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Topic: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda (Read 35262 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #120
Didn’t bother watching the game, I’ve lost all optimism.

Sick of our first round picks not improving - I know it’s hard in a low team when you’re not surrounded by greatness but ffs what needs to happen here for anyone to improve?

Honestly, who has improved? Who is in charge of development?

Why doesn’t anyone want to take the game on and make a pact to work for each other? Sick of watching this stuff, don’t care what has to happen from here but officially I’ve lost my care about feelings or the right thing to do. I want to watch an exciting team full of young stars in the making and I’m seeing better at the suburban grounds on the weekend.  Completely gutted and over it.

I said a while ago that maybe we would be better off developing two teams essentially; one is our temporary seniors and the other is our emerging team. The emerging team play together in the VFL and build success, get to know each other and their style, learn their craft and then transition into our seniors. This was a tactic used by the early Geelong teams prior to their successful run, Neil Balme once mentioned this in an interview.

Gary Ablett junior, Bartel and a few others were deliberately played and allowed to develop together before coming up from the VFL. They won the VFL premiership and experienced success together.

Why could we not follow this type of method?

Imagine Dow, O'Brien, Setterfield, Stocker, Walsh and Charlie Curnow playing enough games to qualify for the VFL finals, Lang, Kennedy and Polson could come up and may still even qualify if we manage their seniors time given they have played reserves already. We set ourselves the aim of top four VFL with a real tilt at winning it. It might also mean Walsh does not play too many games and could still win the rising star next year.

We would need to think about 'dropping' seniors at key times to ensure we win (add Kruezer in for a key game or two), play McGovern at CHF or CHB for a series of games or McKay for a burst here and there, given our predicament currently why not have a go and at least generate some positivity in the club.

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #121
We simply need time.

Time for our youngsters to truly grow into their bodies.

Time played together to know each others strengths and weaknesses.

Time for our youngsters to become seasoned competitors.

Time for them to build belief in their abilities.

Time playing to the same game plan so the kids know what to do on game day.

Time doing it so they can learn when to stick to the plan and when to deviate.

I'm firmly of the belief that our coaches know more about the game than we do, and that where we see a player taking us apart and we wonder why he isnt being tagged, our coaches are wondering where his opponent is, and why he's let him run free.

Ever wondered why we constantly seem out numbered?  The answer is simple.  Too many aren't working up and down hard enough for long enough.

Time to find a coach that gets the basics right, so in a short amount of time our best player doesn’t call time on this crap club

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #122
... as was evidenced in the last q when SPS handballed straight to the opposition.  I couldn't work out from the TV angle who it was intended for - didn't seem to be any teammates in the vicinity. Just panicked and coughed it up.

I saw no-one either.  It was disgraceful

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #124
We simply need time.

Time for our youngsters to truly grow into their bodies.

Time played together to know each others strengths and weaknesses.

Time for our youngsters to become seasoned competitors.

Time for them to build belief in their abilities.

Time playing to the same game plan so the kids know what to do on game day.

Time doing it so they can learn when to stick to the plan and when to deviate.

I'm firmly of the belief that our coaches know more about the game than we do, and that where we see a player taking us apart and we wonder why he isnt being tagged, our coaches are wondering where his opponent is, and why he's let him run free.

Ever wondered why we constantly seem out numbered?  The answer is simple.  Too many aren't working up and down hard enough for long enough.

Yes, all true, but the head hunters are out in force, and they won't rest until they claim a scalp. And one in particular.

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #125
You'd hope our coaches know more about the game than us! It's how they stack up against other club coaches that would be the bigger concern.
Reality always wins in the end.


Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #126
I watched (under great sufferance) Bolton's post match conference this morning.  Must have taken a page from the worthless garbage the so called Club President spewed out pre game.

If that rubbish was supposed to instill faith in the "process" it failed on every level.  He is NOT and never WILL be the answer.  He is sub standard.

Take your severance cheque,  Appoint a stand in and go all out for Ratten.  I have had enough.

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #127
I watched (under great sufferance) Bolton's post match conference this morning.  Must have taken a page from the worthless garbage the so called Club President spewed out pre game.

