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Topic: Another School Shooting in the US (Read 15837 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #15
We're wasting our breath and wearing out the keyboards.
They are never gonna change their thinking.
They get quite indignant when other nations suggest there is a better approach and they argue more would be killed if the 'good guys' didn't have guns.
In fact the more we condemn them the more many Americans seem to dig their heels in demonstrating a "We know best!" attitude.
While we recognise the stupidity of that line of thinking it goes over their heads.

There are sensible people with a will to change, but they're a bit like King Canute ordering back the waves. They know they face an impossible task.


Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #16
We're wasting our breath and wearing out the keyboards.
They are never gonna change their thinking.
They get quite indignant when other nations suggest there is a better approach and they argue more would be killed if the 'good guys' didn't have guns.
In fact the more we condemn them the more many Americans seem to dig their heels in demonstrating a "We know best!" attitude.
While we recognise the stupidity of that line of thinking it goes over their heads.

There are sensible people with a will to change, but they're a bit like King Canute ordering back the waves. They know they face an impossible task.
That right there sums it up perfectly. Lets focus on making our own back yard better than it already is and learn from the mistakes of others like the US. I have said this countless times, I am a sporting shooter/hunter but the best thing Howard did was to have the cahones to get rid of semi autos and assault rifles. If it were up to me, I'd be seriously considering getting rid of hand guns also once and for all.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #17
How inevitable that the suggestion would be to arm the teachers.

You have the worst school shootings in the world and rather than look at why the rest of the world don't have them, you look to add more guns.

It will eventually be the students that drive change, doing away with a retched situation their parents were to gutless & selfish to address, as it has been in other countries and situations throughout time.

It makes me physically ill to think about how parents there actually have to worry their kids might just get shot & killed going to school. Something completely unimaginable here.
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #18
Not sure how arming the teachers helps, but it is the US after all. Way back in the 80's when Peter Garrett still had some cred, he said something like "guns are the American solution to everything."

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #19
The stupidest ever idea would be to arm teachers.

They're the last group of folks you would want armed given the pressures and confrontations with students some of them face.

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #20
Will never happen. They'll tighten some regs about background checks, which the states will ignore, and this will all happen again in a month or two

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #21
Will never happen. They'll tighten some regs about background checks, which the states will ignore, and this will all happen again in a month or two

Unfortunately I think you are right. Born out by Joe Hockey interviewed on 7:30 last night.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #22
I watched some of the coverage on CNN today, powerful stuff. But what Americans don't question, don't prioritise, is to me the number one question that should be asked. Even if we accept the second amendment concept for the right to bear arms, and if we concede that they should have the right to defend themselves with a gun, and they have the right to go out hunting defenseless animals with a gun, even if we accept all that, why do they need to do that with a semi-automatic assault rifle that is designed for one purpose only, and that is military applications to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest possible amount of time

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #23
I watched some of the coverage on CNN today, powerful stuff. But what Americans don't question, don't prioritise, is to me the number one question that should be asked. Even if we accept the second amendment concept for the right to bear arms, and if we concede that they should have the right to defend themselves with a gun, and they have the right to go out hunting defenseless animals with a gun, even if we accept all that, why do they need to do that with a semi-automatic assault rifle that is designed for one purpose only, and that is military applications to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest possible amount of time
Let’s go BIG !

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #24
I watched some of the coverage on CNN today, powerful stuff. But what Americans don't question, don't prioritise, is to me the number one question that should be asked. Even if we accept the second amendment concept for the right to bear arms, and if we concede that they should have the right to defend themselves with a gun, and they have the right to go out hunting defenseless animals with a gun, even if we accept all that, why do they need to do that with a semi-automatic assault rifle that is designed for one purpose only, and that is military applications to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest possible amount of time

How can you fight back against an oppressive government if you don’t have weapons that are designed to kill people?  Of course, that’s assuming that a bunch of raggedy-arsed rednecks with assault rifles and the odd machine gun can take on and defeat the most powerful army, navy and air force going around  ::)

It really is freaked up thinking but I think that the youth movement that has sprung up after the most recent massacre has the potential to drive change.

It’s unfortunate that the present POTUS is such a dog whistling, corrupt, populist bag of wind.  I wonder how different he’d be if he failed to avoid the draft  :-\
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #25
I'm sure there is great desire within strategic circles in the US to remove the weapons from the populace but sadly there are many in the populace who genuinely believe that this would be a direct assault on their "culture" and way of life and an act of tyranny by the government. That is the type of thinking that needs to be dealt with before progress can be made but no evidence of this atm.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #26
The stupidest ever idea would be to arm teachers.

They're the last group of folks you would want armed given the pressures and confrontations with students some of them face.

Its like they speak for the sake of it without considering the repercussions.

I.e.  Lets consider the outcome for the moment, of a teacher actually shooting a student.  Before we even consider the how, what, where, when and why, think about this.  An adult has shot a likely teenage student.

How daft can people actually be to think that this won't end in tears, and the teachers will have no leg to stand on?  As least the students can argue that they aren't adults and teachers should know better.

Not to mention the other combinations (white teacher, black student or vice versa).

IF the Americans are supposedly the worlds super power, they are absolutely going backwards very quickly over the last 20 years and will surely be knocked off that perch very quickly.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #27
The stupidest ever idea would be to arm teachers.

They're the last group of folks you would want armed given the pressures and confrontations with students some of them face.

I did some work for a expensive religious college and while the teachers were not armed they had security on the private school bus that were, the entrance security staff were also armed.
They were concerned about kidnapping's and terrorism ....

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #28
I did some work for a expensive religious college and while the teachers were not armed they had security on the private school bus that were, the entrance security staff were also armed.
They were concerned about kidnapping's and terrorism ....

Armed security staff is a very different proposition than a teacher having a weapon.

They aren't interacting with students unless they pose a security issue and even so, they deal with them once and move on.

There is a different dynamic once an established relationship is involved whilst security only have to be an authority/police officer of sorts.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Another School Shooting in the US

Reply #29
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!