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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 576139 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6150
I suppose the dissenters will be dancing with joy over the news Greg Hunt is a retire, they'll almost certainly spin it as a win.

But will any of the cynics, sceptics, dissenters and protestors ponder what might force a career politician to look into the near future and decide they are getting out of the game?

A thoughtful Joe Average might rightly be concerned, unexpected political retirements are becoming a worrying trend!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6151
The Greek Government is introducing a recurring monthly fine of 100 Euros for unvaccinated over 60s.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the fine was necessary to protect more than half a million unvaccinated elderly Greeks.  However, it seems that increased pressure on a frail healthcare system is a major factor.

While many governments have made COVID vaccinations mandatory for workers in the health industry and other sectors, Greece is the first country to mandate vaccination for an age group.  An interesting development  :-\
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6152

Its elliciting the exact opposite reaction.  This could be revolutionary.  I see it amongst the comments of my relatives.

I keep telling people this but they dont seem to want to hear it.

Also, the Greek government has historically been extremely relaxed regarding implementing fines and penalties but that is a very side argument to this. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6153
The mandating of medical treatments and procedures would be a very worrying development, at least for me anyway.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6154
It makes a mockery of ostracising people from society who didnt get vaccinated, and I think thats the important part of MBB's post.

Personally this predates covid, but the insistence to save the ignorant from themelves these days is antithesis to natural  selection at work.

Whilst many wont agree with that, it is what it is.  Thats not to say dont make people take some precautions, but if you give them every chance to do the right thing, and they dont, then its literally their funeral.

The problem with the 'natural selection' logic is that its not just themselves its hurting.
If they want to jump off a cliff to prove they can fly, don't try and stop them.
If they want to not get vaccinated, then that effects others who can't or are high risk, it hurts the economy when we go into lockdown. It hurts those who need medical attention but beds, nurses and resources are taken up by them.

So i don't mind your logic, it just can't be applied in this instance IMO.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6155

Its elliciting the exact opposite reaction.  This could be revolutionary.  I see it amongst the comments of my relatives.

I keep telling people this but they dont seem to want to hear it.

Also, the Greek government has historically been extremely relaxed regarding implementing fines and penalties but that is a very side argument to this. 

The thing is that the Greek health system was barely coping before COVID.  It's in dire straits now and will only get worse as the next wave hits.  Fining people for not vaccinating may be an extreme and counter-productive measure but the logic behind the decision is clear.

I reckon they'd get a better response if they used positive reinforcement rather than punitive measures.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6156
It's a funny thing, we still read lots of debate about AZ vs Pfizer with people dancing on the grave of the AZ vaccine.

Now as more Pfizer related cases of Myocarditis or Pericarditis surface, it seems as was always the true case, that the risk differential between AZ and Pfizer is now negligible, yet there is still very little noise on social media about Pfizer side-effects excluding the odd mainstream media story that surfaces. This is odd, because it looks like the risk of Myocarditis or Pericarditis doesn't diminish with each shot of MRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna), the risk is basically the same with each and every shot.

This is not the same as AZ, Novavax, J&J or the others, they report most reactions on the first dose, and greatly reduced risk of side-effects on the 2nd or 3rd dose.

I suspect social media doesn't like taking a backwards step when reality exposes it's claims as a simply wrong!

Locally and in the UK, some people seem to be fairing much better than others when it comes to break through infections, and it simply looks to be because they were issued with AZ.

I think the smart bet would be, if you've had Pfizer get AZ as your booster or perhaps Novavax, and if you've already had AZ then have another one or have Novavax!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6157
Another candidate in the anti-vaxxer Darwin Awards:

Anti-vax televangelist dies after using "protocols" his TV network promoted to treat COVID, Salon.

The 64 year old founder of Daystar, the world's 2nd-largest Christian TV network, Marcus Lamb, has died of Covid after railing against vaccines and promoting bogus treatments.

Lamb's wife, Joni, said on the network Tuesday that her husband, who also had diabetes, "got the COVID pneumonia." She said the treatments promoted on Daystar failed to save her husband.

