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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #495
Michelle Obama - what a speaker!  No wonder Melania Trump tried to steal her words.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #496
Corey Booker also hit it out of the park.  A future candidate à la Barack Obama after delivering a great speech as a junior senator.

He may even have become Clinton's running mate if he hadn't been from a State with a Republican Governor.  He's from New Jersey and Chris Christie is the Governor.  If Corey Booker became VP, he'd vacate his seat and Christie would be able to appoint a Republican to fill the vacancy.  As the Democrats are desperate to win back control of the Senate, they can't afford to give the Republicans a 2 seat swing.

Control of the Senate will have an immediate impact as there is a vacancy to fill on the Supreme Court and perhaps another 2 vacancies to fill shortly afterwards.  The Republicans have used their control of the Senate to repeatedly block appointments to the Federal Courts.  Republican Senators have even blocked votes on judicial candidates that they themselves have proposed.

PS: Tim Kaine is a Senator from Virginia whose Governor is a Democrat.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #497
Sanders was booed by his own supporters.

It has been a disastrous start for the democrats and with more emails to come it's going to get worse.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #498
Shut it all down and send in the administrators :(

US=Utterly Screwed

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #499
Strong endorsements have been delivered by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.  That will be followed up by appearances on the campaign trail.  Sure, there will be Bernie Bros who won't come into the fold, but I doubt they were ever Democrats anyway.  Like in any campaign, Bernie put together a coalition of disparate voting groups and some of them viewed Sanders as a means of advancing their own views rather than seeing him as a messiah.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #500
Sanders and Warren are sellouts, at least Cruz stood by his own principles.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #501
As mav said Sanders was a means to an end for a number of left-wing interest groups.
He's served his purpose as far as many of them are concerned.
They'll continue to push their agenda with no real regard for Sanders. They'll cheer him when he promotes their views ...they'll boo him when he supports, or even mentions, Hillary.
His presence on the campaign trail will only serve to remind folks of how he was impeded.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #502
Yep, MBB, because politics should be all about refusing point blank to reach any consensus.  Everybody should refuse to listen to anybody else and should destroy any attempt at government which doesn't honour 100% of one's own views.  The Tea Party has shown how it should be done.  If the budget contains anything you don't like, vote against it and shut down the government.  That was Cruz's view.  He didn't sell out.  Like every dutiful Christian, he was willing to follow Samson's example and bring down the whole government unless everybody bent to his will.  If only he had more support in the Senate ...

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #503
Lods, Sanders had substantial influence over the DNC's platform.  That's how politics is done.  By proving the popularity of his policies during the campaign, he won a seat at the table.  Those Bernie Bros who want him to maintain the rage want him to emulate the suicide squad that was sent in to rescue Brian from the cross in The Life of Brian.  After fighting their way through the Roman soldiers, they then committed suicide just as they were in a position to have an influence.  Just as Bernie won some political influence, they wanted him to p1ss it away for the sake of ideological purity. 

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #504
From twitter

I hear you, Sanders supporters who plan to vote Trump. One time I asked for Coke but they only had Pepsi, so I set fire to my head.
You can fool some of the people some of the time.......................................

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #505
Hilary@ $1.45 and Trump @ $2.70....the latter has just firmed up a bit after being out to $3....

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #506
Do we assume the first side that bats will win because they're 200 runs ahead before the other side bats?  Conventions are a 4 day infomercial and provide a bounce.  Let's wait until the DNC convention is over and see what the polls say then.


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #507
I thought it would be interesting to travel into the wormhole to see what was happening in the FoxNews alternative universe.  It was hilarious!  Fox & Friends First was reviewing the first day of the DNC convention hours after it had finished.  They ran a video montage which only showed the Bernie diehards protesting with a caption 'DNC Disunity'.  The 2 female co-hosts then cut away to Lanny Davis, a former Special Counsel for President Bill Clinton.  They were stunned when he had a go at them for ending the clip at the start of the convention without referencing the powerful speeches that followed.  They were confused that he would suggest that the protests died down as the day went on.  They aren't used to reality seeping into their alternate universe  >:D

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #508
I thought it would be interesting to travel into the wormhole to see what was happening in the FoxNews alternative universe.  It was hilarious!  Fox & Friends First was reviewing the first day of the DNC convention hours after it had finished.  They ran a video montage which only showed the Bernie diehards protesting with a caption 'DNC Disunity'.  The 2 female co-hosts then cut away to Lanny Davis, a former Special Counsel for President Bill Clinton.  They were stunned when he had a go at them for ending the clip at the start of the convention without referencing the powerful speeches that followed.  They were confused that he would suggest that the protests died down as the day went on.  They aren't used to reality seeping into their alternate universe  >:D

From the little I saw, it was a far cry from the shemozzle that was the Republican convention.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #509
Is this debacle still on going?
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson