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Messages - LP

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Labor has always had a wide range of philosophies but is now firmly centre-left.
I think that's a generous description, there is very little centre remaining in either the left or the right of Aussie politics.

On the extremes. I have an associate who copped a water bottle in the head yesterday leaving the (Land Forces Expo)IWE. He was there because he is funded by the military to develop life saving "In the Field" 3D printed scaffolds for on the spot use in emergency medicine, like skull cap or bone graft scaffolds. Of course the military will pay for the all the R&D, but the main recipients of the commercialised technology will mostly likely be people in the 3rd World or Disaster zones. Ironically, if he'd been hit with something a bit harder than a water bottle, like some of the rocks and brick being randomly thrown, he might well have become a recipient of his own technology.

btw., I thought the gutless mask wearing at public protests was banned in Victoria, it seems to be making a comeback?
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
The GOP under Trump are basically the Democrats with the mask of civility ripped off, and the crudeness, vulgarity and crassness of corporate America has been laid bare for all to see.
I'm not sure it's fair to paint everyone with the same brush, it may even be as extreme as those under criticism.

But it's open season on the contradictions, the problems in the USA are primarily corporate and / or religion.

For example, I know of a researcher working on a cure for anaemia, it involves the use of CRISPR. The budget for the development of CRISPR was about US$2M total, it took several years. Compared to historical methods CRISPR costs almost nothing, yet a treatment for anaemia in the USA will cost you(as a single individual) US$2M. That is the whole multi-year budget of the R&D that lead to the CRISPR invention in the first place. Most of that US$2M cost is profiteering and legal liabilities, hardly any of it goes to the scientists and medical professionals involved in the treatment, the direct material cost is effectively zero, you can make a batch of a cure and send it soaked into a piece of paper by mail to the medical centre conducting the treatment at the cost of a postage stamp. So the direct cost a treatment would currently be 1/50th of that asking price, the materials, people, hospital stay, post care, etc., etc., and it is a cost rapidly falling as those with the capability and knowledge to do the treatment grows.

Much of the legal cost comes out defending court cases driven by religious ideology, or profiteering of risk / liability, which also forms the basis of much of the politics.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Just watch out for this one.
There was a video of an Ohio nutter who killed and started eating a cat.
She's not an immigrant. She's just mentally ill.
...but I've seen it used on a site as an example of Trump's claim
They freely allow guns in the USA, and hunting just about anything is largely unrestricted in some areas, I have US associates who regale me with stories about walking out there backdoor on suburban fringes to go deer hunting on foot, lying in wait in camouflage gear with hunting rifles just a few hundred metres off a normal suburban street.

Apparently, the pet eating trope was partially triggered when some nutter used an AI altered images / video of a local carrying birds caught legally via trapping / hunting. The person who was filmed carrying the birds has come out to expose that lie already but the media don't broadcast the correction. He may now sue and he should be within his rights to do so.

In both cases I believe they were locals, as in US citizens, they were not illegal immigrants.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
So today there are reports Trump has come out and used social media to launch veiled threats at Taylor Swift for apparently endorsing Harris.

Trump is a bigger nutter than anybody in political history, he should be jailed for what he writes on his closed platform.
The Sports Desk / Re: NRL / Origin
Here is a great example of how sport can get things wrong, it all starts with the perspective of an individual or club over a sport;
“But under the CBA with the NRL, neither the club or NRL Integrity have grounds to stand a player down until the result of that sample comes back. The problem is, there’s a backlog there for eight or 10 weeks.

“You can’t leave a player out eight or 10 weeks to see if his sample is going to be tested.”

Gould went on to reveal that he called Sharks CEO Dino Mezzatesta after Cronulla dealt with a similar incident involving halfback Braydon Trindall earlier in the year.

“When they went there they were told that it could be eight to 10 weeks to find this result of the drug test so Braydon decided to plead guilty to get the matter done and served a month suspension,” Gould said.
If you flip this narrative, and put the integrity of the sport over the individual, they should have no choice but to stand down.

Can you imagine the outcry if Addo-Carr plays, and his team knocks another out of the finals, only to be found guilty of cocaine doping in a month or two? As much as I want to be fair to the player, it's untenable for him to play, in the same way many athletes have suffered similar misfortunes at Olympics, etc., etc., and yet you could argue in individual sports there is at least the opportunity to withdraw medals, yet that is not how they work, and no such opportunity exists in team sports.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane
None of the umpiring has an effect of the result in such a thorough shellacking, the umpiring is generally the same for both sides.

But, it does change the spectacle for fans and viewers, which seems to be the point most media commentary is missing completely.

No doubt, that if there is even a slight differential in a close game, a close game being the point of difference, that the umpires can influence the result.

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane
That goes for De Koning too.  The club was concerned that he couldn't run out the game and that proved to be too conservative. 
Not really, we don't know if they were right or wrong because, TDK only came on after 40 minutes and still only played 50% of game time in total. So after the first 40 minutes on the bench, he spent about another 20 minutes on the bench during the rest of the game.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane
It's interesting listening to various media today, banging on about our SFs and the Sub selection, neither of which had any bearing on the first 50 minutes of the game. It's low brow cheap click bait made for ratings, fed from the vitriol being spread by silly fans and trolls on social media.

The mainstream media are supposed to report from an expert base, not just behave as an echo chamber for nuffies!
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane

For those interested, Matthew Lloyd's comments - a little on the game, selections and list. From about the 13m mark.
Agreed with some of the SF commentary.

Don't agree with the Midfield comments, Lloyd said the mix isn't quite right, and he stated the same about the Dogs, who with us are basically one of the most dominant Midfields in the AFL competition for the bulk of this season.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL 2024 Elimination Final 1 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Brisbane
I mean, that's not quite right. We won the 2nd half quite convincingly, on the back of a few things, which included adjustments and changes made by the coaches. It was of course too little too late, but there was a Plan B and it worked.
Yes, it's very hard to enact multiple plans when so many are out, no matter what fans or media vitriol suggests, injuries are a reason.

Even so while not expecting a victory, I'm still at a loss to explain the 40-50 minutes, I'm not shocked by our poor ball use because it's what we do, but I'm absolutely horrified by our lack of F50 entries. Even roving to a hopelessly losing ruck it's fair to expect Cripps, Walsh, Hewett, Cerra, etc., etc., to deliver more than just a couple of entries.

So the weekend was our worst case scenario, we hardly had any F50 entries and we wasted pretty much all of them.

The loss isn't a surprise, how we lost is. The Lions turned our strength, one of the AFL's most dominant strengths, into a outright weakness!
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Who wins 2024?
One of the great features of our game is that it is inclusive of all types, not just the fastest or the most agile.