses.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6941
When I had it, the first symptom was it changed my perceptions of taste: I was at a restaurant and I was p!55ed off that the meal I'd ordered had an overpowering taste of orange. The woman I was with tasted it and said there was no orange taste at all. Then later that night I woke up with the pillow case touching my eyeball. From there, my inability to close my eye was very obvious and I needed an eye patch and one side of my face including the corner of my mouth just dropped. The way the doctor explained it then was a facial nerve had died but it would regrow in time. I was warned, though, that sometimes the regrown nerves didn't connect correctly with the existing ones, like rewiring the electrics in a car and getting left and right indicators mixed up. An example, apparently, was the TV journalist Paul Lyneham who had a weird grimace when he tried to smile. Fortunately for me it all went back to normal.

While causation still seems to be a mystery, viruses seem to be a suspect. In my case, I hadn't had any flu or other virus AFAIK. Is there some virus which is asymptomatic other than initiating Bell's Palsy? Could those who have recently contracted Bell's Palsy have suffered breakthrough Covid infections that were asymptomatic other than initiating Bell's Palsy? As the mRNA vaccines don't contain live virus, would they even have the ability to kill facial nerves? What are the chances that an immune response generated by this vaccine would be so specific as to kill facial nerves and nothing else? It's all very speculative but very interesting all the same.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6942
I know some here are clinging desperately to the fact that the vaccines are perfect and cause no harm, but the fact of the matter is that there is anecdotal accounts of young fit and previously healthy people suddenly suffering bouts of myocarditis, and bells palsy in many walks of life.

I know one nurse who suffered Bells on her booster and is no longer allowed to work onsite even with the ATAGI exemption, and is reverting to booking patients through outpatient clinics.  I also know of a guy in his early 30's who ended up with myocarditis who was previously fit and healthy and was in the fitness industry and has a gym in his house at home.

I don't know enough about all of it to make a judgement either way, but trying to explain these things away as correlation serves no purpose.

Thing is, there is an economic reality to all of this.  The vaccine was pushed out, because someone would have had to perform a cost benefit analysis of pros and cons of getting vaccinated in gen pop, vs gen pop getting covid and requiring treatment.

That analysis will include, greater presenations in ICU, vs greater presentations in perceived side effects, vs cost of producing and implementation of vaccines vs not doing it in terms of outcomes for all at a general level.  This would not have been done using conservative numbers, but modelled on an aggressive form of the virus causing quite a lot of angst, which may or may not have come to fruition (hard to argue how it would have been here, vs 3rd world countries).

Someone in the know made those choices, and did so having to weigh up the fact that all of this isn't free and there is a bill to foot.  At some point, the percentages will be low enough to make the vaccinations the lesser of two evils.  The other being an unknown quantity to start with built on modelling.   This isnt to state that the process was corrupted, but just a plain old risk assessment using factors that may or may not have been true for all people.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6943
While causation still seems to be a mystery, viruses seem to be a suspect. In my case, I hadn't had any flu or other virus AFAIK. Is there some virus which is asymptomatic other than initiating Bell's Palsy?
The Chicken Pox, Mumps and several other Herpes Zoster like viruses have a strong association and might not present any other symptoms at all, or even something trivial like a cold sore. I believe at least 25% to 50% of us carry them as they are endemic, and most will have no symptoms at all.

Could those who have recently contracted Bell's Palsy have suffered breakthrough Covid infections that were asymptomatic other than initiating Bell's Palsy?
As I understand the literature this is a distinct possibility for most of the serious COVID symptoms, which is why those "COVID is just a cold" claims made by the Trumpians are so innately stupid.

As the mRNA vaccines don't contain live virus, would they even have the ability to kill facial nerves? What are the chances that an immune response generated by this vaccine would be so specific as to kill facial nerves and nothing else? It's all very speculative but very interesting all the same.
Yes it is interesting, but maybe it's unlikely an inflammatory response that was so mild as to be asymptomatic could lead to the required level of apoptosis. But I suppose given most cases are not permanent it's not impossible, in recent years inflammatory conditions are being identified as the big contributor to many of these conditions. But to assert it's vaccine, as Barrett tried to stir up in the media is correlation / coincidence. I note Barrett has backtracked today and so he should!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6944
I know some here are clinging desperately to the fact that the vaccines are perfect and cause no harm, but the fact of the matter is that there is anecdotal accounts of young fit and previously healthy people suddenly suffering bouts of myocarditis, and bells palsy in many walks of life.
Nobody has claimed the vaccines are perfect.

The numbers of people suffering Myocarditis and Bell's Palsy is normal, the rare occurrences associated with COVID and or vaccine are low compared to the normal occurrence rate. The case numbers have not statistically significantly increased, and it's normal for the age group between teenage and 60 to the be group primarily affected.

I suspect most cases of Bell's Palsy and Myocarditis are sudden, I don't know anyone who planned it ahead of time and made a reservation.

What has changed is that social media has given them something to blame.
The Force Awakens!