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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #240
Yep, he actually thinks he can run the White House like he runs his companies ::)

One of his brainwaves was that he'd go to America's creditors and tell them they had to re-negotiate or else he'd default on the debts.  He fulminated that the failure of Obama to use this strategy showed how stupid and weak he was given businessmen (including Trump) use this manoeuvre all the time.  He seemed totally unaware that this would crash the $US and wreck the international finance system which relies on the $US being a safe haven.  Millions of Year 12 Economics students (and even most of the Home Economics students) were horrified.


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #241
If its based on Politics then I fancy Trump to win as no one rates Hilary's political opinions , if its based on popularity then Hilary Clinton will probably sneak over the line as more people hate Trump...providing they all rock up to vote...
Trump can win some people over with his mad ideas but its seems Clintons best chance is for Trump to shoot himself in the foot .....
My major interest is what the result does to the economy here....the dollar is predicted to fall under 60c next year, house prices will soar and we will have a volatile economy....Trump will have Wall street plummet, drive Chinese trade away from the US and its friends and create massive borrowings in the US to pay for his tax cut policy as he cuts revenue.

His business skills are overated ...he inherited a fortune from his father, has had a series of failed business ventures and relied upon risky property development and a tV show to make money.....we cant afford a US president who runs an economy like he runs his own businesses...

We can't afford to have Trump anywhere near nuclear weapons  ::)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #242
We can't afford to have Trump anywhere near nuclear weapons  ::)

That is the Hilary line and I don't think that is going to persuade Americans anyway.. Remember Reagan? And they loved him.

Sure the Nuclear weapons is bloody scary, but it always has been,  the bigger issues are one many have touched on. He could literally BREAK the US economy. Lot's of billionaires have made both very dodgy and very speculative deals and he will quickly find his way of doing business has no real place iin national economics and the budget. Hopefully enough Republicans would 'cross the floor' to prevent anything catastrophic, but you never know in that country.

Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #243

The US economy is broke. Terminally.

Have a look at their 'balance sheet' sometime - insolvent is being kind....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #244
That is the Hilary line and I don't think that is going to persuade Americans anyway.. Remember Reagan? And they loved him.

Sure the Nuclear weapons is bloody scary, but it always has been,  the bigger issues are one many have touched on. He could literally BREAK the US economy. Lot's of billionaires have made both very dodgy and very speculative deals and he will quickly find his way of doing business has no real place iin national economics and the budget. Hopefully enough Republicans would 'cross the floor' to prevent anything catastrophic, but you never know in that country.

Very true!

My American friends are great people but some of them have some very strange ideas.  Returning to a mythical past in the land of opportunity has some appeal.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #245

The US economy is broke. Terminally.

Have a look at their 'balance sheet' sometime - insolvent is being kind....

Oh mate I agree with that and when I was living over there it was something I was perpetually worried about that when the ex and I were looking for what state to live in, however...

There is broken and there is Venezuela style debt crisis trouble.
I think Trump has the ability break it well beyond the current mess
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #246
The US is experiencing "the demise of empire" insofar as it is arguably no longer the richest, most influential world power to the same degree as it was immediately following WWII. It is the longing a return of the benefits of that, especially among blue collar people who have felt the greatest impact from that decline, that will propel Trump's campaign for the White House. They are not concerned too much about him being in charge of their nuclear arsenal especially in terms of it being focused on self protection. The role of unappreciated world policeman (in their minds) has seriously got whiskers on it as far as they are concerned.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #247
Trump will be the next president of the USA, barring an absolutely stupendous crash (which of course is also possible with Trump), he will kill Clinton.

He is hated by many, especially women and that was meant to stop him in the Red Neck primaries, but it didn't.

Hilary Clinton is just about as loathed as Trump, but nowhere near as loved. There are a lot of people that believe Trump can be the next Reagan. They believe he can come out strong and take on all the challenges facing America the next 8 years and they are significant.

The economy (apparently because he is a billionaire he will have all the answers here)
China's expansion
Russia's Militarization
ISIS, the Middle East, Worldwide & Domestic Terrorism.
Immigration Controls (legal and illegal)

These are just a few of the issues America consider to be threatening the existence of America... or A Great America.

I think Bernie had a chance against Trump, I don't think Hilary has any. I might end up eating my words here, but Trump was still paying $5 - $6 when he was in front in polls in The Red Neck Primary because people expected the joke to end and people to come to their senses, now they are starting to realise he can win it.

I agree.  I think Trump win hands down.  I actually like him.  He's funny and has a bit of charisma.  Also he wants to get the terrorists big time.  Good. In terms of his war mongering ways, I think we need a strong America, otherwise we could be screwed with the expansion of china.  Go the trumpster. And I got $7 in early markets :)

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #248
I agree.  I think Trump win hands down.  I actually like him.  He's funny and has a bit of charisma.  Also he wants to get the terrorists big time.  Good. In terms of his war mongering ways, I think we need a strong America, otherwise we could be screwed with the expansion of china.  Go the trumpster. And I got $7 in early markets :)

'I'm gonna build a military that's gonna be much stronger than it is right now,' The Donald said. 'It's gonna be so strong, nobody's gonna mess with us. But you know what? We can do it for a lot less.'
Not sure how he is doing it for less, or how he is paying for tax cuts....

There was a bloke who started WWII who had plenty of charisma and liked a strong military....DT also said we should have looked after Saddam Hussain and Col Gaddaffi and had them on the payroll...

