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Topic: SPAM (Read 19214 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #45
There are reasons why we have a low female membership.
I know of one who was told to move on and she believed it wasn’t just her that received that treatment.
I'm not sure who you are referring too, but i can assure you there have been multiple males who have been told to move on over the years, so sheer statistics suggest a female would be included eventually.

As a former moderator (and current mod of ladies lounge), i can honestly say that there has never been any discussion on moving any particular demographic. Whether that refers to age, gender, location, religion or even team barracked for (we used to have a few non-carlton posters over the years - including Joffa!) its never been a directive.
I'd like to see some kind of proof of this behaviour if its available.

I could probably reel off at least 10 regular female posters we've had over the years and none have ever expressed similar to me before.


Reply #48
Old timers squabbling about whatever?
Maybe the forum should take the Soylent Green approach, when the old timers get to 65 plus we just obliterate their accounts and turn them into biscuits....

Mm, Soylent Green. Think I'd make a good salted, caramel Tim Tam  ;D
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Reply #49
I felt the original comment was intended well.
Besides, how do you think I felt being lumped in with all you old buggars !? 🤣
I can help you fill out your seniors card application..😎
Like GTC I am a tad over every debate becoming a diversity, race, AGE, gender issue where 50 plus white males from Anglo/European backgrounds are responsible for Australia's problems and now the forums lack of new younger members. As far as I knew it was a open platform to talk about all things Carlton Football club and other topics of mainstream life. I didn't know I was a member of a elitist core running an agenda with Freemason like qualities...


Reply #50
Personally I actually like hearing different and diverse voices.
I also enjoy listening to and adding to the banter with/from the opposition fans at games (not that I get to many)
I’ve never understood people who only want to sit amongst “their” fellow fans, I mean they might be collingwood supporters but they still (only just) qualify as being human… usually.
Let’s go BIG !


Reply #51
I can help you fill out your seniors card application..😎
Like GTC I am a tad over every debate becoming a diversity, race, AGE, gender issue where 50 plus white males from Anglo/European backgrounds are responsible for Australia's problems and now the forums lack of new younger members. As far as I knew it was a open platform to talk about all things Carlton Football club and other topics of mainstream life. I didn't know I was a member of a elitist core running an agenda with Freemason like qualities...

It's pretty poor form to resort to hyperbole and dog whistling to elicit sympathy and support, for comments that were :

a. simple statements of facts
b. not directed at you
c. not directed at anyone.


Reply #52
It's pretty poor form to resort to hyperbole and dog whistling to elicit sympathy and support, for comments that were :

a. simple statements of facts
b. not directed at you
c. not directed at anyone.

Your statement.... same dozen or so old timers squabbling about whatever.
I guess the "whatever" is meaningless and boring topics/chat in many cases to a younger person who might not know the medieval subject matter well and I get that but that doesnt mean you can demean it with a throw away line(indirect jibe) and call it squabble  whatever stuff because its of zero interest to you.
You and I both know your  reference to "old timers" isnt just time on the forum but you must have known that most of those with more time on the forum are going to be those 50 plus etc in the main.
Not directed at me or anyone?...really?......once again given your dirty dozen of old timers are 50 plus white males from Victoria it is directed at me and anyone else with those demographics.

I think this is more about your political, social, environmental views etc being different to the Grey Army who have different value sets and I know you have had heated debates and got frustrated with the lack of support you get and how you perceive the Old Timers sticking together because they share values of past era's.
I get that you want younger members who share your more modern views, political leanings etc and who can talk about topics relevant to you and I'm all for more members of all age groups but singling out 50 plus white Victorians?.....what has skin colour got to do with anyone presenting their views or membership demographics? That comment alone shows me your outburst is more about your frustration with what you see as the dominant group of older regulars on the forum who might not share some of your views on eg racism etc.
Dog whistling?....I dont need to call other members of that demographic group to help put/backup my point of view across and often run against the tide on many topics with the other old time regulars but i never engage in bullying which is how you perceive how some debates operate against you.


Reply #53
Your statement.... same dozen or so old timers squabbling about whatever.
I guess the "whatever" is meaningless and boring topics/chat in many cases to a younger person who might not know the medieval subject matter well and I get that but that doesnt mean you can demean it with a throw away line(indirect jibe) and call it squabble  whatever stuff because its of zero interest to you.
You and I both know your  reference to "old timers" isnt just time on the forum but you must have known that most of those with more time on the forum are going to be those 50 plus etc in the main.
Not directed at me or anyone?...really?......once again given your dirty dozen of old timers are 50 plus white males from Victoria it is directed at me and anyone else with those demographics.

