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Topic: If Not BB, Who? (Read 79020 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #195
….and therin lies one of our major problems.

Contrary to popular belief the consistent core of this team is not it's youth.
Apart from one or two they're just fringe players for the present accumulating game time
No,the majority of our core starting 22 is an aging group, an injury affected group and a player with the shoulders of Atlas.
Some will depart within a year or two, others may never fully break free of the injury curse...…. and heaven help us if Atlas gets a "shoulder injury"

x2 it's a huge worry.

By now you would have expected some of "the others" to have moments of brilliance or games of significance, but they just haven't! :o

It would be nice before the end of the season to see one or two of "the others" take a game by the throat and delivery a win on a platter!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #196
….and therin lies one of our major problems.

Contrary to popular belief the consistent core of this team is not it's youth.
Apart from one or two they're just fringe players for the present accumulating game time
No,the majority of our core starting 22 is an aging group, an injury affected group and a player with the shoulders of Atlas.
Some will depart within a year or two, others may never fully break free of the injury curse...…. and heaven help us if Atlas gets a "shoulder injury"

Might get a shoulder injury carrying all that money that WC and Freo will throw at him in a couple of years...

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #197
You and others are firmly wedded to the fact that the coach is the problem. I am firmly wedded to the idea that he isn't. I'm not going to budge at this point, and neither are you. Perhaps we should just leave it there for now.

Wo, wo, wo... not so quick  ;)

I don't see the senior coach as the single problem. Nuh. He's doing the best he can with what he knows. He comes out with shallow, ambiguous, psychobabble phrases and cliches but who's to know whether or not he's being fed these to keep the gullible supporters at bay by someone else at the club? It's just that when your team is consistently and persistently losing, the buck has to stop somewhere. And not to replace someone just so it doesn't seem like the 'old Carlton' has returned is absolute bullshizen.

Just for the record I think we have a few problems, from the outside looking in.

Over the past few seasons we've tried to nail some quality players only to be out done by others on every occasion. Just a couple of A graders, mid 20s going around would have helped. We apparently set up a philanthropic organisation some years ago to help relieve GWS of their non-hackers and chronically injured. So SOS hasn't performed well enough in my view - holy cr@p, I've had a go at another Bambi! Sheesh, talk about keyboard masochism!!!

I suspect that Barker is deadwood and should have moved on years ago.

A divided Board. One of them, a key player, makes piles of loot from human suffering and illness (gambling). Yeah, I can just hear some say, "Well no-one is forcing them to gamble... and it's legal." A fool's response. A response devoid of emotional intelligence and common decency. Not to mention psychological ignorance... convenient ignorance.

Comfortable assistant coaches. Most have coached in their own right. Why didn't they progress? Why did they fall back into assistant coaching? Huge cleanout needed there. Get some mongrel, uncompromising, razor blade eating, ambitious folks into key assistant roles... that includes women, there are some ripper female brains -- who've not been snapped up by the AFLW -- out there deserving a serious opportunity at the highest level.

The head of football, Juddy, has one single love and one single love only (outside his family, presumably) - money. Seems to be his real passion, lights up like Julian Clary on tour when the subject of investment and money comes up. He likes to rub shoulders with wealthy influential people to further his own 'portfolio'... and there is nothing wrong with that, some just love money. Juddy would be a great investment banker, and have no doubts had the Pratt Family been at Rottingwood, he'd have gone there. As for head of footy at PP, jury is out. Sh1te, I've done it again... I've taken aim at another Bambi!

So, who knows, maybe BB is holding the can / taking the heat for a measure of incompetence right through the place. But the buck stops somewhere.

Time will tell, and many aboard the good ship CFC should notice that there's not only a senior coach gang plank being put in place. If this rebuild doesn't work (looking like it) then many should be 'walking the plank.'
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #198
Of course we need a win but the three teams we've lost to are good teams, noting Port at home are usually very tough.

Arguably our best player after Cripps - Charlie - hasn't fired a shot yet. He needs too, injury notwithstanding.

We need Kreuzer on the park and we need to look for a long term replacement for him - Phillips - not seeing it (yet) tbh.

The GWS curse - yep, many seem injury cursed but ALL are capable of being very good players if the cards fall their way.

Some elite eg Setterfield, Marchbank and Pickett.

Pickett - who does appear cursed - is still only 22, a baby in AFL terms. Plow (Phillips aside) is the eldest of the ex GWS clique - he's only 24.5 ffs.

The rest are 21 or 22.

I'm not over whelmed by Bolts either but he needs time for the cake to rise surely?

Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #199
I'm not over whelmed by Bolts either but he needs time for the cake to rise surely?

I think we starting to see evidence of this now. Each week they seem to be improving, each week the start to take the step forward. So far we have been more than competitive in our games, and our best players have been some of the younger generation next.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #200
x2 it's a huge worry.

By now you would have expected some of "the others" to have moments of brilliance or games of significance, but they just haven't! :o

It would be nice before the end of the season to see one or two of "the others" take a game by the throat and delivery a win on a platter!

The thing is we actually are improving.

Jones and weitering are putting in game winning performances, as are little Zac Fisher and SPS.   The problem is we cant seem to get them firing together, and we are still carrying far too many others that aren't even playing cameos.

It's why Ed's not in the guts and playing forward.

The cliff seems to have come for Simpson (was bound to) and Murphy might have run out of time too.  I noted he warmed up in runners again for round 1 and suspect he hasn't got long left.

Kreuzer and Docherty are two we have gambled on getting fit and out there performing but unfortunately it hasn't worked.

We simply need more time.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #201
The thing is we actually are improving.