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #249
'I'm gonna build a military that's gonna be much stronger than it is right now,' The Donald said. 'It's gonna be so strong, nobody's gonna mess with us. But you know what? We can do it for a lot less.'
Not sure how he is doing it for less, or how he is paying for tax cuts....

There was a bloke who started WWII who had plenty of charisma and liked a strong military....DT also said we should have looked after Saddam Hussain and Col Gaddaffi and had them on the payroll...

I find it incredibly amusing that anyone could honesly think Trump's "war mongering ways" are any worse than the existing US regime, or many before that, for that matter.

The US has 800 military bases in over 70 countries according to this site......

no wonder they're an economic basket case.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #250
IBWT, your last reason is the only one that has any merit imo.  It's hard to say what Trump would do in the Middle East.  He paints himself as am isolationist who wouldn't allow the US to bear the brunt of other countries' battles.  On the other hand, he says he'd kill ISIS by any means even if it involves waterboarding and killing the families of their members. 

A big theme in his campaign is that he'd insist that European and Middle Eastern countries should fund any military effort and provide much of the manpower as they are most affected by the current insurgency.  Saudi Arabia is the ultimate free rider.  Even when it invaded Yemen, it needed Pakistani troops to do the dirty work.  With the Oil-producing States already facing drastic revenue reductions, extracting money from them will be problematic.

So would he send in troops to fight on the ground?  I'm sure he knows how well that has worked in Afghanistan and Iraq and more importantly the size and duration of such commitments.  He'd also be up against the Russians if he sends troops into Syria.  Would he team up with Putin and Al-Assad to fight ISIS?  Iran is fighting on that side too, so this would very much be a case of strange bedfellows.  It would pit the US against Saudi Arabia which is sponsoring the non-ISIS rebels (and Russia is targetting them more than ISIS).  Even attempting to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria could spark a military response from Russia.

So would he limit himself to surgical aerial bombing?  Newsflash - that's already happening and it's doubtful that there could be any useful increase in these efforts.

Remember, he condemns the US support of the rebellion in Libya which deposed (and killed) Gadaffi.  But when he was reminded that he did support it at the time it was happening and called for Gadaffi's removal, he said they should just have had a surgical strike which killed Gadaffi and his advisers.

Sadly, Trump can't just call in the A-Team or Rambo to fix the Middle East.

There's also the question of whether the Middle East's geo-political importance requires the US to intervene.  Petrol is becoming less important.  The US has increased its domestic production to IIRC 65% of its needs and technological advances both in oil exploitation and alternative energy will see that figure climb.  OPEC has lost its ability to restrict supply and consequently push up prices.  The oil producers are flooding the market and the price has collapsed.  Some Middle Eastern states such as Dubai will run out of oil within a few years.  All of them are already experiencing massive cuts in revenue which may well create internal unrest.  Does America really need to bog itself down in an area which is losing its geopolitical importance?

Of course, there is a humanitarian issue at play in Syria.  But that's also the case in Nigeria and many other African countries.  Boko Haram is their local equivalent of ISIS/Al Qaeda.  Where is the international intervention?  Nigeria has some oil but African countries don't have enough geo-political importance to warrant intervention.

But then you have ISIS' desire to export terrorism and the fact it has caused a flood of refugees which is stressing European countries.  Just how is Trump going to go about limiting their influence?  Even if he does mount a military intervention and it liberates land occupied by ISIS, would that kill off terrorism?  Would it make it safe for refugees to return?' Remember that Iraq is half of ISIS' empire and the US liberated that over a decade ago and the US hasn't tamed the Taliban in Afghanistan either.  The reality is that Trump and ISIS would both benefit from a continuing war of words with each driving support for the other in an increasingly polarised world.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #251

"To all of those Bernie Sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates, we welcome you with open arms," Trump said. "And by the way, the terrible trade deals that Bernie is so vehemently against — and he's right on that — will be taken care of far better than anyone ever thought possible." 

"This election isn't about Republican or Democrat, it's about who runs this country: special interests or the people," he said. "Why would politicians want to change a system that's totally rigged to keep them in power? That's what they're doing folks. Why would politicians want to change a system that's made them and their friends very very wealthy?"

"I beat a rigged system by winning with overwhelming support — the only way you could've done it," Trump added. "We can't fix a rigged system by relying ... on the very people who rigged it."
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #252
There's nothing worse than a politician who claims that he/she is not a politician.  Well, perhaps there is; a politician who doesn't know that he is a politician.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #253
I agree.  I think Trump win hands down.  I actually like him.  He's funny and has a bit of charisma.  Also he wants to get the terrorists big time.  Good. In terms of his war mongering ways, I think we need a strong America, otherwise we could be screwed with the expansion of china.  Go the trumpster. And I got $7 in early markets :)

Not sure, I think Hilary almost has a free pass to the White House being up against Trump. She won't get beaten. Last thing we need is some idiot from the lunatic fringe running the USA.

Wonder if Hilary will get revenge on Bill and find herself a male "Monica"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #254
Every empire eventually crashes and needs a lunatic in charge to oversee and ensure the crash is total and spectacular.

Then you can rebuild it without the sins of the past... you'd hope.

On the other hand, it's hard to imagine that the FBI, CIA or other secret US agency hasn't got Trump in their sights.

I wonder if there is any truth in the rumour that smart US citizens are heading to Canada and Mexica with the hope that any walls that are built will keep the Yanks out!!!
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17