I think this is more about your political, social, environmental views etc being different to the Grey Army who have different value sets and I know you have had heated debates and got frustrated with the lack of support you get and how you perceive the Old Timers sticking together because they share values of past era's.
I get that you want younger members who share your more modern views, political leanings etc and who can talk about topics relevant to you and I'm all for more members of all age groups but singling out 50 plus white Victorians?.....what has skin colour got to do with anyone presenting their views or membership demographics? That comment alone shows me your outburst is more about your frustration with what you see as the dominant group of older regulars on the forum who might not share some of your views on eg racism etc.
Dog whistling?....I dont need to call other members of that demographic group to help put/backup my point of view across and often run against the tide on many topics with the other old time regulars but i never engage in bullying which is how you perceive how some debates operate against you.

Seriously. I already apologised to you at 10.46am (7 hours ago mind you) and you're still carrying on like this ? You could at least have some courtesy and good grace and acknowledge it.

This site is mainly for speculation and entertainment purposes, like pretty much all social media. Nobody on here really knows much about what happens at the club, within the AFL or anywhere else. Most of what is written on here must therefore be wrong. That's not anyone's fault, it's just the way it is. "Squabbling about whatever " is IMO a perfectly reasonable assessment of this site. If you disagree, fine.

My comments are not hard to understand. I've given you definitions. I've given you the background. Other posters on here have made it clear they not only agree with me, but understand exactly where I'm coming from and the points I'm making. They don't misconstrue my words, they don't take offence. My statements about the demographic and composition of the regular posters is completely correct. My statement about the decline in participation is also completely correct. How on earth could you possibly be offended by this ? You take my comments, give them a quarter turn twist to make them say what you want them to say, so you can play the "white males under attack" card ? And not only that,  you put words on my lips that simply aren't there.

And what I would like to see is precisely as I stated earlier - more diversity. Diversity means exactly that. It doesn't mean more me. It means all sorts - black white, brown, purple, male, female, gay, straight, young old, short tall, CFC supporters, supporters of other clubs, lefties, righties - all sorts.


Reply #54
I believe the problem is caused in part by the age of the people who contribute to the various topics raised on this site.

Since the end of the 2022 football season I have enjoyed reading thoughtful opinions on diverse subjects including Harry and Meaghan,  climate change , the war in Ukraine, etc.

Despite the diametrically opposed views often presented, each member has expressed their view on the subject formed from their unique background  and life experiences.

By contrast, when I attempt to put forward my view on a subject with people ranging in age from late teens to mid-twenties, I am quite often confronted by 'group think' - where emotion decides the current view because of the lack of life experience.

And I think the view of anyone over the age of thirty five is treated with suspicion simply because of the belief - as expressed by one grandchild - that they are too old.

Let's hope as the new season approaches and the subject matters return to football that contributions from a wider range of members will begin.

I hope that is not wishful thinking, but with society being given more different avenues to express their views it is possible that we will slowly wither on the vine.



Reply #55
I like the forum and its views - I don't post much in the non competition season, because I don't really care about footy unless there are 4 points involved.

I also don't care about Harry, and don't really want to know about Russia's war, so don't contirbute much!  I'm perfectly happy to read the views of others in the meantime.

Do whatever you need to for me - 50+, white male Carlton supporter!



Reply #56
I confess that I am generally not a fan of social media and don't normally participate. However I do enjoy coming on here to read the many valuable insights into the CFC and AFL footy in general. I have learned much and am still learning.
I increasingly don't really pay much attention to non footy topics and I definitely am less active therefore when there is limited footy news.
I also fit into the white Vic old codger classification.
Looking forward to season 2023.
Reality always wins in the end.


Reply #57
BBB has struck; kniggit is no more  :)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Reply #58
I guess the youngsters don’t really do forum discussion.

Have we advertised this site? I had a casual chat to a couple of Carlton supporters at the Carlton vs Port Adelaide game (MCG) last year, and none of them knew of this site at all. Nobody had heard of it. Most of those people I would place in the 30 - 45 years bracket.


Reply #59
Have we advertised this site? I had a casual chat to a couple of Carlton supporters at the Carlton vs Port Adelaide game (MCG) last year, and none of them knew of this site at all. Nobody had heard of it. Most of those people I would place in the 30 - 45 years bracket.

Something I've also mentioned and would support wholeheartedly (promoting the site).
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17