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Topic: If Not BB, Who? (Read 79015 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #285
Bolton will get the flick when attention and heat falls on SOS and MLG......those two will stick together and knife the rest until their turn comes.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #286
Given how we've just gone with the anti-gambling thing, you'd think the next step would be to get rid of the pokies....and that means mathieson too.

*fingers crossed*

Re: Liddle

Reply #287
Of course we're only guessing but....
We'd have to know the dynamics of the Silvagni appointment to determine his influence
When was he approached?
What were his demands if he took up the position?

He was appointed in December 2014....but there was already moves towards a rebuild in April of that year.

Someone will write a book about what actually went on and some of the agendas in play during the 2014-15 years someday.
It will be a fascinating read.

Yes, agree.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #288
You'd think those covert meetings in Queensland are the tell, the ones we got fined for when we flew the attendees up their in a private jet! ;)

It's hard to see that as Liddle and the club working around or displacing Mathieson, or am I wrong?
Whilst we have Mathiesons and Pratts pulling the strings, we will be a basket case. How long have they been involved at our club? How many coaches and CEOs have they sacked? Where has it got us? Common denominator?
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time


Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #289
Whilst we have Mathiesons and Pratts pulling the strings, we will be a basket case. How long have they been involved at our club? How many coaches and CEOs have they sacked? Where has it got us? Common denominator?

The club cannot take their money and ignore their influence, it's a package deal.

All clubs exist this way, Nthmond had a hot line to two or three multimillionaires/billionaires, you will recall the turmoil just before they came good. I believe at one moment one of Nthmond's angels even threatened to withdraw funding/sponsorship, yet they didn't and the club still took their money!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #290
If we can’t move on Bolton, can we at least replace an assistant or two? Barker (stoppages), Cameron Bruce (midfield) and Brent Stanton are my suggestions. Do we really need all three?

Can’t say I’m overly impressed with MacIntosh as ruck coach either.

There must be one or two retirees from the last year or two who wouldn’t mind a coaching gig?

As much as I didn’t want Goddard playing for us I wouldn’t be opposed to him taking a role to help harden us up a bit. And work on our skills.

Could also consider Griffen or Barlow. Maybe Le Cras?

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #291
The club cannot take their money and ignore their influence, it's a package deal.

All clubs exist this way, Nthmond had a hot line to two or three multimillionaires/billionaires, you will recall the turmoil just before they came good. I believe at one moment one of Nthmond's angels even threatened to withdraw funding/sponsorship, yet they didn't and the club still took their money!
I never suggested take their money, quite the opposite. Don't take their money and tell em to fark off. I'm sick of them.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #292
Whilst we have Mathiesons and Pratts pulling the strings, we will be a basket case. How long have they been involved at our club? How many coaches and CEOs have they sacked? Where has it got us? Common denominator?

Every Club has similar benefactors....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #293
I never suggested take their money, quite the opposite. Don't take their money and tell em to fark off. I'm sick of them.

The problem with that is..."Who is going to tell them?"
No-one will.
You would lose your job.
As members we have little to no say.
The club is controlled by a few different groups of powerful folk.
They make rules to maintain that power.
They may change places every now and then as one group gains ascendency but the power rests with these few.

I'd love to see some new people on the scene but no-one ever puts their hands up.
And the battle to take control would be an almost impossible challenge.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #294
The problem with that is..."Who is going to tell them?"
No-one will.
You would lose your job.
As members we have little to no say.
The club is controlled by a few different groups of powerful folk.
They make rules to maintain that power.
They may change places every now and then as one group gains ascendency but the power rests with these few.

I'd love to see some new people on the scene but no-one ever puts their hands up.
And the battle to take control would be an almost impossible challenge.

Sounds like the classic oligarchy.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #295
Footy Classified tonight  had Chris Judd in the hot seat talking about the clubs woes, Caro and Damian Ferret tried to bait him with Bolton has to go at years end if the present
form line continues but Judd held his ground and played the party line tune that he expects BB to be the coach next year and there after.
Theme was we are all in this together and he knows its a results based business etc etc....his workmates took it easy on him and didnt ask him too many difficult questions but
Caro was the one who probably got the only arrow through the defense when she questioned the development of players like SPS, Harry etc but there want much damage inflicted on C.Judd who plays a very straight media bat...

Pretty damn good summation there, EB1 old cock. I recorded it and watched it today. Nothing startling. Of course Judd will back BB, he was a part of the committee that appointed him!!

When asked about BB's tenure, Juddy said, "I fully expect ...(then followed with BB for next year and many years after that." I reckon the management team sat down yesterday and came up with the "I fully expect..." in response to BBs job, it's a good, though meaningless, reassurance. And will silence the questioner.

I like the solidarity and consistency of message from BB, Cain, Juddy etc. It's good and important.

Sick and tired of hearing, "We'll just have to work harder..." BULLSH*T. Smarter, FFS, smarter. Will someone please start saying WE HAVE TO BE SMARTER with the aggott in hand. It's painfully obvious that the boys are giving their all, just cocking it up way, way, way, way to often.

The players seem to be working very hard, just making dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb decisions with the ball... then we have a half dozen blokes with shizen foot disposal.

I also watched the game again, in a more 'objective' mindset. Should have won by at least 5 goals. Really encouraged by what I saw, the ability is there and it's palpable. Remove the cock-ups and you remove a good few 12 point turnarounds. A positive was the more sustained effort. Saw things from Setterfield ad Gibbons which gave me confidence in those two... FFS give Gibbons more midfield time and give Murphy more small forward time.

This group needs:

1. Play fckn smarter!!!!!

2. Here's the bleeding obvious... improve disposal by foot >:( >:( >:( >:(

3. A big win. I reckon this group is capable (when smarts and skills improve) of absolutely belting the shizen out of an opposition... they just need more ruthlessness (there were 4 or 5 blokes out there on Sunday who were set in cruise control... a couple of them, senior players). Wallsy might just be the bloke to instill in the coaches what it takes to pass on fair-dinkum, real McCoy, blood-boiling ruthlessness to the players. They need it as does BB.

A big win, not a scrape home, but a win where these boys kick dot will be the tonic to click them over, and they look so close.

BB, turn the hurt into rage. You're fighting for your job, Knackers. Forget this 'not too high, not too low' crap (how beige/moderate). Rip the crap out of the assistants for not having the players working smarter and tear a new one for whoever is responsible to you for disposal skills (especially by foot).

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #297
 Great post naggers.   We Bolton:  don't think,  DO!
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #298

It could be true, but it all sounds like a fishing expedition. So his biggest problems are that he's trying too hard and doing too much ? That's very different to saying he can't coach, there's no game plan etc.

Re: If Not BB, Who?

Reply #299

How the f... would the journo know this:

At his worst, Bolton can over-coach, over-deliver seemingly simple messages, and struggles to prioritise key messages in a succinct way that resonates with players and colleagues.

Sounds like he's being lined up for the axe to swing...
Finals, then 4 in a row!