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At the 2022 Federal Election which party will receive your first preference?

[ 7 ] (26.9%)
[ 8 ] (30.8%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
One Nation
[ 0 ] (0%)
United Australia Party
[ 3 ] (11.5%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
None of the Above
[ 4 ] (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Topic: Election 2022 (Poll added) (Read 27134 times) previous topic - next topic
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Election 2022 (Poll added)

And away we go....

Personally I'm looking forward to it being over.
There are forces in both major parties that are probably just holding back until there is a result.
The aftermath will be the most interesting part. ;)

Re: Election 2022

Reply #1
At The G last weekend a mate asked me this simple question, "Do you see Scomo as a two election winning Prime Minister?". I said no.

I don't see Albanese as one either, I suppose the point he was making was that you can't reward mediocrity. So I suppose I don't expect the alternative to be any better, but is that a good enough reason not to change?

It's almost like a no-win bet!

I'm hoping like hell the nutters do not end up with the balance of power, so for me it's a two party coin toss!

There are some trying to make distinctions between parties using Green or Right wing affiliations, but the reality is for every Labor / Green Eco-Terrorist association you can draw, there is a Liberal / National Neo-Nazis equivalent.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022

Reply #2
As one commentator on radio said this morning, it's usually a case of the incumbents losing it rather than the challengers winning it. Favouring Labour at the moment but I guess we'll see.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Election 2022

Reply #3
Albo has a bit of a slip up.
Yep it was kind of a biggie...but best to get those out of the way early.

Watch the journos try to trip up the pollies with questions they should know the answers to in the next couple of days.
The Politicians should hit the books and swot up now.

What is the capital of Ecuador?
Who is buried in Grant's tomb? :D

They'll need to know all the answers.  ;)  :) 

Re: Election 2022

Reply #4
Can anyone think of a less inspiring dynamic duo putting their hands up to be prime minister than Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese?

Meanwhile, to highlight why modern politics needs to have a good hard look at itself, I have been a voting adult since the year 2001. 

Since then, only one Prime Minister has been elected and served their entire term (Howard, unless I am mistaken).  The rest have been knifed as sitting prime minister by their own party at least once on each side of the political equation with Scomo finally bringing an end to that equation, but largely because of the pandemic and other matters really being forefront over the last few years, rather than anything he did or didnt do.

There was a saying that people get the leadership they deserve.  I wonder what we did to deserve 5 prime ministers in 11 years?

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Election 2022

Reply #5
It could be worse...look at the USA ;)

Re: Election 2022

Reply #6
It could be worse...look at the USA ;)

Come November, it'll be a slaughter as they'll lose control of the House and the Senate by big big numbers.

Re: Election 2022

Reply #7
Albo has a bit of a slip up.
Yep it was kind of a biggie...but best to get those out of the way early.
Not really a biggie, I'm a bit with John Howard it was a "Who Cares" moment, if the electorate decide who to vote for based on the old price of milk question then the country is already heading for a loss,

Actually, if I look at Scomo my criticism of his performance is that he gets all the price of milk stuff right but does feck all real work, he's a bit like a Carny selling smoke and mirrors tricks and nothing of substance! Our version of Trump but without all the personal abuse, lies and defamation!

God help us, you know what is going to happen, spuds like Palmer and Kelly will end up winning seats and getting the balance of power!

I can see Palmer and Kelly flying the nationalistic flag to get elected, but in office being far closer to acting as "Better Red than Dead" if the Chinese and Russian dollar$ are good enough. We ought to be worried!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022

Reply #8
Albo is clueless, ScoMo dodgy and Palmer/Kelly want to take us back to the 60's and the Greens would know more about who won the last Eurovision than they would about global politics.
Albo should win but I don't expect any wins for the economy or average citizen..

Re: Election 2022

Reply #9
Albo is clueless, ScoMo dodgy and Palmer/Kelly want to take us back to the 60's and the Greens would know more about who won the last Eurovision than they would about global politics.
Albo should win but I don't expect any wins for the economy or average citizen..
We've seen this coming for years, when they finally reached gutter level the likes of Trump and others had it lowered, and now it's the new global political norm for people like Palmer and Kelly!

Scomo is faking being asleep at the wheel, so he can wake up and claim it wasn't me. Albanese is telling us we must all play nice together as the bully steals his ice-cream. Palmer and Kelly are watching from the side lines and as the Balmy Army states about Warnie they are thinking, "I'm having some of that!"

I'm not sure the outcome is so clearly defined.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022

Reply #10
And again we vote for the lesser of the evils.

Then look at the mess in the US; a crumbling empire! We'll all be speaking Mandarin before we know it.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Election 2022

Reply #11
And again we vote for the lesser of the evils.

Then look at the mess in the US; a crumbling empire! We'll all be speaking Mandarin before we know it.
Xie Xie Ni

Or the way EU regional elections are going it could be, ya uchu russky, for those curious below is your local Russian Interpreter / language tutor;

Mr Markov!
The Force Awakens!


Re: Election 2022

Reply #12
There must be an election.  I am one of the lucky few whose vote may actually make a difference, as Gladys (Liu) is our current member.  There is a lot of change going on with people leaving parliament in droves, it seems - be interesting to see what that means for those seats with all new candidates.

Funnily enough, about 2 weeks ago, State Labor and Labor Candidate announced funding for the development of a local sportsground should they be elected.  Gladys has just announced the same, but upped the amount.  Good to be in a tight seat, but it's going to be a pain in the rear with one-upmanship.

It will be interesting to see if pre-polling will be at the same level as last election, which essentially made the the last few weeks of the campaign redundant, as most people have probably already made up their minds.

For me, I can't stand the LNP any longer - the last two bits being the $500k + legals payout to the woman Tudge had an affair with, and a new DGR (Charity with tax deductions for donations) that has been promised $18m, given over $3m already, only received DGR status through the special exemption clause, so was given ministerial/parliamentary approval even though it still didn't meet the criteria for that.  I also don't have confidence in Albanese, but he may have a 'less weak' team.

Need to work on preference flows from the others to work out which way to go.

Do you vote on who your local member is or the party you want to get in?

Where my vote ends up going in the lower house, the upper house will be the opposite - there is no way that either party deserves full control of parliament.

Re: Election 2022

Reply #13
And again we vote for the lesser of the evils.

Then look at the mess in the US; a crumbling empire! We'll all be speaking Mandarin before we know it.

We usually vote for negative reasons i.e to rid ourselves of the incumbent, rather than looking too closely at what we might be letting ourselves in for.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Election 2022

Reply #14
Poll added.
Note-you should be able to change your vote up to election day.
Don't forget- Democracy is important- Vote early and vote often :D