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Messages - Thryleon

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
All of our defenders and our defensive structures stood up very well to intense pressure last week.  Apart from Petracca, all of the Melbourne forwards were well beaten.

I would be inclined to go with the same seven this week unless there’s a compelling match up for Williams AND he’s completely fit.

I reckon he is straight back in for indigenous round.

Its happened before. 
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
We probably need to consider the quality of opposition when comparing combinations.

Which block is the better, given who we beat, and where we currently sit?

Team-margin -current ladder position

Tom DeKoning rucking

Brisbane  +1 (currently 13th)
Richmond +5 (currently 17th)
North Melbourne +56 (currently 18th)
Fremantle +10 (currently 9th)

Pittonet /DeKoning sharing the load

Adelaide -2 (currently 12th)
GWS +19 ( currently 5th)
Geelong -13 (currently 2nd)
Collingwood -6 (currently 8th)
Melbourne +1 (currently 4th)

Probably most important to consider.

Whom it was against.

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 9 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Melbourne
Until the 'heat' arrived in the 2nd half. Those of us who are critical of Ollie are not critical of his endeavour and effort. And we're not saying he's no good, or should not be out there. Simply observations of his inexperience in tight and physical situations. He's a ripper... with things to clean up on, especially hurting the opposition with his disposal, strengthening his body to stick tackles, surety by hand and foot in pressure situations... they'll come in time. But they're real shortcomings at present.

And everyone looked amazing in our first half, until the Go Dees brought the heat, then the wheat was sorted from the chaff.

He wasn't the lone ranger and a couple of errors shouldn't eclipse a rather important role he played in us having a 5 to 0 headstart at quarter time.  Even his caught in possession moments it was facing his opposition and getting caught by third man in from behind.  That's on his teamates not letting him know he's hot IMHO.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 9 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Melbourne
One thing I think the umps stuffed up.  Mcgovern juggled a mark, had two hands on it, and Petty knocked it out of his hands.  Play on the call.

That's a mark every week, and there was a few of those last night.  Wet weather footy, you can't make players hold it with an opponent punching it out.  Melbourne scored on the back of one of those.  Must have been 3rd quarter as it was the non punt road end.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: CV and mad panic behaviour
I think there is a fair bit of hindsight going on, 3 Leos. At the time, we just didn't know. Worst case scenario seemed plausible and frightening.
Science and pollies were all on the back foot and unsure, and most were doing their best.
I don't recall any vaccine manufacturer claiming 100% safety; they spoke of the potential -- albeit low -- risk for some people, hence staying in surgeries/pharmacies for 15 minutes after the innoculation before leaving. But as troubling as it was to know, there was a low risk for some folks, as there is with every medication/vaccine.
In hindsight some pollies overreacted and some under-reacted. Few got it right - in hindsight.

Not really Baggers.   By the time the vaccines came around we had a much better view of the virus and its potential to cause harm.  The worst case scenario wasn't happening.  That much was obvious in health care. 
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: CV and mad panic behaviour
There are very few areas in life that don't involve a risk to benefit comparison. Apparently, 2 or 3 per 100,000 people vaccinated with AZ ended up with TTS. Granted, nobody wants to be one of those 2 or 3, but all things considered, there are a great many people who reaped the benefits of having an AZ vaccination (not to mention their close associates and loved ones) and very few that did not.

The issue is that the data used to support both sets of numbers were used to paint a picture.

The adverse reactions to the vaccines under reported as coincidences.  Likewise the number of people significantly impacted by covid were over stated.

The vaccine companies (all) made wide sweeping shonky claims afmbout efficacy to go with it and you end up with a scenario where most people questioned what the best outcome was going to be. 

When you strip it all bare, covid was no walk in the park.  It isn't the killer it was made out to be either but it left the general public questioning what was the lesser of two evils and real doctors were silenced on the matter and it became politicised.

Where you sit in any of it is subjective and largely determined by personal choices but I saw some extremely autocratic behaviour which I'm hoping never gets repeated.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Domestic violence and why the government will struggle to attention the problem.
Thank you guys for your kind thoughts.

I will do my best to answer any questions. Give me a little time to collect my thoughts please. I am In the process of selling my house. My deepest apologies.
Don't feel you have to answer to anything, you have already shared heaps.  Just makes me wonder.  I do that.  Its my nature.

Still don't understand it, but maybe thats part of the issue.  Its irrational and understanding the irrational is sometimes impossible.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 9 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Melbourne
At the ground, I saw Fantasia working back to cover Steele Sidebottom and giving Cotters a chop out.

Hes not amazing, but him and Durds were both getting up the ground a significant way.  Owies I like, hes dangerous.  The problem we had was probably more to do with our forward entries and where the ball was being put, rather than where the guys were and werent getting to. So many times, the ball was being rebounded, because we kicked to a contest where we were outnumbered.  The collingwood backs were working up and down the ground all day, and they had 2 additional days break to do so.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Domestic violence and why the government will struggle to attention the problem.
Yep really sorry you went through it.  No excusing any of it.  Wondering how it started so well and then seemingly flipped.  Wondering what else occurred to cause some grief there but being small it was harder to understand.  I dont know but there's no condoning that action.  Was he too of Croatian descent?  I know in the Balkans it's common for wives to stand by their husbands even when they shouldn't.  In this case sounds like that happened with your mum (or a lack of options once the girl arrived).

Hopefully you have a good relationship with your half sister and I mean no blame or shame with this at all.  I just can't understand it which speaks for why I won't perpetuate the cycle of this behaviour more than anything else.

We are all here for you mate.