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Topic: SSM Plebiscite (Read 136688 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #105
You're going off on a tangent, LP.  That's an argument about the ethics of cloning, IVF, and research into reproductive techniques.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #106
Not all gay people want kids, and those that do are mostly just normal folks who will in all likelihood choose conventional methods.

You're going off on a tangent, LP.  That's an argument about the ethics of cloning, IVF, and research into reproductive techniques.

The point I was trying to make was the alarmist aspect of the thinking behind some votes, and how extreme behavior on either side diminishes trust which leads to people making sub-conscious but to them very real connections between disparate events. That is almost by definition the thin end of the wedge thinking scenario.

If the Yes vote lobby want to turn voters, no pun intended, they need to build trust not bully or guilt voters in a Yes vote.

Bullying or trying to guilt voters into a Yes vote just won't work. It's something the coalition and the Abbott's of this world know full and well, they are depending on that fact, and that the media will expose extremist behavior on the Yes side of the argument. It's why so many in politics who are on the Yes side wanted the poll to be deemed illegal, they feel the risk of it failing is too high from the start. The most likely outcome from a distressed or cynical voter is to maintain the status quo!

The Poll proceeding is viewed by many on both sides of the debate as a success, but for the exact opposite reasons.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #107
Clearly, I must live in some kind of Paully bubble, because I'm amazed that voters actually need to be turned. There seems so little in the way of proven adverse consequences to gay marriage, I'm scratching my head as to what there is to think about.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #108
I, like many others, hate the tone of this debate from the extremes.  The moderate middle has been OK.

The point to me that stands out like a sore thumb is that a de facto same sex couple doesn't have the same rights as m/f de facto couple.  This is a disgrace and needs urgent fixing.

I think as others have pointed out, there are legal differences (eg next of kin) that need proof in a de facto relationship that are more onerous than a marriage.  These can make sense ie a marriage certificate can be shown, but a de facto has to find other ways of proving their commitment towards each other.

I am not sure if it is a simple as saying that the only consequence of allowing same sex marriage is that same sex attracted can get married.  As (particularly) religious protections need to be put in place, I am curious as to what other 'protections' might need to exist.

Of the same sex couples that I know, I would be rapt to know that they could get married - it is what they desperately want.  The Yes camp needs to campaign very carefully and not aggressively to convince Australia that it is the right thing to do.  As the No camp is status quo, it is easier for them as they cater for those that are resistant to change.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #109
We agree on that point, LP.  The plebiscite is a cynical attempt to derail the campaign, in the same way that Howard thwarted the Republican push.  Say that there should be a debate and use the fact of a debate to drive no votes or abstentions.  Referenda have been notoriously difficult to pass where there is any signifiant controversy. It should be a parliamentary vote as it is for other important issues. 

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #110
Clearly, I must live in some kind of Paully bubble, because I'm amazed that voters actually need to be turned. There seems so little in the way of proven adverse consequences to gay marriage, I'm scratching my head as to what there is to think about.

PaulP, you don't have to turn voters and in general you cannot turn most decisive voters, you have to convince swinging voters, again no pun intended!

Any negativity, mistrust or tension that exists will force swinging voters to favor the status quo. It's the very same mechanism incumbents use to retain power when a war breaks out, or when some children get thrown overboard.

When under duress, perceived or real duress or threats, voters and society will reject change. It's the old "It's not a good time to be trying something new" argument, and it works!

If the Yes lobby keep coming across as bullies they will lose, Abbott knows the louder and more aggressive the Yes lobby get the less the chance of their Yes success. He will be doing his very best to calm and quiet the far right No crowd. Abbott would have been alarmed about that recent Father's Day Ad, he doesn't want the right to be perceived as bullies, he wants the status quo to seem safe.

Yet even if the right do bully, the Yes lobby cannot win by pointing the finger at the far right and calling them bullies, that is perceived as bullying and will lose the swinging voters.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #111
Yes, but for much of the population none of that is real.

However, playing the devil's advocate, having listened to some of my old associates. Genetics and nature is very real, and the rules apply to every mammal, there is absolutely no natural way interaction between two same sex mammals can result in offspring.

