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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #90
Funny that the kids are treating the oldest candidate on either side (74 years) as a rock star.  Maybe the longevity of rock stars like Mick Jagger and Gene Simmons makes this less of a stretch!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #91
Funny thing... My 19 year old daughter who I didn't think had a great knowledge (or even any interest) of US politics walked past the television the other day as the New Hampshire results came through....and said "Sanders, Yes!"

It's not just the American kids who are taking notice of the old bloke.

Do any of you read the guardian online or even have the app on their phone? Good reading, ignoring the fact it's pro Clinton, the comments sections are great reading. Also Politico is an interesting read. Interesting too is that more people than I first realised really don't like here - even on the Dem side. Elitist, disingenuous and self serving. And when I watch her, I realise she is the living embodiment of the 1%. She'd sell her daughter to win and say anything to get that power. People like that are dangerous.

Bernie for me.
Keep the Faith

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #92
Wow, a Tampa event has just occurred!

Associate Justice Antonio Scalia has just died.  It is rare for a Supreme Court Judge to die while still on the Bench. 

Shamefully, the Republicans are saying they won't allow Obama to fill the vacant position.  This is just a continuation of a strategy they've employed for years.  There's a backlog of Federal judicial positions that need to be filled and the Republicans have refused to allow Obama's picks to go before Congress.  But it's particularly problematic when it involves the Supreme Court because there is no longer a deadlock-breaking vote meaning that vital cases may end up in stalemate.  There are still 341 days left in Obama's presidency and it would take some time after the new President takes office for the position to be filled.

If the Republicans stick to their word, the Presidential election has just taken on even more importance.  Of course, any half-intelligent voter should have known that this was an issue but the death of Scalia concentrates the mind.

Imagine, issues such as abortion, climate change, gun control, Obamacare, and campaign financing will depend on who fills the vacancy.  And other vacancies will probably open up in the next Presidential term.  Ruth Ginsberg is almost 83.  Affecting the balance of the Supreme Court influences politics will handcuff or liberate the next President depending on his or her political hue.

If I were an American Democrat voter, I wouldn't want to take any risks.  I'd be voting in the primaries for whoever would be most likely to beat the Republican candidate.  If Trump or Cruz can get in and stack the Supreme Court, the US will be radically changed in a way that might take decades to reverse.

If I were minded to vote for Sanders on the basis that a quixotic tilt at campaign reform is worthwhile even if it is bound to fail, I might re-evaluate.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #93
Some doctors believe that the birth defects in Brazil might have been caused by a larvicide used to suppress mosquitos.  WHO believes scientists will be able to determine causality within a few weeks.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #94
Shamefully, the Republicans are saying they won't allow Obama to fill the vacant position.

Strategically. ;)
(No morals in politics)

If Trump or Cruz can get in and stack the Supreme Court, the US will be radically changed in a way that might take decades to reverse.

The Republicans replacing Scalia After the election (should they win) would just leave the "status quo" because he was more of their persuasion)
It's the Democratic side that would benefit if Obama could get his nomination through before he finished up.
So it will be a case of "can the Republicans hold the line."
Can they get the American people to accept the delay without harming their Presidential candidate.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #95
If the Senate point blank refuses to give an Obama nominee a fair hearing, the Republicans may also lose control of the Senate.  Congressional elections run alongside the Presidential Election in November.  The Congress is widely condemned for gridlocking government and such a high-profile reminder of this tendency may draw punishment from the voters. 

Interesting to see how Obama approaches this.  He can nominate a moderate or even a moderate right-winger and that will intensify pressure on the Republican Senators to confirm the nominee.  The voters would see a failure to do so as pure bloody-mindedness.  Nervous Republicans would also start to worry if they think Sanders or Clinton will win as they may end up with a far more left-wing appointment under the new president.

On the other hand, Obama may nominate a black or Latino nominee to rally minority supporters to turn out in support of the Democratic candidate.

Obama could even select the nuclear option - he could bypass the Senate altogether.  As Scalia died while the Senate was in recess, he can appoint a new judge directly.  Some commentators think he can even do that after the Senate resumes next week as the vacancy occurred while it was in recess.  The Senate would then need to confirm the appointment by the end of the first sittings.  The Senate may well do the opposite, but it would then have to have a vote to eject a sitting justice.  The Republican Senators would far prefer to be able to drag their heels in considering a nominee and run out the term that way.  Especially if Obama appoints a recently-comfirmed Justice of the Court of Appeals, some of whom were confirmed unanimously, Obama could well say that his appointment had been thoroughly vetted and approved already.  This strategy might help the Republicans in the elections, though, as it would play into their characterisation of Obama flouting the Constitution by bypassing Congress.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #96
Funny conspiracy theories being floated now suggesting Obama assassinated Justice Scalia.

A right-wing broadcaster and wingnut, Alex Jones, has told everyone that he can feel it in his gut that this is what happened. No evidence required.

