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Re: China

Reply #105
The Chinese have waged a war for generations already.  You don't have to look far to see how successful their invasion has been.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: China

Reply #106

Several military experts told the Global Times, a Chinese state media outlet, that the destroyer's role was to deter foreign intervention in case China conducted a military attack on Taiwan.
Seems a well equipped vessel and to me there is no doubt everything the Chinese are building military wise has a theme to it and the end result has Taiwan on the right hand side of the equals sign.

Re: China

Reply #107

Several military experts told the Global Times, a Chinese state media outlet, that the destroyer's role was to deter foreign intervention in case China conducted a military attack on Taiwan.
Seems a well equipped vessel and to me there is no doubt everything the Chinese are building military wise has a theme to it and the end result has Taiwan on the right hand side of the equals sign.
Penny Wong will sort it
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: China

Reply #108
This is a very good, recent appraisal of the military threat China poses to Australia:

Another important factor is that, apart from oppressing its own citizens, China's military hasn't been involved in a shooting war since the middle of last century.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: China

Reply #109
This is a very good, recent appraisal of the military threat China poses to Australia:

Another important factor is that, apart from oppressing its own citizens, China's military hasn't been involved in a shooting war since the middle of last century.
Good article, however China seem on course to fulfill most of those objectives and Taiwan is the big domino that if it falls opens up the Pacific and us to more intimidation especially economically.
China and India recently exchanged pleasantries on the border and from memory 20 odd Indian troops or police were killed so while they haven't been in battle with anyone they don't mind skirmishes and are just looking for an excuse to escalate and test boundaries.
They are an expansionist nation who need to be stopped before they take Taiwan.
Imho that article didn't say anything to convince me that China won't be owning Taiwan sooner than later and that the USA are a sure thing to intervene.

Re: China

Reply #110
Russia has become China’s biggest oil supplier as the two super powers forge an alliance of convenience against the West.

China has now emerged as the leading financier of Kremlin’s war on Ukraine, buying Russia’s heavily discounted oil reserves that combined with India, is seeing 2.4 million barrels of Russian crude a day being sold.

But NATO leaders and diplomats and other world leaders including Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meeting in Madridon Tuesday fear the Chinese indirect funding of the conflict is part of a broader security threat that includes the Indo-Pacific region.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: China

Reply #111
Russia has become China’s biggest oil supplier as the two super powers forge an alliance of convenience against the West.

China has now emerged as the leading financier of Kremlin’s war on Ukraine, buying Russia’s heavily discounted oil reserves that combined with India, is seeing 2.4 million barrels of Russian crude a day being sold.

But NATO leaders and diplomats and other world leaders including Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meeting in Madridon Tuesday fear the Chinese indirect funding of the conflict is part of a broader security threat that includes the Indo-Pacific region.
Send in the Wongster, she'll sort it.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: China

Reply #112
Russia has become China’s biggest oil supplier as the two super powers forge an alliance of convenience against the West.

China has now emerged as the leading financier of Kremlin’s war on Ukraine, buying Russia’s heavily discounted oil reserves that combined with India, is seeing 2.4 million barrels of Russian crude a day being sold.

But NATO leaders and diplomats and other world leaders including Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meeting in Madridon Tuesday fear the Chinese indirect funding of the conflict is part of a broader security threat that includes the Indo-Pacific region.

China want Taiwan.  Russia and Ukraine is exactly the right foil for them.

This video explains it better than I can.

What will the world do if China elects to March on Taiwan??
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: China

Reply #113
China want Taiwan.  Russia and Ukraine is exactly the right foil for them.

This video explains it better than I can.

What will the world do if China elects to March on Taiwan??
Its not if, its when
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: China

Reply #115
Send in the Wongster, she'll sort it.
She will need a gun, Russia now own the Donbas region bar one small stronghold and are moving in on that too....they are just sat back long range artillery and missile shelling now and raising everything to the ground.
The Ukranians have been brave but the Russian tactics have changed and the Chinese will keep the Russia artillery in supply being the scumbags they are. Those latest tactics where they fired on Kyiv civilian targets was another war crime designed to attack the psyche of the Ukranian people, seeing children trapped screaming in rubble must be hard for Zelensky to watch knowing Nato and the West wont be bailing them out and I hear his fighting words that they will take the Dombas back but I fear its too late and thats Russian territory now for good.
Putin is also providing his lacky boy mate the leader of Belarus with a missile system as well, defensive he calls it but it has nuclear capabilities and will be used to attack Ukraine from the Belarus border and probably attack NATO supplies from Poland once they cross the Ukraine border.


Re: China

Reply #117
China want Taiwan.  Russia and Ukraine is exactly the right foil for them.

This video explains it better than I can.

What will the world do if China elects to March on Taiwan??
Laugh when they drown is my guess.
They will probably have a comfortable trip over and be able to find a nice hotel for the night when the USA and others leave the Taiwanese to surrender and Taiwan becomes the latest PLA outpost....