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Messages - Macca37

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 20 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
Isn't it about time that Carlton stopped trying to make Kemp  a backline player?  It may well be that he would be successful in the midfield or forward line but until we try it looks like we are trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

The same experiment occurred with Zac Williams.  Until his recent successful move into the forward line his continual poor performances on the back line had people calling for him to be moved on at the end of the season.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 18 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Western Bulldogs
There are consistent calls for Cuningham to be brought into the side when fit.  But wouldn't he be in the same league as Fantasia?

He has shown that he has the skills to succeed but has he ever put in four quarters ?  My impression is that he has never given us more than one or two quarters in a game before disappearing, and that is what caused him to be dropped prior to getting his current injury.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Thry, I am of the Silent generation, the generation whose taxes provided free university education for the Baby Boomers.  In the 1950s only the wealthy could afford to attend Melbourne University.  Workers did not receive the adult wage until they reached the age of 21.

Banks required a minimum 25 per cent deposit and a two year history of saving before approving a housing loan.  Their valuation of a property was always under the purchase price, requiring the applicant to take out a personal loan with the bank, usually in the seven to nine per cent range.  I knew engaged couples who put off marriage for years while trying to save for a housing deposit.

Single women in the Australian Public Service had to resign when they married.  In the early 1960s my wife had to say she was single in order to get an office position.  Newly wed women were knocked back because it was expected they would soon become pregnant and would have to leave.

It was almost impossible to get a bank loan for a car.  Cars were expensive -  the purchase price of a 1960 VW Beetle was close to the average yearly salary.  Hire purchase at exorbitant rates, with three years of comprehensive insurance rolled into it, added to the financial burden.

I could go on detailing the high cost of clothing and goods, but I think you get the picture.

The point I wish to make is this:  yes, I get the problems faced by people today struggling to make ends meet.  It is history repeating itself.

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Measured year on year Biden's mental and physical decline have become so obvious that they cannot now be hidden from the public.

If he refuses to step down and is fortunate enough to win the upcoming election, I'm sure that some time next year the further decline caused by dementia will force him to resign.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
I've just read a news article which states that a neurologist specialising in Parkinson's disease has met with Biden's personal physician at the White House on seven occasions this year.

I also read some days ago that Biden's staff are terrified of his sudden outbursts of temper.  I worry that he is in the early to middle stages of Alzheimers disease and does not now possess the mental capacity to make a rational decision re staying in the race for the upcoming November election.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
I have just watched a commentator on YouTube discussing Americans and their lack of knowledge of world affairs. His comment was this " The majority of Americans in their lifetime will travel no farther than the states adjoining theirs. They have no interest in, and therefore no knowledge of, the rest of the world."

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 17 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs GWS
Our backline has lacked flexibility since we lost Jones and Young has failed to take over his role.

Opposition teams KPFs are getting bulkier and taller and when we have the combination of our midfield having an off day and Weitering playing below par because of injury our defence weaknesses are exposed.

Unfortunately the VFL cupboard is empty and we look likely to be going into the finals hoping that we can avoid injuries, otherwise we are in for a lot of pain.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: The Climate, Environment and Energy Thread
I do not recall any large scale project, state or federal, which has been delivered on time and within budget.

The majority of our federal politicians do not have the will, experience or intellect to enable a successful transition to renewable energy.

Pick 2030, 2035 or 2050,  our shortsighted politicians will still be bickering from their entrenched positions while the public will be enduring massive power blackouts.