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Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #630
No PaulP, I can and have provide you with more evidence you are likely to need, but you chose ignorance over investigation because you have a lazy bent. You want answers not effort, that is something I cannot help you with.

So do the lazy thing PaulP, have faith PaulP and all will be revealed! ;)

Of course I want answers. Doesn't everybody ? Answers which you are clearly unable to provide. All you do is send people on wild goose chases that lead nowhere. I have spent the last several days searching the internet and there is not a jot of direct evidence for the existence of these elements. I just wanted to hear it from you. But clearly inconvenient truths don't suit your agenda.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #631
Of course I want answers. Doesn't everybody ? Answers which you are clearly unable to provide. All you do is send people on wild goose chases that lead nowhere. I have spent the last several days searching the internet and there is not a jot of direct evidence for the existence of these elements. I just wanted to hear it from you. But clearly inconvenient truths don't suit your agenda.

I'm sorry PaulP, you will not get an easy answer because they are not easy questions, but to answer them does not need blind faith or a belief in some mystical system, you just have to ask the simplest of questions and then keep going.

You can't capture a neutrino yet they are indirectly detected, if they were not here you wouldn't be here either, like it or not our entire modern way of life is built of knowledge from indirect detections!

You might be one of them, an indirect detection, because fundamentally you cannot prove your existence outside your own frame of reference, while you live in your own universe you only appear in mine. In my universe you think because I am, in your universe I think because of you, it's your fault! ;)
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #632
More guff.

The principles behind these ideas are not that hard. The technical and mathematical documentation required to demonstrate them is advanced, and well outside the scope of ordinary mortals.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #633
More guff.

The principles behind these ideas are not that hard. The technical and mathematical documentation required to demonstrate them is advanced, and well outside the scope of ordinary mortals.

While it is useful you don't always need math anymore, a lot of the ESA data comes with free software utilities to make your own measurements. They set up many of the publicly funded projects so students can make their own investigations as part of the project outreach campaigns. All you need is a lot of disk space, a great Internet connection and lots of time. Of course perhaps the programmers are in on the conspiracy! :o

If you want you can even try batting for the other team, at SAO you do not need to be up to date in calculus and as a mature age entry a lot of the normal entry requirements are waivered. They are a world leader based right here in Melbourne, not cheap or free, but worthwhile things rarely are!

To learn about stuff like this,

Hey, even if you are not genuinely interested it pays to know the enemy! ;D
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #634
Well at the very least, I should thank you for finally giving me links I can actually read. So kudos for that.

But none of that changes my current position. Lots of whizz bang technological equipment, lots and lots of money, and lots and lots of hope, but still not much to show for it. I understand that may all change tomorrow, but for now the state of play is what it is.

Although the WIMPS, Machos and references to dodgy accountants gave me a chuckle. Plus lots of technical jargon to alternately impress / bore your friends. I guess the idea of trapping scientists 1 km underground also appeals.  :-*

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #635
Well at the very least, I should thank you for finally giving me links I can actually read. So kudos for that.

But none of that changes my current position. Lots of whizz bang technological equipment, lots and lots of money, and lots and lots of hope, but still not much to show for it. I understand that may all change tomorrow, but for now the state of play is what it is.

Although the WIMPS, Machos and references to dodgy accountants gave me a chuckle. Plus lots of technical jargon to alternately impress / bore your friends. I guess the idea of trapping scientists 1 km underground also appeals.  :-*

Ahh well PaulP, there is no free lunch, if you are not prepared to do the work then I have assume you are not interested in the answer.

I suppose we do live(at least in our perception) in a instant society.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #636
Ahh well PaulP, there is no free lunch, if you are not prepared to do the work then I have assume you are not interested in the answer.

I suppose we do live(at least in our perception) in a instant society.

It has nothing to do with being lazy. My work ethic is fine, and my comprehension skills are fine. Read those articles yourself. All the PhD's and all the equations in the world won't alter the fact that after decades and decades, neither dark matter nor dark energy have been directly detected. The calculations are not theories. They are simply mathematical documentation of observed phenomena. Science takes that data and explains it in terms of current theories of gravitation, which has fallen short. Why not try something else ?