For some the same sex marriage vote is viewed as the thin end of the wedge, primarily because they are already aware of scientific research that allows an ovum to be fertilized by a partners skin cells creating a baby with genetics from two females. The research is being undertaken under the guise of allowing infertile men to have genetic offspring, but the sex of the DNA donor is irrelevant, and allegedly the major organisation funding the research is basically a LGBTI political think-tank sponsored by some rather wealthy LGBTI patrons.

Even worse for the rest of us, well the famous and wealthy anyway not so much me, in the US there have already been concerns raised about the technique because it appears that DNA coming from incidental contact could be recovered and used to fertilise an ovum. There is already allegedly a bank of genetic material being illegally compiled, stuff like celebrity hair or nail clippings, glasses, coffee cups, door handles even!

I don't know if any of this is as real as it is implied, but it's fears along those lines that have some people looking to vote "No" as some sort of tipping point.

Reality is far stranger than fiction! :o

Ever read Roald Dahl's "My Uncle Oswald" LP?
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #112
PaulP, you don't have to turn voters and in general you cannot turn most decisive voters, you have to convince swinging voters, again no pun intended!

Any negativity, mistrust or tension that exists will force swinging voters to favor the status quo. It's the very same mechanism incumbents use to retain power when a war breaks out, or when some children get thrown overboard.

When under duress, perceived or real duress or threats, voters and society will reject change. It's the old "It's not a good time to be trying something new" argument, and it works!

If the Yes lobby keep coming across as bullies they will lose, Abbott knows the louder and more aggressive the Yes lobby get the less the chance of their Yes success. He will be doing his very best to calm and quiet the far right No crowd. Abbott would have been alarmed about that recent Father's Day Ad, he doesn't want the right to be perceived as bullies, he wants the status quo to seem safe.

Yet even if the right do bully, the Yes lobby cannot win by pointing the finger at the far right and calling them bullies, that is perceived as bullying and will lose the swinging voters.

That's all well and good, but I'm still flummoxed as to why they need are on the fence. What is there to think about ?

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #113
Ever read Roald Dahl's "My Uncle Oswald" LP?

No I can't say I have, but I've have seen references to it in blogs about DNA theft.

I gather it has some relevance?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #114
That's all well and good, but I'm still flummoxed as to why they need are on the fence. What is there to think about ?

Risk PaulP, some people think any change is risky, while some people think not changing is the bigger risk!

You find the exact same scenario in the climate change debate, it has nothing to do with the actual issue under debate, and everything to do with human nature.

If you think their indecisiveness is offensive, and you get aggressive about it while arguing the case, you will reinforce their personal beliefs and they will vote exactly the way that makes them feel safe. Which more often than not is to retain the status quo!

Most people live obliviously, they want the path of least stress.

btw., It is a false sense of security they have, that the status quo is safe, but it's very real to them!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #115
Risk PaulP, some people think any change is risky, while some people think not changing is the bigger risk!

You find the exact same scenario in the climate change debate, it has nothing to do with the actual issue under debate, and everything to do with human nature.

If you think their indecisiveness is offensive, and you get aggressive about it while arguing the case, you will reinforce their personal beliefs and they will vote exactly the way that makes them feel safe. Which more often than not is to retain the status quo!

Most people live obliviously, they want the path of least stress.

btw., It is a false sense of security they have, that the status quo is safe, but it's very real to them!

Fair enough. I get that.

Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #116
No I can't say I have, but I've have seen references to it in blogs about DNA theft.

I gather it has some relevance?

It's worth a read!

Uncle Oswald uses an aphrodisiac and the charms of Yasmin Howcomely to obtain and sell semen from the most successful men.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Re: Father's Day ad pulled!

Reply #117
Clearly, I must live in some kind of Paully bubble, because I'm amazed that voters actually need to be turned. There seems so little in the way of proven adverse consequences to gay marriage, I'm scratching my head as to what there is to think about.

I was watching The Project last night and Waleed won't speak on the issue.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!