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Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #15
Goodbye Mr Rudd !!

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #17
Vote 1 - K.Rudd!  ;D

You obviously went for Dumb.

I went for myself.... :-D

Ahhh now I see what you did there. Labor are going to lose many seats in this election though. Gillard will be wetting herself laughing about this election.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #18
Anyone care ?? :-\

Foregone conclusion. Abbott will be PM. Terrifying yet that's democracy. People get what they vote for.

I want to know what will happen to Labor and the Greens.

Don't get that kinda comment...

You can run the country into the ground and that is OK... as long as the worker is protected.
If Rudd/Gillard and their muppets ran a company the same way they would be sent packing. ???

Libs will get three years to show if the can run this joint any better the previous Morons.
Rudd should retire from politics, he is a real wanker.

Go the Screaming Orgy Sex Party.....  O0
Carrots, slower than escargot in garlic sauce !!

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #21
77 seats and rising. Bye bye Rudd. Haul your sorry @rse out of office and don't let the door hit you on the way out. Didn't think tony would win this one so easily. Be 30 seats ahead.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #22
Looks like we got our own Dubya! Comedians across this country will be rubbing their hands together. There's going to be so much material to work with. ;D

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #23
Does Kevin know he lost the election? :P

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #24
Kevin resigns from leadership, sounds like staying in parliament?

Not much mention of the party's achievements in his speech, very strange concession.

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #25
I can honestly say I don't think either party is worth voting for - just rubbish. Like Carlton - where are our real leaders?

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #26
One thing you can never deny in an election campaign is the unbelievable stupidity of the Australian public.

Clive Palmer wins a seat.

Pauline Hanson appears set to win one also.

And need I say Dubya. But that at least has comedic value.

One discontented voter on Radio National this morning was publicly declaring his intentions to vote Liberal due to cuts to TAFE. :o Unfortunately for this punter he is clearly unaware that these cuts were implemented by the Liberal state Government.

Fortunately for me Dubya's looming bunglings won't impact my situation, so I'll be free to enjoy the laughs. Although I do feel for the learned Aussies out there who now face reality under "The fool on the hill". Here's some inspired wisdom from our new PM.

Feel free to post something similar from Julia Gillard.

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #27
Comedians around the nation are rejoicing. They will have so much material to work with during his tenure.

Now the Labor Party will have to face its demons... kick out the crape and get some bona fide leadership talent into the group.

All hail PM Murdoch. >:D
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #28
Love how the Laborites scream the sky is falling, the sky is falling from the roof tops when they get done.
Really bad losers.  Your party is farcical, led by ego maniacs back stabbing, knife wielding, psychopaths.

In a two horse political ghost town there is no option, but the other bu11sh1ters who don a blue tie.
Carrots, slower than escargot in garlic sauce !!

Re: Federal Election 2013

Reply #29
Laugh, Palmer might win a seat despite trying his very best to prevent it from actually happening late in the election.

There are some interesting sackings in recent days. Quite a few seem to be more related to silencing the supporters of any emissions trading scheme or carbon tax rather than changing the economic management.

I am not really that fussed, but I am concerned about a change in a major promise already. I was under the impression Abbott had said he would not stop or cut projects that were already sign off or funded. Yet it seems he rolled out the henchmen to axe several innovation and industry initiatives staff halting projects that had already begun, all this while the press were busy watching him get sworn in at government house.

These were not recent projects, not like the Bracks appointment, some of the projects employed hundreds of people and had been underway for 2 or 3 years with another 10 or 15 years to go! In some cases whole centres had been built to house the project staff.

Retrospectively it seems this was an Abbott weasel word promise, because they haven't cut or stopped the project or funding. They have just sacked the administration staff which effectively halts all the projects and spending indefinitely. Several industrial / commercial partners have already made staff redundant as a result.

This is a horrible way for a countries leaders to behave, irrespective of their political background. There is no excuse for deceptive behavior from any public office bearer.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"