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Messages - northernblue

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Some more thoughts from the 'Pros'
If Harry’s attitude is right and is following team instructions then he’ll play, regardless of how many goals he kicks.
He’s got the physical tools, we just to make the call on what he’s got between the ears.

It’s a pity we haven’t heard from Kerr...
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Rnd 1 Carlton vs Richmond - Pre-Game
I got sick of reading about who smashed Ed’s larynx so I’ve just watched the game focusing on Ed...
I think Ed got his larynx smashed when he was out on the piss after the game.
With 1min remaining in the 4/4 Nankervis got a free kick for holding at the top of the goal square and Ed was running into frame, and @ 30 sec remaining he was providing an option in the back pocket...
He seemed to be running and breathing just fine.
I saw nothing in the earlier part of the game that suggested any sort of heavy knock.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: JLT 2018: Carlton vs St Kilda at Ikon on Wednesday
Who would you play Weitering on vs Richmond, given Jones will most likely get Riewoldt and the other Richmond Forwards will
of the small to mid mobile pressure types? Butler, Costanga, Caddy, Rioli, Edwards, Lambert etc, Martin....?


Jesus, I’ve just read that I’m in agreement with fly about something... ????
Hope there’s a replay available tomorrow, Go Blues !
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Another School Shooting in the US
I watched some of the coverage on CNN today, powerful stuff. But what Americans don't question, don't prioritise, is to me the number one question that should be asked. Even if we accept the second amendment concept for the right to bear arms, and if we concede that they should have the right to defend themselves with a gun, and they have the right to go out hunting defenseless animals with a gun, even if we accept all that, why do they need to do that with a semi-automatic assault rifle that is designed for one purpose only, and that is military applications to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest possible amount of time
Notice Board (Visitors Enter Here) / Re: Future of the footy forum
There are a few suggestions for site enhancement.
I doubt anyone would be resistant to changes that make the site more user friendly and increase traffic.
I think it's a case of Spanner finding the time to implement any such changes, so it may take a little bit of time.
If we have a consensus though(no objections or problems with an upgrade) can we say that he has the green his convenience... to proceed with any adjustment that improves access to the site.
