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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2010
@ Lods
Interesting post Lods. So most people are in favour of law and order but different groups of different political  hues can favour different laws and different orders, often to support their own political ends and agendas and sometimes drifting into the draconian. Surprise, surprise.

Our own position and bias always plays into our assessment.
These personal positions are all different, and are largely framed by our own upbringing and life experiences.

One of the strange things you see in Trump discussions is this...
Democrats and their supporters attack (rightly in most cases) Trump for his disparaging remarks about opponents, his venom, and his dismissive put downs.
How do many respond?
They attack him with venom and personal disparaging remarks about his hair, skin colour, mental inadequacies and family.
You play on Trump's home ground and you give him an advantage.
While those things play well for the committed 'never Trumpers' they don't go over as well for the moderate and uncommitted voter.
On the far extreme they fuel the 'hate' fires and widen the divide.

In contrast one of the most effective anti-Trump bits we've seen was the Jonathan Swan approach in his interview which was calm, measured and for Trump...unsettling.

Despite my concerns about Biden's candidacy, based mainly on his longevity, he's kept himself for the most part largely above the personal attacks and concentrated on policy, issues and Trump's more erratic behaviour.
That seems to be playing well at present.
But this is so unpredictable and who knows what the next act in this circus will be.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2011
Trying to fathom how 'justice' is metered out in the US is something of a lottery. Varies from state to state. And then there's the fact that religion is still so strong in the US, with the Old Testament punishments seemingly favoured by the conservatives, especially the hard right, whereas your politically moderate or left Christian seems more in favour of a New Testament understanding of justice.

The one thing is for certain in the US when it comes to their judicial system, I wouldn't want to be poor, black, hispanic, Asian, a woman or gay/lesbian. If I was fronting a judge in the US, I'd sure want to be a tall, handsome, wealthy white guy... or at least be doing so in California and maybe NY.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2012
@ Lods

Another interesting set of observations Lods. Yes I guess we are each a product of our upbringing. Add to that the environment of constant propaganda and fake news we now have to endure and trying to maintain a balanced view of the world is a constant challenge.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2013
....................................................And then there's the fact that religion is still so strong in the US, with the Old Testament punishments seemingly favoured by the conservatives, especially the hard right, whereas your politically moderate or left Christian seems more in favour of a New Testament understanding of justice.

Whilst that's generally true, you will find, in amongst a whole lot of nonsense about God being a vindictive tribal deity, the Books of Jonah, Malachi, Amos and Hosea. These are among a group of Old Testament prophets known as the Minor Prophets, and in their work you will find the belief that "Godliness" can be experienced through unconditional love, forgiveness, justice, the absence of prejudice, and a universal, boundless force that connects all things at all times.


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2014
One of the strange things you see in Trump discussions is this...
Democrats and their supporters attack (rightly in most cases) Trump for his disparaging remarks about opponents, his venom, and his dismissive put downs.
How do many respond?
They attack him with venom and personal disparaging remarks about his hair, skin colour, mental inadequacies and family.
You play on Trump's home ground and you give him an advantage.
While those things play well for the committed 'never Trumpers' they don't go over as well for the moderate and uncommitted voter.
On the far extreme they fuel the 'hate' fires and widen the divide.
"Democrats and their supporters" do not include "Never Trumpers". The latter is the term for erstwhile Republicans who consider Trump unfit for office. Among them are George Conway, Rick Wilson & Anthony Scaramucci, the 1st 2 of whom founded the Lincoln Project whose main weapon has been producing a series of ads for TV & social media mocking Trump. They aren't Democrats nor are they supporters of the Democrats: they have merely embraced the obvious that the only way to get rid of Trump now is for Biden to be elected. Biden has no control over them and in fact their campaign runs counter to the way Biden wants to attack Trump.

