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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 423625 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3045
Well, he acts like a grumpy toddler, so anything’s possible. His election strategy, if you can call it that, was self-defeating.

If he does go to jail, imagine being his secret service detail. I guess it would be an easy gig if Trump is locked up with larcenous bankers but the scenery wouldn’t be very interesting. Maybe they’d spend their time keeping an eye on the prison guards.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3046

If he does go to jail, imagine being his secret service detail. I guess it would be an easy gig if Trump is locked up with larcenous bankers but the scenery wouldn’t be very interesting. Maybe they’d spend their time keeping an eye on the prison guards.
Despite the list of possible charges he may face, it is hard to see him doing any time.

Between appeals, and sacking/hiring lawyers, it will drag on for years.  He is more likely to shuffle off the mortal coil first (and even then his team will probably claim that his death is 'fake news'....)

And at that time, if he is invited to take the 'Down' escalator, he won't need to worry about the Orange tan as the temperature will probably make that his standard complexion.
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3047
Despite the list of possible charges he may face, it is hard to see him doing any time.

Between appeals, and sacking/hiring lawyers, it will drag on for years.  He is more likely to shuffle off the mortal coil first (and even then his team will probably claim that his death is 'fake news'....)
There was online commentary that suggested some of those HK / China / Russia decisions hinted at him leaving the door open to emigrate! Not sure that is accurate. Funnily, there were a couple of world leaders who joked he might not be welcome in their own country, but maybe it wasn't such a joke!

What on earth would his supporters do if he became a Red?
The Force Awakens!


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3048
I don't seriously believe he'll do jail time. His greatest risk is being found guilty of tax evasion and for at least one of the rape/sexual assault charges to also stick... then, maybe.

However, in a very real sense, he's already in prison - the paranoia levels required to sustain such narcissism keep him in a prison of fear. Have you ever seen him laugh? He's an unhappy camper whose only little joys in life come from golf and adoration.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3049
He's an unhappy camper whose only little joys in life come from golf and adoration.
It's been alleged he's a massive cheat at golf, using the toe iron, so if true no doubt looking over his shoulder there as well!

In this week past we saw a massive cheat in professional US golf, a bouncing ball was deemed plugged, then lifted, and the benefactor became the winner.

What would St Andrews think?
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3050
The QOP doesn’t mind Russia now and moving to Russia wouldn’t harm Trump’s relationship to QTrumplicans. In some ways, it would allow him to be seen as the President in exile. He’d be like General Douglas MacArthur, Charles de Gaulle or the Ayatollah Khomeini waiting for the pretenders to be swept from power before his triumphal return.

The Russians are more White Christian Nationalists than communists these days. Trumpists don’t mind right-wing authoritarianism, so they aren’t repulsed by Putin & Co.

PS: this is mostly tongue-in-cheek. A presidential candidate must have been a resident of the US for the previous 14 years, so everyone could breath a sigh of relief should he emigrate (everyone apart from those concerned with national security that is).

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3051
The rape claims won’t lead to criminal charges. Unbelievably, those charges are time-barred (in Oz, they can be brought irrespective of the time that’s passed). The allegations have only found life in civil courts because Trump called 2 of the complainants liars. He now faces defamation suits. In the case of E Jean Carroll, she alleges forcible vaginal rape by Trump. What a guy he is  ::)

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3052
Presumably, Biden will invite the Bucs to the White House. What will Tom Brady do? He supposedly considers Trump a friend. And are there any Good Ol’ Boys in the team who think Biden stole the election?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3053
Well, 57 senators voted to convict Aurangzeb of inciting insurrection but 43 voted against conviction.  Mitch McConnell stated that Aurangzeb (he didn’t actually use that name  :) ) was guilty but it would be wrong to convict an ex-POTUS  ::)

And, of course, Aurangzeb is bleating about it being the “greatest witch hunt in American history.”  How many times can he be the subject of the greatest witch hunt?

Only in ‘Merica  :o
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3054
Waste of time and money by the democrats.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3055
Bad strategic move for the QOP. Some morons on the right theorise that the Democrats were desperate to shut Trump out of running in 2024 because they’re afraid of him. I think they’re giddy with excitement at that prospect. They had to fly the flag: if they hadn’t impeached or done something else to show they took his misconduct seriously, they risked being accused of cynically enabling a would-be dictator so he could destroy the Retrumplicans from the inside. But now the QOP fully owns its own nightmare.

Ordinarily, a newly-elected President whose party holds a wafer-thin majority in both houses would be resigned to his party losing both Houses of Congress at the mid-term elections. But George Dubya saw the GOP expand its majorities in the wake of 9/11. Trump is Biden’s 9/11.

Trump will continue to hollow out the QOP, going after moderates until it’s only the party of right-wing extremists. Meanwhile, the Democrats are free to continue to go after Trump via congressional committees and tie Republicans facing re-election to him. If they’d done so after he’d been banned from running again, they’d have been accused of flogging a dead horse. Trump is one of the most effective tools Democrats have for fundraising and turning out the vote.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3056
It will be interesting to see how it pans out.

I actually  think pretty much the opposite will happen.
Trump will fade away.
More likely than not he will be tied up with legal issues.
He won't be a candidate in 2024

The Republicans will make a concerted effort to rid his influence on the party but they'll do it in a way that they hope will enable them to keep that rump of his support.
McConnell signalled that much with his words today.

Trump is a straw man.
His influence has been a rallying point for extremists on the right but it's always been a false facade.
He's an incompetent politician with no real commitment to anything but Donald Trump and has nowhere near the top level support often accredited to him.
Some folks that have passed through his administration have seen him as a vessel to promote their own radical views but often these relationships have been short lived.
There is no loyalty to's always been to his extreme views and used by folks at various levels to push their own extremism.

At the more moderate end of the right side of politics (the bulk of  Republicans) there is support, not so much for Trump, but for the party... and concern of the alternative, and that's what turned folk out to vote for that party, as seen in the down ticket races.

The Republicans lost the senate because of Trump's antics post election and there will be a large degree of anger remaining regarding that loss.

I tend to agree with MBB...impeachment was a waste of time and only welcomed by the rusted on Democrat.
If anything it's taken focus away from what should be a honeymoon period for Biden.
It's meaningless and will be remembered down the track as very much just a political tactic, decided pretty much on political lines with a few GOP senators who were not really close, or big fans of the ex-President anyway, voting against him

There's always been two aspects to this discussion.
There's the moral side where I think most folks regard Trump as having  being weighed, measured and found extremely wanting.
And there's the political side where concentrating on the 'man' has often led to poor political decisions and outcomes.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3058

Sounds to me like McConnell engineered a delay in the impeachment trial to get him and his flunkies off the hook, then expects the criminal justice system to do his dirty work for him.

If you have a trial based on a set of political rules don't expect a 'good, decent, correct result'...expect political tactics and political results.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3059
Teflon Trump, nothing significant will stick IMO and I think its a waste of time and money . I think the Republicans will want him out of the news, he wont run again and he will fade into the background apart from slow news days where journos might seek him out for some spicy theatrical commentary.