I have spent days looking at this, and the thing that I find especially galling is the arrogance and inevitability of it all. It doesn't matter whether it's a forum know-it-all, an undergrad student, Dawkins, Brian Cox or anyone else, any uncertainty or lack of information is almost always qualified with a "yet." "We don't have the answers yet." "We don't understand dark matter or energy yet", etc. There is rarely any doubt or humility expressed, never any concession to the very reasonable possibility that we have reached the limits of what we can measure. Never any attempt to state things simply and honestly. It's always science as the great white hope, the great solver of the universe's secrets. It's always presented as simply a matter of more time, more money etc.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #637
It has nothing to do with being lazy. My work ethic is fine, and my comprehension skills are fine. Read those articles yourself. All the PhD's and all the equations in the world won't alter the fact that after decades and decades, neither dark matter nor dark energy have been directly detected. The calculations are not theories. They are simply mathematical documentation of observed phenomena. Science takes that data and explains it in terms of current theories of gravitation, which has fallen short. Why not try something else ?

I have spent days looking at this, and the thing that I find especially galling is the arrogance and inevitability of it all. It doesn't matter whether it's a forum know-it-all, an undergrad student, Dawkins, Brian Cox or anyone else, any uncertainty or lack of information is almost always qualified with a "yet." "We don't have the answers yet." "We don't understand dark matter or energy yet", etc. There is rarely any doubt or humility expressed, never any concession to the very reasonable possibility that we have reached the limits of what we can measure. Never any attempt to state things simply and honestly. It's always science as the great white hope, the great solver of the universe's secrets. It's always presented as simply a matter of more time, more money etc.

If you had read the articles you should understand they are not trying for direct detections, all the experiments are indirect detection, but with careful design they continually narrow the range of whatever they detect might be.

In the world as we know it, at our human scale and perception within our current band of knowledge, direct detection is not possible but that doesn't mean you won't notice the influence or effects.

Like the wind blowing trillions of atmospheric particles through whatever is left of your hair, it gives you no information of what they are but you can indirectly detect their presence. :D
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #638
If you had read the articles you should understand they are not trying for direct detections, all the experiments are indirect detection, but with careful design they continually narrow the range of whatever they detect might be.

In the world as we know it, at our human scale and perception within our current band of knowledge, direct detection is not possible but that doesn't mean you won't notice the influence or effects.

Like the wind blowing trillions of atmospheric particles through whatever is left of your hair, it gives you no information of what they are but you can indirectly detect their presence. :D

Even if I cannot detect what gets blown into my hair, there would no doubt be something that could, maybe even something as simple as a magnifying glass. So direct detection is certainly possible, but what is required to do that may not be ready to hand.

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #639
Even if I cannot detect what gets blown into my hair, there would no doubt be something that could, maybe even something as simple as a magnifying glass. So direct detection is certainly possible, but what is required to do that may not be ready to hand.

It's not a direct detection PaulP, you are seeing or detecting the effects of something, but it gives you no information of what that something is. It parallels dark matter experiments perfectly.

Even with the world's best electron or atomic force microscopes showing atoms, the images are mathematical reconstructions of scattered beam data, magnetic or electric fields. They are not like photographs.

Even many of the grand cosmological deep space images of quasars and distance galaxies, they are often not optical photographs but reconstructions that are the result of radio interferometry.

To a human eye the data as imaged would look more like the Filth's football jumper.

The next space telescope, JWST, will send back data as images of things that are invisible to humans but detectable by infrared sensor. Detecting and displaying galaxies that we cannot always see! The warmth of the fire without the light, A La William Herschel and his thermometer.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #640
Sorry, for whatever reason, I thought you were referring to dust particles.

Surely you can see even a small amount of irony in this ? 96% of the universe is not detectable or visible, but we are told we can see / feel its effects. We can't even see the images directly, but have to rely on reconstructions. You don't see any connection between the high priests of science feeding the correct information to the minions, information that they only have proper access to, and high priests of religion in days past doing the same ?

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #641
Sorry, for whatever reason, I thought you were referring to dust particles.