Jones and weitering are putting in game winning performances, as are little Zac Fisher and SPS.   The problem is we cant seem to get them firing together, and we are still carrying far too many others that aren't even playing cameos.

It's why Ed's not in the guts and playing forward.

The cliff seems to have come for Simpson (was bound to) and Murphy might have run out of time too.  I noted he warmed up in runners again for round 1 and suspect he hasn't got long left.

Kreuzer and Docherty are two we have gambled on getting fit and out there performing but unfortunately it hasn't worked.

We simply need more time.

I've been underwhelmed by Fisher this year tbh. Perhaps, like Charlie,he's caught up in his own press?

I expected a lot more.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #202
I've been underwhelmed by Fisher this year tbh. Perhaps, like Charlie,he's caught up in his own press?

I expected a lot more.

I'm beginning to wonder what effect the new rules may be having on some players and the roles they play? I have a fantasy team and many players, not only mine, seem significantly down on form and stats so far this year.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #203
He is coming back from a broken leg.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!


Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #205
Zac Fisher is playing as well as he ever has.

The expectations on him have gone up, but his performances haven't improved (not that he needed to that much more to continue contributing) in line with that.  He is less flashy, and more consistent at the moment, and I am ok with that for a kid entering his 3rd year of senior footy after breaking his leg last year.

His contested posessions are actually higher this season than they were last season.  His uncontested lower, but not a far cry.

Its only a small sample size, but I was worried he would go into his shell this season, and thus far, he hasnt.  If anything he is wearing a bit more attention than he did last season, and is still contributing which is a big tick.  His 6 tackles in round 1 (particularly on Dusty) is a real highlight.

The reality is our senior players have dropped off, and our kids are not stepping up as much as we would have liked but the trend is still that the kids are stepping up, and so long as that continues, we should be ok.  The underlying worry and major concern is that our seniors have gone really far backwards which is why the kids are under huge pressure to stand up.  Ideally (and at most other AFL clubs) they would still be giving us bits and pieces on the fringes whilst our senior players do the heavy lifting which isnt the case.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #206
Zac Fisher is playing as well as he ever has.

The expectations on him have gone up, but his performances haven't improved (not that he needed to that much more to continue contributing) in line with that.  He is less flashy, and more consistent at the moment, and I am ok with that for a kid entering his 3rd year of senior footy after breaking his leg last year.

His contested posessions are actually higher this season than they were last season.  His uncontested lower, but not a far cry.

Its only a small sample size, but I was worried he would go into his shell this season, and thus far, he hasnt.  If anything he is wearing a bit more attention than he did last season, and is still contributing which is a big tick.  His 6 tackles in round 1 (particularly on Dusty) is a real highlight.

The reality is our senior players have dropped off, and our kids are not stepping up as much as we would have liked but the trend is still that the kids are stepping up, and so long as that continues, we should be ok.  The underlying worry and major concern is that our seniors have gone really far backwards which is why the kids are under huge pressure to stand up.  Ideally (and at most other AFL clubs) they would still be giving us bits and pieces on the fringes whilst our senior players do the heavy lifting which isnt the case.

Fisher has been getting more attention and even been tagged at stoppages..Powell Pepper had him in the Port game, he along with SPS is one of the few you would trust with
the ball to hit a target and i think other teams are doing their homework a lot more on us.
I mentioned Josh Kennedy from the Swans was tagging Cripps at the stoppages but some didnt agree, did the same with Clayton Oliver last night....more and more as our kids develop they will have to cope with more attention from better players and its the teams who can spread the load across more players who do the best.
Players like Murphy who dont do much damage with the ball will be the ones who will get less attention but need to lift and pick up the slack when kids like Fisher are being covered....

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #207
Zac Fisher is playing as well as he ever has.

The expectations on him have gone up, but his performances haven't improved (not that he needed to that much more to continue contributing) in line with that.  He is less flashy, and more consistent at the moment, and I am ok with that for a kid entering his 3rd year of senior footy after breaking his leg last year.

His contested posessions are actually higher this season than they were last season.  His uncontested lower, but not a far cry.

Its only a small sample size, but I was worried he would go into his shell this season, and thus far, he hasnt.  If anything he is wearing a bit more attention than he did last season, and is still contributing which is a big tick.  His 6 tackles in round 1 (particularly on Dusty) is a real highlight.

The reality is our senior players have dropped off, and our kids are not stepping up as much as we would have liked but the trend is still that the kids are stepping up, and so long as that continues, we should be ok.  The underlying worry and major concern is that our seniors have gone really far backwards which is why the kids are under huge pressure to stand up.  Ideally (and at most other AFL clubs) they would still be giving us bits and pieces on the fringes whilst our senior players do the heavy lifting which isnt the case.

Zac, Samo, Dow, LOB, etc. current progressions dictates where we are at more than anything else.

Until these guys make that leap up to collecting 30odd possessions per week we won't be any sort of decent team.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #208
Is Fisher achieving the same efficiency in addition to the same number of possessions?

If I made a subject assessment I'd think he's getting the footy as much as ever but he's not using it as well as last season, he's under more pressure this year. At least that is how it appears to me! :o
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #209
I think we starting to see evidence of this now. Each week they seem to be improving, each week the start to take the step forward. So far we have been more than competitive in our games, and our best players have been some of the younger generation next.

We play well in patches because we seem to do the team thing, playing the roles each player has been given. Then for some reason the team goes into shock or sleep and goes through the motions only to snap out of it to play well again to unluckily fall short.
Like Harford said with the girls, if they all follow the team plan for 4q then the reults will come and they did (except for the last game).
Play your role, follow the team game.
This is all being said hoping BB knows the Team's Plan first.  :o
2024... Moir of the same to come