The psychologists and psychiatrists who believe Trump is mentally unfit to be President including Dr Bandy Lee and Mary Trump (the niece of Donald Trump) are also not Democrats or their supporters. There's a common thread, though, in their views and the Lincoln Project's attacks on Trump. The psychological picture of Trump being a malignant narcissist and sociopath who has created a cult of blindly loyal followers is why the Lincoln Project believes mockery of Trump is the best weapon to use against Trump. Trump can't stand being diminished and can't resist the temptation to attack the Lincoln Project every time they put out an ad. His tweets and attempts to browbeat various platforms to pull those ads only serve to make them go viral.  There's nothing more lethal to a narcissist's self-esteem than ridicule and mockery and a would-be strongman fears that it will undermine his followers' devotion to him. The founders of the Lincoln Project believe they know the Republican voters' minds better than the Democrats do and are more able to hive off Trump's supporters. Who knows if they're right on this.

Then we have those who are opposed to Trump given his racism and white supremacy. I hope you don't think labelling him in this way is an example of "venom" as they are true descriptions and aren't mere personal attacks. He has earned those decriptors and they are a common thread through his Presidency. Calling him a liar is also just the plain truth. The fact checkers have compiled lists of his lies that now number in the tens of thousands. He doesn't care about telling the truth: his assertions are just "positions" which can and do change on a whim. His administration even has sought to regularise this under the label of "alternative facts".

The only descriptor that may be problematic is "fascist", but if the shoe fits ... . We have Trump refusing to accept the results of the election unless he's reelected, calling on the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by, trying to suppress the vote, and one of his henchmen, Senator Mike Lee, tweeting “Democracy isn’t the objective; liberty, peace, and prospefity are. We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that.” Isn't fascism about installing a right-wing government in a 1 party state? Calling him a fascist is much more accurate than Trump's labelling of Democrats as communists. 

As for his family, you know that he has many of them working in the White House & his reelection campaign? Ivanka & Jared Kushner are valid political targets and Don Jr & Eric are political flamethrowers and beneficiaries of Trump's self-dealing with his business who can't hide behind the "don't attack the kids" shield. Does anyone much attack Barron Trump, Tiffany Trump or even Melania? I don't think so (and certainly the racist vitriol directed at Michelle Obama when she was 1st Lady dwarfed any that does occur).

Personally, I reckon the Lincoln Project is right. Don't allow Trump to blow past every norm and then confine yourself to a tepid response as if you're at a tea party with society matrons.  If he does something outrageous, call him out for it over a loudspeaker. Thankfully, the press has now grown out of the ridiculous "both sides are bad" routine. Now instead of saying Trump has made a racially-tinged comment, they label it racist. And Jamelle Hill can now say Trump's a white supremacist without being met with righteous indignation. 

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2015
Whilst that's generally true, you will find, in amongst a whole lot of nonsense about God being a vindictive tribal deity, the Books of Jonah, Malachi, Amos and Hosea. These are among a group of Old Testament prophets known as the Minor Prophets, and in their work you will find the belief that "Godliness" can be experienced through unconditional love, forgiveness, justice, the absence of prejudice, and a universal, boundless force that connects all things at all times.

Absolutely, but sadly, as you point out they are regarded as the Minor Prophets and conveniently? forgotten when vengeance is sought and prejudice upheld - uniquely human expressions. Many of the hard right, Conservative Christians (WTF!) would rather have died that afforded the Obamas, when running the country, such Christian love... or any Democrat for that matter.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2016
"Democrats and their supporters" do not include "Never Trumpers". The latter is the term for erstwhile Republicans who consider Trump unfit for office. Among them are George Conway, Rick Wilson & Anthony Scaramucci, the 1st 2 of whom founded the Lincoln Project whose main weapon has been producing a series of ads for TV & social media mocking Trump. They aren't Democrats nor are they supporters of the Democrats: they have merely embraced the obvious that the only way to get rid of Trump now is for Biden to be elected. Biden has no control over them and in fact their campaign runs counter to the way Biden wants to attack Trump.