Surely you can see even a small amount of irony in this ? 96% of the universe is not detectable or visible, but we are told we can see / feel its effects. We can't even see the images directly, but have to rely on reconstructions. You don't see any connection between the high priests of science feeding the correct information to the minions, information that they only have proper access to, and high priests of religion in days past doing the same ?

Nope none at all PaulP, and the scientists do not do the same.

Perhaps you assert that because you haven't been able to dive into the evidence directly yourself, you are relying on 3rd party opinions. I find it a bit shocking you seem to have researched in some detail yet have come out the other side favoring of the fish-slappers, the ones working in the shadows! Experts at finding correlation without causation. That is some irony!

But I get their attraction, they are the car-salesmen of pseudoscience, the ones breaking ranks are often a scientist who has lost tenure. Scientists are feeble and subject to error like any human. The crafty ones know how science works and can navigate their way through criticism by carefully avoiding the presentation of any real evidence. Experts at finding correlation without causation.

Did you know that there is a strong correlation between cheese consumption and dying from bed sheet suffocation? Spurious but true!

I'm not sure what anyone can do about that PaulP, the New Age wizards often published based on entirely incorrect premises and never support their arguments with data, they can't because the real data takes time, a lot of money and effort none of which they have. That is no accident, the wizards of cynicism work in the shadows in the absence of scientific methods or real data, they are not scientists when they behave this way even if the have earned a PhD!

Who would be the high priest of science, Sir David Attenborough?

He always scares me! :o
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #642
I'm not really sure why you keep coming back to New Age and religion. I am neither nor, but whatever floats your boat.

I'm safely assuming that you don't have the time, expertise or equipment to conduct every experiment yourself. I'm also safely assuming that you do not pore through the papers discussing various theories, especially where high pressure maths and physics is concerned, since it would be very difficult to understand, no ?

You have a faith and a trust that the science community will banish all falsehoods, all false prophets, all lies, all deceptions, and leave you with the facts, aka the truth ?

Still not sounding familiar ?

Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #643
I'm not really sure why you keep coming back to New Age and religion. I am neither nor, but whatever floats your boat.

I'm safely assuming that you don't have the time, expertise or equipment to conduct every experiment yourself. I'm also safely assuming that you do not pore through the papers discussing various theories, especially where high pressure maths and physics is concerned, since it would be very difficult to understand, no ?

You have a faith and a trust that the science community will banish all falsehoods, all false prophets, all lies, all deceptions, and leave you with the facts, aka the truth ?

Still not sounding familiar ?

No Paul, actually I studied as much years ago, and yes as part of that I have crunched the data and helped to draft papers under supervision, usually the boring stuff like categorising and preparing images or creating graphs and tables. Now they use Zooniverse for such tasks, not nearly blinding enough students in my opinion. That's why I gave you the SAO reference, if similar institutes can sort me out they can sort anybody out!

But perhaps start with any freely available MOOC, if you are worried about math start with The Khan Academy at whatever level sees you comfortable.

Although I don't work in that field, even if you do get a spot astronomy or astrophysics is very very poorly remunerated, I do now work in an engineering field where the use of complex numbers, derivatives, integration and other calculus is an almost daily occurrence. Of course it's all now computerised, we don't repeat by hand what we can do with a program. It's probably not just work but a bit of a hobby, like doing a crossword puzzle. I get the most enjoyment and understanding out of pen, paper and calculator even though I could program the whole lot if I wanted to. Much of the time I'm on here I'm actually waiting for a computer simulation or some other software to finish a task.

You have a faith and a trust that the science community will banish all falsehoods, all false prophets, all lies, all deceptions, and leave you with the facts, aka the truth ?

Still not sounding familiar ?

No Paul not at all, science is not a religion there is no dogma in the scientific method. Many scientific proofs show that some things are unknowable.

If someone claims to have all the answers, then they are almost certainly fake, but that is quite different from people peddling falsities! Nobody has all the answers, and not all answers can be understood with language alone.

Sciences biggest enemy is people who make stuff up, take shortcuts and substitute a work ethic with guessing or hope! Probably Donald Trump!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: SSM Plebiscite

Reply #644
Wow, a real maths and physics whiz, and just to add a little mayo in there, also whipping up a few simulations in your spare time. Very impressive.

I'm not sure why you can't see any similarities - they're plain as day to me.