If that rubbish was supposed to instill faith in the "process" it failed on every level.  He is NOT and never WILL be the answer.  He is sub standard.

Take your severance cheque,  Appoint a stand in and go all out for Ratten.  I have had enough.

I agree that the loss is terribly disappointing and it was a poor performance. But to expect the head coach to rub gravel through his hair and join the chorus of lament is probably not wanted. Nor is singling out players.

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #128
I agree that the loss is terribly disappointing and it was a poor performance. But to expect the head coach to rub gravel through his hair and join the chorus of lament is probably not wanted. Nor is singling out players.

I make a habit of watching 6 pressers every week, and have done so for a while. No coach in recent memory publicly tears strips off their players. They don't even do a name and shame.

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #129
I watched (under great sufferance) Bolton's post match conference this morning.  Must have taken a page from the worthless garbage the so called Club President spewed out pre game.

If that rubbish was supposed to instill faith in the "process" it failed on every level.  He is NOT and never WILL be the answer.  He is sub standard.

Take your severance cheque,  Appoint a stand in and go all out for Ratten.  I have had enough.

Even the most ardent supporters of Bolton would acknowledge that 1-9 is a shock - as painful as it is, the joirney that we all expected hasn’t worked. Notwithstanding all is not lost - over the past 4 years we’ve certainly improved the list and the culture. We’re in a far better position today. The club now needs a new set of voices to take the next step - it’s not a rebuild, just a fresh perspective built on the foundations of the past four years. This great club deserves a new coach, a couple of new assistants and probably a new CEO with some corporate credibility (not a membership massager) to revitalise the place.

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #130
I make a habit of watching 6 pressers every week, and have done so for a while. No coach in recent memory publicly tears strips off their players. They don't even do a name and shame.

Of course not. No decent manager would. And were Bolton to do so he would lose the players.

Such a young midfield yesterday. Short term it is going to continue to be difficult. The lack of senior leadership is the killer. Ed curnow had 20 touches and was probably in our best, but underwhelming for one of our seniors.  Tough gig this Carlton supporting caper. Must be awful for the club and players

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #131
Yes, all true, but the head hunters are out in force, and they won't rest until they claim a scalp. And one in particular.

Yes, it's clear the same old same old will rule, Trumps America!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #132
Even the most ardent supporters of Bolton would acknowledge that 1-9 is a shock - as painful as it is, the joirney that we all expected hasn’t worked. Notwithstanding all is not lost - over the past 4 years we’ve certainly improved the list and the culture. We’re in a far better position today. The club now needs a new set of voices to take the next step - it’s not a rebuild, just a fresh perspective built on the foundations of the past four years. This great club deserves a new coach, a couple of new assistants and probably a new CEO with some corporate credibility (not a membership massager) to revitalise the place.
Agree.  Giving time can’t be infinite. I didn’t even consider going to the game yesterday, and didn’t watch it! This is from a family that used to make every effort to get to every game. I have sat through a lot of painful games including many last year.  We just cannot do it again.  And before anyone says through good times and bad and that we should be ashamed to call ourselves supporters and not even going, we’re 20+ year members.  Our children cry at the thought of going.  Yes they should harden up but reality is, it’s not enjoyable to watch loss after loss after loss year after year.

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #133
Almost 1/3 of our playing list, and a good portion of our weekly team, are either 1st years or players in their 2nd year blues!

You only need one or two each week who are not competitive and it rips your team apart!

I didn't see one shepherd yesterday, not one shepherd of any value! The Aints followed the Norp blueprint and brought physical pressure knowing full well we'd fold! The problem is recruiting issue!

FFS, SoJ looked like the only player trying to physically pressure the opposition and he can barely keep up with them!

A massive tell is the faces of the players at 1/2-time, go back to the replay and watch them with their line coaches, they look confused, that tells me they are being way over-coached!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Post Game Passion AFL Rd 10: Carlton vs St Kilda

Reply #134
Yes, all true, but the head hunters are out in force, and they won't rest until they claim a scalp. And one in particular.

The real world works that way, people are accountable.
That said, what time frame would you give Bolton?
Say to get 10 wins in a year.

I would have thought the expectation was we would win 6-8 games this year.