The "smoking gun" facts are that Scalia had no Secret Service protection, a pillow was found on top of his head, a death certificate was issued over the phone without any doctor sighting the body, and there has been no autopsy with the body being embalmed soon afterwards.  The conspiracists have little time for mundane explanations, such as Scalia declining protection given how remote the ranch was, the fact that issuing death certificates without inspecting the body is quite normal in that area because many locations are so remote that it's impractical to require doctors to go to the body, the fact that the doctor issuing the certificate conferred with Scalia's doctor who described his health problems, and the fact that it was the family's call as to whether autopsy would be held.  The pillow point is a bit of a wet squib given that some have the habit of putting a pillow over their heads to block out light and sound and a highly-paid assassin is unlikely to forget to remove a pillow used to suffocate the target.

It's funny to see right-wing wingnuts regarding a family's decision to refuse an autopsy as troubling,  They are all for individual rights and against the oppressive Federal government and yet they don't like th fact that the Government didn't override the family's decision.  Bizarre indeed.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #97
Funny conspiracy theories being floated now suggesting Obama assassinated Justice Scalia.

A right-wing broadcaster and wingnut, Alex Jones, has told everyone that he can feel it in his gut that this is what happened. No evidence required.

The "smoking gun" facts are that Scalia had no Secret Service protection, a pillow was found on top of his head, a death certificate was issued over the phone without any doctor sighting the body, and there has been no autopsy with the body being embalmed soon afterwards.  The conspiracists have little time for mundane explanations, such as Scalia declining protection given how remote the ranch was, the fact that issuing death certificates without inspecting the body is quite normal in that area because many locations are so remote that it's impractical to require doctors to go to the body, the fact that the doctor issuing the certificate conferred with Scalia's doctor who described his health problems, and the fact that it was the family's call as to whether autopsy would be held.  The pillow point is a bit of a wet squib given that some have the habit of putting a pillow over their heads to block out light and sound and a highly-paid assassin is unlikely to forget to remove a pillow used to suffocate the target.

It's funny to see right-wing wingnuts regarding a family's decision to refuse an autopsy as troubling,  They are all for individual rights and against the oppressive Federal government and yet they don't like th fact that the Government didn't override the family's decision.  Bizarre indeed.

That sounds perfectly reasonable to me  :)

If there's one thing our septic cousins are good at it's concocting elaborate and far-fetched conspiracy theories.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #98
A Huffinton Post article debunks the theory that larvicide caused the birth defects in Brazil, including a counter to the argument that other nations affected by the Zika virus hadn't experienced an increase in the incidence of microcephaly:

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #99

In more than a thousand emails to Women on Web, a Canada-based group that provides advice and medication for women wanting an abortion in countries where it is banned, the women beg for the pills that are banned by law in their respective countries of Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru or El Salvador.

Laws against abortion vary by country in Latin America. Some, like El Salvador, outlaw abortion in all cases, including rape and incest. Others, such as Colombia, allow for abortions when a fetus displays signs of a severe deformity -- a narrow exception that abortion rights advocates argue should apply to microcephaly.

Across the region, Zika has thrown predominantly Catholic, socially conservative countries into a sudden and fierce debate over abortion. In some countries, arguments are raging at the highest levels of the judicial system. The mysterious disease could end up dramatically altering women's rights in the western hemisphere.

In the meantime, however, women are writing to Women on Web, asking for pills.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #100
A Huffinton Post article debunks the theory that larvicide caused the birth defects in Brazil, including a counter to the argument that other nations affected by the Zika virus hadn't experienced an increase in the incidence of microcephaly:

The real problems are that the panic induced by poorly associating the larvicide with microcephaly actually increases the risk of all mosquito carried disease not just Zika.

If you want to read some valuable insights, rather than Weeties packet opinion columnists that earn a living from hits, go to a site like The Conversation

Now we have Womens Rights group using Zika as cover to argue the right to abortion, not that I am against this but at least the feminists should man up and step out from under the covers!

If you want to be critical there are just as many holes in the in the Huffington Post arguments including clangers about;
 - Outbreak is only months old, but Zika has been around since the 1940s.
 - Abortions from anomalies in ultrasound detections, but not in utero microcephaly detections which is apparently like winning tattslotto!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #101
Now we have Womens Rights group using Zika as cover to argue the right to abortion

You're on fire today, first Roughead's cancer scars and now "feminist's" rights.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #102
You're on fire today, first Roughead's cancer scars and now "feminist's" rights.

Roughead's cancer scars, wtf are you talking about?

I've heard rumors Roughheads massive chin arrives at venues by forklift 5 minutes before the rest of him does! ;)
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #103
Roughead's cancer scars, wtf are you talking about?

I've heard rumors Roughheads massive chin arrives at venues by forklift 5 minutes before the rest of him does! ;)

Nice try.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #104
Nice try.

You're a very sad individual, no wonder your avatar is so angry. :D

Your post is a perfect example of someone taking an unfortunate situation and applying it to an unrelated matter for personal motives. Just like the feminist think tanks demanding that abortion be legalized in Zika affected areas. Do they really have to associate their cause with a human tragedy just to win a political/religious argument, do you really have to associate your posts with Roughead's serious health situation to make your point?

You've lost the support of most people before you started!

Even the Dawks market his chin!

"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"