"We were trying to treat the COVID and pneumonia with the different protocols we use, including the ones we talk about on Daystar. We used those — I myself used them and had breezed through COVID," she said. "It caused his blood sugar to spike and a decrease in his oxygen. He 100% believed in everything that we've talked about here on Daystar. ... We still stand by that, obviously."

The Lambs have repeatedly touted ivermectin, which the Food and Drug Administration warns is not a "safe or effective" COVID treatment, and hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug embraced by Trump that has repeatedly been shown to be ineffective against the coronavirus and potentially dangerous to users. Joni Lamb and others at the network have railed against not just COVID vaccines but also flu and HPV immunizations. The network recently filed a lawsuit over the Biden administration's vaccine mandate, calling it a "sin against God's Holy Word" and arguing that making employees get immunized would "potentially cause them to sin." The network's website calls vaccines "the most dangerous thing your child could face."

As a televangelist would well know, those who live by the sword die by the sword.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6158
The Sheppard took him for more important work…

Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6159
Interesting that the challenge to the vaccine mandate in Victoria will be heard on 15 March 2022:

Apparently, the trial judge's warning that the case needed to be streamlined if it were to be heard before Xmas didn't move the plaintiffs. The above ruling clips the wings of the plaintiffs anyway, prohibiting any attempt to use expert witnesses to opine on whether the mandate should have been imposed considering all the circumstances. The judge has made it clear that the issue before her is whether the CHO made orders within his power rather than reconsidering that decision afresh.

It makes you wonder whether there's any public interest or any interest at all in the outcome of this case now. By March, we'll be a world away from where we are now and any orders that may exist then will be made under an entirely different legislative structure. What's the point?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6160
It makes you wonder whether there's any public interest or any interest at all in the outcome of this case now. By March, we'll be a world away from where we are now and any orders that may exist then will be made under an entirely different legislative structure. What's the point?
They appear to be trying to paint any subsequent legislative changes as a win for their actions, to boost future support.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6161
Do the plaintiffs have a generous benefactor covering their legal costs?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6162
Wow, scientists believe Ivermectin will save lives: Click HERE.

Pfizer is reporting lab tests "showed its booster produced a 25-fold increase in the levels of antibodies capable of fighting off Omicron." Whether boosters will work as well in the real world is yet to be determined: Pfizer says lab tests show COVID booster may offer protection against Omicron,

It seems Omicron results in milder symptoms anyway, so should we be hoping Omicron spreads like crazy and shuts out Delta? I guess the only problem is Omicron seems to be an example of recombination: when a person is infected at the same time by different Covid strains, the features of those different strains can be mix-and-matched to create a new strain. On its own, Omicron might not be too bad but if it infects someone at the same time as Delta, who knows what will result ...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6163
It seems Omicron results in milder symptoms anyway, so should we be hoping Omicron spreads like crazy and shuts out Delta?
Perhaps, but there are some worrying early signs that Omicron is affecting children worse than adults and that is a big worry especially for pre-schoolers and infants.

However, the numbers studied so far are low, so that effect could be a statistical aberration, more definite advice will become available in the coming weeks.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6164
The Greek Government has imposed monthly "health levies" on unvaccinated over-60s:
Those above 60 who refuse the shot will start paying a 100 euros ($120) monthly fine beginning next month.

“It’s not a penalty. I’d say it’s a health levy, motivation for precaution, a boost to life, but also an act of justice towards the vaccinated majority,” said Mitsotakis. “We can’t have people being deprived of public health services they need because certain others have dug in their heels and refuse to do what is self-evident.”

The measure appears to have had some success. Some 60,000 seniors signed up for the vaccine within a week – as many as had signed up in all of November.
As COVID surges, Greece pursues unvaccinated with fines and vans, Al Jazeera.

It seems that carrots aren't enough; sometimes sticks are necessary. And of course anti-vaxxers would argue that carrots are discriminatory anyway.