The psychologists and psychiatrists who believe Trump is mentally unfit to be President including Dr Bandy Lee and Mary Trump (the niece of Donald Trump) are also not Democrats or their supporters. There's a common thread, though, in their views and the Lincoln Project's attacks on Trump. The psychological picture of Trump being a malignant narcissist and sociopath who has created a cult of blindly loyal followers is why the Lincoln Project believes mockery of Trump is the best weapon to use against Trump. Trump can't stand being diminished and can't resist the temptation to attack the Lincoln Project every time they put out an ad. His tweets and attempts to browbeat various platforms to pull those ads only serve to make them go viral.  There's nothing more lethal to a narcissist's self-esteem than ridicule and mockery and a would-be strongman fears that it will undermine his followers' devotion to him. The founders of the Lincoln Project believe they know the Republican voters' minds better than the Democrats do and are more able to hive off Trump's supporters. Who knows if they're right on this.

Then we have those who are opposed to Trump given his racism and white supremacy. I hope you don't think labelling him in this way is an example of "venom" as they are true descriptions and aren't mere personal attacks. He has earned those decriptors and they are a common thread through his Presidency. Calling him a liar is also just the plain truth. The fact checkers have compiled lists of his lies that now number in the tens of thousands. He doesn't care about telling the truth: his assertions are just "positions" which can and do change on a whim. His administration even has sought to regularise this under the label of "alternative facts".

The only descriptor that may be problematic is "fascist", but if the shoe fits ... . We have Trump refusing to accept the results of the election unless he's reelected, calling on the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by, trying to suppress the vote, and one of his henchmen, Senator Mike Lee, tweeting “Democracy isn’t the objective; liberty, peace, and prospefity are. We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that.” Isn't fascism about installing a right-wing government in a 1 party state? Calling him a fascist is much more accurate than Trump's labelling of Democrats as communists. 

As for his family, you know that he has many of them working in the White House & his reelection campaign? Ivanka & Jared Kushner are valid political targets and Don Jr & Eric are political flamethrowers and beneficiaries of Trump's self-dealing with his business who can't hide behind the "don't attack the kids" shield. Does anyone much attack Barron Trump, Tiffany Trump or even Melania? I don't think so (and certainly the racist vitriol directed at Michelle Obama when she was 1st Lady dwarfed any that does occur).

Personally, I reckon the Lincoln Project is right. Don't allow Trump to blow past every norm and then confine yourself to a tepid response as if you're at a tea party with society matrons.  If he does something outrageous, call him out for it over a loudspeaker. Thankfully, the press has now grown out of the ridiculous "both sides are bad" routine. Now instead of saying Trump has made a racially-tinged comment, they label it racist. And Jamelle Hill can now say Trump's a white supremacist without being met with righteous indignation. 

Impressive post, MAV, very impressive.

Oh, there's one other thing narcissists cannot tolerate or handle... accountability. Brings them undone.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2017
Absolutely, but sadly, as you point out they are regarded as the Minor Prophets and conveniently? forgotten when vengeance is sought and prejudice upheld - uniquely human expressions. Many of the hard right, Conservative Christians (WTF!) would rather have died that afforded the Obamas, when running the country, such Christian love... or any Democrat for that matter.

This isn't really the place to discuss this, but the Bible is a mass of contradictions, and you can find a quote to justify anything you want - indeed this is what has been happening for centuries. As I've said elsewhere, there's nothing inherently evil about religion, or science, or politics or anything else. Tyranny begins and ends in the heart, and if we keep practicing self exaltation and the externalisation of evil, we will never create a better society for all. What you see in mainstream Christianity today has little to do the original teachings of Jesus and his original followers. The Church married the empire in the 3rd or 4th century, and that was the beginning of the end. Although there are pockets here and there of more progressive thinkers.

Back on topic, one could argue that Chris is a little strident, but I agree 100% with what he says :

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2018
@ Mav
I remember we had similar discussions and arguments back in 2016
You've read a whole lot more into what I've written than I was actually suggesting.
I was just pointing out that I found it strange that one one hand people get upset about his personal assaults on others yet resort to very similar 'personal' comments against him regarding his appearance, mental abilities and his family members (yep, fair game politically but not personally, especially his  youngest).

The argument I guess is what's the best way to attack Trump.
You seem to agree it's the confrontational approach....
I'd argue it's the more moderate tack that Biden seems to be adopting.
Perhaps it's a bit of A and a bit of B.
My concern is that the former approach may be most effective in winning the election but it raises real concerns as to the sort of angry aftermath there will be post election.

