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Messages - PaulP

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 12 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Port Adelaide
I thought Fantasia did well last night, a couple of almost goals, that one he soccered would've been amazing, but quite a number of deft touches during play. Not gaining a possession but bettering the ball.
Putting himself in the right spot, playing his role.
Unless he plays like Walshy he will always get the negative comments.

To my eyes, he seems a "so close" player at the moment. You can see his brain working, you can see what he wants to do, but everything is just a fraction off. Certainly not the slack ar$e time waster that some are implying. 
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
I'm sure Biden is being well looked after.
Trump on the other hand is a bit of a loose cannon.
He'll be hell bent on squaring up with a few who he feels have done him wrong.
He'll surround himself with sycophants in positions of power and they'll mostly do things that will keep them in his good books.
I wouldn't be surprised what he gets up to...but a lot of old 'alliances' will be under a bit of stress.

With a 24/7 BS artist like Trump, it's hard to know how much his gobbing off is for show, and how much he intends to implement. He seems tailor made for what Chris Hedges calls the phenomenology of TV.

At any rate, that country was going to the dogs long before he showed up.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
I'd be wary of getting sucked in to the cult of individuals. Both these guys have a massive team and support crew behind them. Even though neither of them should be anywhere near the Oval Office, I'd say the chances of them exercising that power in an individualized, unaccountable fashion, are fairly small.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
I thought it was his best game for us so far, but off a low base.

Still very worried about his lack of physical contesting, for me it's not a game style that stands up in finals, you often see him lurking in the background at stoppages, rarely moves forward into the traffic, even when the ball spills in his direction he seems to back off waiting for it to be delivered...............................................................................................

Is it possible this is by instruction ? I find it hard to believe that the coaches don't notice this, and if they're unhappy with it, would they not issue a corrective ? I've heard a number of coaches criticize too many players getting sucked in to the contest, and state some players need to be stationed outside the contest to receive the footy.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
The folly of rucking BigH by default was exposed in the commentary when Brown started banging on about TDK going solo.

King rightly came in and described why solo rucking TDK is not sustainable season long, then there was a suggestion to ruck Charlie and King nearly fell out of his chair, and he described why you don't ruck Charlie ever, and the same applies to the overuse of BigH in the ruck, the risk is too high relative to the benefit.

The BigH to the ruck is an occasional pinch hit option, not a default tactic.

If our MC aren't smart enough to make use of Pitto and TDK sensibly, as required, we have an MC problem it's not the players.

Personally, I though the return of Saad and the front and square work of Williams made a huge difference yesterday, and off the back of Cripps and Walsh being dominant things might have got better if Witts had zero respite.

Williams is not scared to get at the feet of the marking contests and it makes a huge difference. I also note once his confidence was up he got a few runs through the midfield and did well, his critics should take note.

I thought it's laughable that some have suggested GC were an easy kill, Miller, Rowell, Witts, Lukosius, King, Andrew, we destroyed the GC strengths, surely whoever suggested the easy kill was joking.

Pat, whilst I generally agree, I think GC were a little spent following two weeks in the Top End, plus they do struggle in Victoria. Daniel Hoyne has noted that there are definite improvements in GC's profile (in his much loved "core four" metric), but they are probably not at the point where they can be relied upon week in week out. I was listening to the ABC broadcast, and I'm just relaying what Malthouse, Adam Ramanauskas and the other callers were saying.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
There's probably guys like Jacob Weitering who are one position players, but most everyone else needs to be able to play a few different roles, or so I keep hearing from all the experts. De Koning has developed his forward craft, and it needs to continue. Last year's premiers seem to have no issue with Darcy Cameron and Mason Cox in the same team.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
Voss will hopefully always pick 22/23 that gives us the best chance of winning a game of footy, which will vary week to week based on injury, opposition match ups etc. If Martin and Owies are both available and competing for the same role, Martin will always get the nod, and rightly so. What happens at season's end in terms of list management is a whole other issue.