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Messages - PaulP

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Gold Coast
Can anyone see us winning today based on what we've been doing for 4 quarters most weeks?

We don't look fit, and we were soundly obliterated after half time last week.

If young is fit he should be playing.  Weiters going down cooked us, you could argue we looked better with young than without him so far this season.

Very much a 50/50 game IMO.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
@PaulP Sorry I fixed it, should have written "global politics".

I was trying to discuss Trump's influence on dud politicians in other countries, the low end bottom feeders are adopting his tactics pretty much everywhere you look! Trump's behaviour like a universal user manual for how to sh1t in the pool and peg the blame on someone else!

Perhaps he has emboldened a few, but he isn't the first in recent times by any means. Berlusconi and Orbán immediately spring to mind as forerunners. I've said a few times that the left is basically dead, and the world is shifting to the right, with barely any exceptions, and barely any resistance.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
In some ways Trump is quite unique, in other ways he is properly representative of a growing global trend for leaders as right wing populist, buffoonish caricatures : South America, India, Italy and many others. I would include ScoMo in this as well. The triumph of spectacle and corporate tyranny, extolling the virtues of Neo-liberalism and a non reality based world view.