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Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #210


I don't care that other countries players / or captains have done it in the past and only been slapped on the wrist.

For our Australian Cricket Captain do have done this has made me sick in the stomach.  He simply cannot keep the job.

I feel much the same and, if social media and callers to ABC radio are representative, so do many Australians. 

Apart from Smith and Warner being paid handsomely to lead a team that represents our country, there’s the notion that cricket is a game that is above cheating hence, it’s just not cricket.

I guess that the same belief in fair play that fuels maintaining my rage against the Essendon drug cheats is in play when our cricketers cheat ... or any other national sporting team for that matter!
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #211
So what do you guys want CA to do? Plenty of social media keyboard warriors baying for life bans for Smith and Warner....

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #212
No.  No life bans,  Why should Australian cricket make itself hopeless for the next 10 years to appease a weak ICC that couldn't deal when issues when they arose years ago?  Why should we ban our best players when the likes of Rabada gets away with shoulder charging blokes?

It's bad enough making Langer coach, the bloke is hopeless.. WA is a basket case, his batting "coaching" isn't helping squat...

DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?


Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #213
So what do you guys want CA to do? Plenty of social media keyboard warriors baying for life bans for Smith and Warner....

It's not about being a keyboard warrior....the decision is one for the governing body.
I'm happy for them to make the judgement.
But they are no doubt aware of the level of disappointment the public feels.
As a result the sanctions are likely to be greater than some other offenders have experienced.
The message needs to be that..."This won't happen again.We're better than that"

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #214
So what do you guys want CA to do? Plenty of social media keyboard warriors baying for life bans for Smith and Warner....

Smith and "leadership" group to be banned from playing for Australia for a period if time.. maybe 6 months ?

No life bans... but Smith and Warner etc never to be part of leadership again... Id sack Lehman too whether he was in on it or not.  
Da Di Da Di Dar..Da Di Da Di Dar..Da Di Da Di Da Di Darrr ...Darrr Darr.. We are the NAVY BLUES !!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #215
So what do you guys want CA to do? Plenty of social media keyboard warriors baying for life bans for Smith and Warner....

Given that this is likely to significantly compromise CA’s bargaining position in the broadcast rights process, Smith and Warner should receive financial penalties in addition to any suspension.  If it was up to me, I would revoke their contracts and suspend them from all forms of international cricket for 12 months.  It goes without saying that neither will hold leadership positions at national level again.

Questions must also be asked about Lehman’s role and if, as seems likely, he was a knowing participant, he should be sacked.

It’s interesting that other members of the leadership group are arcing up about Smith implicating them in the scandal.  I reckon there has to be a clean out if we are to have a functional Australian team.  Who knows, we could end up with some Victorians playing international cricket ????
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #216
Something that I don't get is the hand wringing about Australia doing "whatever it takes" to win games... the jarpies haven't exactly been angelic in that realm either or gone out of their way to calm the situation down over there.

World cricket as a whole needs a dramatic shift in attitudes, and it needs to be driven from head office i.e. the ICC not driven from a branch office, i.e. Australia.  Problem is that the ICC is WASP and lacks the cojones to effect real change.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #217

It’s interesting that other members of the leadership group are arcing up about Smith implicating them in the scandal.

I don't blame them... If Smith was a decent Captain or had any balls he would have taken the wrap himself. "Ï'm the Captain the buck stops with me"

But now he's come out and said leadership group they are all tarred with the same brush.   ( even if some of them were against it ? )
Da Di Da Di Dar..Da Di Da Di Dar..Da Di Da Di Da Di Darrr ...Darrr Darr.. We are the NAVY BLUES !!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #218
Something that I don't get is the hand wringing about Australia doing "whatever it takes" to win games... the jarpies haven't exactly been angelic in that realm either or gone out of their way to calm the situation down over there.

World cricket as a whole needs a dramatic shift in attitudes, and it needs to be driven from head office i.e. the ICC not driven from a branch office, i.e. Australia.  Problem is that the ICC is WASP and lacks the cojones to effect real change.
This is the problem. I'm all for heavy sanctions against Smith and Warner, they deserve it for stupidity and arrogance as much as anything else. But if we do that, the rest of the cricket world thumbs their noses at us and laughs hysterically, because they have got away with the same thing with no penalties. We lose, they win

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #219
Not the point Jack.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #220
I'm with you Jack.  Smith et al deserve heavy sanctions.  But so do du Plessis, Rabada, Philander and whomever else has transgressed.

You don't get rid of cancer by removing some of the tumours, you have to take the lot, regardless  of where they reside.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #221
Agree with that. What's particularly galling is the holier than thou crap coming out of England, from the likes of Vaughan and Swann. FFS these guys orchestrated a plan in 2005 to rub mint juice on the ball, don;t try to tell me that 6 or 7 guys came up with this idea independently, this was a well planned and executied example of group cheating, and it worked beautifully - their bowlers hooped the old ball around corners in that series and we couldn't get it to deviate off the straight. And btw they are currently playing a bloke in tests in NZ who has a court date soon for an action that could have killed a bloke outside a pub in Bristol. Yet they have the moral high ground? Please

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #222
No one (other than their own media) is suggesting any moral high ground.

The point is our Captain and his 'leadership' team (of brain dead spuds) hatched a plan to cheat and got caught red handed....most likely the Coach was in on it too.

Nothing to do with what the Saffers or the Poms did or even got away with...

This will cost CA squillions - sponsors will walk, the TV negotations just lost potency.

Smith has essentially destroyed himself and Australian cricket for quite some years.... lengthy bans must and will be be imposed.

Personally, if Starc, Lyon and Hazelwood were in on it too - see you later lads.

Would love to hear Johnny Howard and Bob Hawke's take on this....

Starc has been bowling poop in any event!

These blokes are privileged - and earn millions ++   AND they don't get it....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #223

These blokes are privileged - and earn millions ++   AND they don't get it....

Nor do a few on here.
The same attitude as EFC.

Everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't we.

FFS, grow up

Re: Smith's Crew in SA

Reply #224
Not the point Jack.

Agree. Cricket is the real loser. It seems to have become just another sad reflection of the screwed up values our world is currently struggling with. Remember "Whatever it takes"?
Reality always wins in the end.