That's actually my whole concern because I think he's done and dusted this time barring some calamity.
But if America thinks it can mend the divide quickly I suspect they have a long and difficult road ahead.
Biden's victory needs to be decisive.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2019
@ Lods

Balanced post Lods. Much to play out yet in this election imo. Hopefully things don't descend into chaos and violence.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2020
This isn't really the place to discuss this, but the Bible is a mass of contradictions, and you can find a quote to justify anything you want - indeed this is what has been happening for centuries. As I've said elsewhere, there's nothing inherently evil about religion, or science, or politics or anything else. Tyranny begins and ends in the heart, and if we keep practicing self exaltation and the externalisation of evil, we will never create a better society for all. What you see in mainstream Christianity today has little to do the original teachings of Jesus and his original followers. The Church married the empire in the 3rd or 4th century, and that was the beginning of the end. Although there are pockets here and there of more progressive thinkers.

Back on topic, one could argue that Chris is a little strident, but I agree 100% with what he says :

Well, no argument here, Pauly. Thank you for introducing me to Chris Hedges.

I mentioned on this forum quite a while ago that I ran in the 1993 election and not as a member of Labor or Liberal and when I was interviewed by the ABC I commented, way back then, that voting for either of the major parties was making a decision as to whether I'd rather be hit over the head with a baseball bat or cricket bat - most of us have been voting for the lesser of two evils most of our adult lives. I survived a year in politics and pulled the pin myself as the party I'd joined, though well meaning, was filled with academics and intellectuals who actually didn't know how to make things happen in the real world... which was a pity, a huge pity.

Yes, Constantine, the consummate politician, is the real Founder of Christianity.

You're right, Pauly, this is not the place/forum for such chats but we sure are on the same page in many respects, however, I would add to your comment re it all starting and finishing with the heart that whilst humans are trained from birth to be fearful that we will continue to be easy to manipulate. Fear, to my way of thinking, is the opposite of love. As an interesting aside, recent studies of the conservative v progressive people's brains found that the 'fear centre' is far more active in the brain of conservatives!

Are you familiar with Robert Reich's work?
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2021
Trump’s more into the Third Reich’s work  ^-^
And yes, I know you’re talking about the former Labor Secretary. He’s a pretty reasonable voice.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2022
That's actually my whole concern because I think he's done and dusted this time barring some calamity.
But if America thinks it can mend the divide quickly I suspect they have a long and difficult road ahead.
Biden's victory needs to be decisive.
I agree a landslide result would be ideal. But it needs to be a landslide in the Congress too. Biden’s belief he can work across the aisle is naive. If McConnell remains in control of the Senate, he’ll just resort to total opposition again.

A landslide in the Presidential election would at least avoid the nightmare scenarios Trump might exploit to steal the election. In the swing States controlled by the GOP legislatures and/or Governors, the fear is that 2 slates of College electors will be sent to Congress: 1 in favour of Biden if he wins the most votes & 1 in favour of Trump because, you know, electoral fraud. If they can prevent Biden having an undisputed majority of 270 Electoral College votes, it will fall to the House of Reps to make a decision. If the GOP Reps refuse to honour the election results, the House will vote on the new President. But here’s the shocker: the majority won’t make the decision. Instead, each State will have 1 vote. So Alaska will have as many votes as California. Presently, the Democrats have a big majority in the House but if a vote were conducted right now the Republicans would win the vote. Hopefully, a blue wave in the Congressional elections will change that and take this horror scenario off the table.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2023
It would be interesting to understand the motivations of people to enrol to vote.   I suspect that there would have to be a huge injection of new 'enrolees' voting for Bidden in order for Trump to lose (and be in the right regions).  Most of those already enrolled would be doing so because they support a party and vote those lines, so can't imagine much of a change.

Voting for change as a population is harder than status quo.

Polling is now unreliable, particularly if done the traditional way.  

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2024
If it wasn't for covid Trump would win easy.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!