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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #585
Surely Paul Manafort made that a part of the deal that saw Trump look favourably on Russia's annexation of Crimea?  What's the point if Manafort's pro-Russian clients can't get that done?

But even if Trump gets help from the Russians, it won't be any use if Trump keeps on making himself a threat to security.  Who needs to hack emails to obtain classified material when Trump blurts out secrets in public?

Trump Boasts About Watching 'Top Secret' Iran Video Immediately After Becoming Eligible To Receive Classified Briefings, HuffPost.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #586
Rubio: Trump ‘hopefully’ will pay attention to Zika, Politico, 3/8/16.

Sen. Marco Rubio called on both political parties in Washington to do more to fight the Zika virus, but he was almost mum Wednesday when asked about why his party’s presidential nominee has essentially said nothing about the disease now that it’s spreading in Miami and throughout Florida.

“I’m not a spokesperson for their campaign and so I’m not going to speak on their behalf,” Rubio said when asked by POLITICO about Trump’s relative silence on the spread of Zika. “I can talk to you about where I stand and what I’m saying about it. I think this is a big issue for anyone who seeks public office.”

When questioned more about why he wouldn’t discuss Trump’s position on Zika, Rubio noted he hadn’t either mentioned the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. But Clinton since March made it a priority issue and her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, took the time at a campaign stop in Daytona Beach to call out Trump for not talking about the disease.

"If you look at what Donald Trump has said about Zika, it's like, crickets," Kaine said, according to The Miami Herald. Just a day before the Centers for Disease Control issued a first-ever travel advisory warning pregnant women about traveling to Miami. The Zika virus can cause microcephaly in newborns.

Hope Hicks, Trump’s spokeswoman, could not be reached. Juan Fiol, the Trump campaign’s vice chairman in Miami-Dade County, where Rubio lives, recently bashed Clinton for discussing the issue and said her campaign was “sophomoric” for “taking on such an insignificant issue,” according to The Boston Globe, which also couldn’t reach Hicks.

“We have bigger mosquitoes to squash than Zika — like ISIS, the national debt, Iraq, and Afghanistan,” Fiol told the Boston Globe. “We have a wall to build to keep the illegals out. We have so many other issues that are more important than this.”
As I thought, Trump is incapable of handling the Zika issue with any common sense.  He needs Florida and Florida is concerned.  Therefore, he should be concerned too, whatever he might think of the issue.  The fact that Rubio thinks it's a major issue in his Senate re-election campaign should be a bit of a hint.  He doesn't say about terror that Americans have much less chance of being killed by a car or a gun in the hands of a non-terrorist.  Actual statistics don't stand a chance when confronting fear.  That's something he should well know given he ran an entire convention on the basis of scare-mongering. 

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #587
Rubio: Trump ‘hopefully’ will pay attention to Zika, Politico, 3/8/16.
As I thought, Trump is incapable of handling the Zika issue with any common sense.  He needs Florida and Florida is concerned.

Didn't he address the Zika issue just a few days ago?

"Three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons... at one point he asked 'if we have them, why can't we use them'," Mr Scarborough said on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday.
The Force Awakens!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #588

“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” he said, referring to the piece of legislation that gun rights activists claim gives them the right to bear weapons. “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is.

Surely that's enough.

Watching the Republican Party exact it's revenge on Trump supporters as they try to reclaim their party after this farce finishes is going to be fascinating.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #589

Surely that's enough.

Watching the Republican Party exact it's revenge on Trump supporters as they try to reclaim their party after this farce finishes is going to be fascinating.

Didnt 50 senior republicans sign some statement say they will vote for Hilary just to stop Trump taking over their party and changing its values to his.....reckon that tells you plenty considering how much repubs hate Hilary..

Hilary will do a Bradbury and just stay on her feet long enough to cross the finish line...

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #590
Of course, Trump dismisses criticism as he says he just meant that the "2nd amendment people" could stop her by voting for him.  This, he says, is the only possible interpretation.  Hmmmm ...

As you can see from the text, he sets up a hypothetical where Clinton has won the election and as POTUS she is in a position to pick judges hostile to gun rights.  He says nobody can stop that at that point save the 2nd amendment people.  At that point, only the new Senate or political assassination (of POTUS or the nominated Judges) can stop those new Judges ruling on the 2nd amendment. 

Of course, just because assassination is the implication of the comment doesn't mean he intended to imply this.  But the moment any reasonable person realises that they misspoke in such a sensitive area, an apology and clarification is clearly warranted.  But Trump doubles down and says there's nothing wrong with what he said.

I don't accept his assertion that he didn't mean assassination.  It's a well-worn tactic he uses.  He loves floating things before walking away from them.  He uses the childish technique of saying things like, "I'm not going to say she's ugly - I'm not going to do that".  He also uses the "many people are saying" formulation to float slander and conspiracy theories.  At the RNC, Trump had speakers calling for Hillary to be locked up and one of Trump's policy advisors called for her to be executed by a firing squad.  Against this inflammatory background, his comments were very loaded.  It is a clear dog-whistle.

On the other hand, Hillary has now had an unforced error of her own.  The father of the Orlando shooter attended a rally she was giving and actually sat behind her so that he was visible in the TV shots.  What terrible "optics" as Americans like to say.  He claimed he was invited which is denied by Hillary's people.  But it is one helluva stuff up in a vital swing state.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #591
The amazing thing is that Trump has gone so far beyond the pale in this campaign that no one even bothers to condemn him for blatant lying.  He said that Hillary wants to essentially abolish the 2nd amendment and take all the guns out of homes.  That's a lie. But no one even bothers to hammer him over that.  He buries the fact-checkers in such a landslide of blatant lies that they can't keep up.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #592
Trump is making a bed for Clinton, but he will have to lie in it as well.

An political assassination will be the trigger for US gun reform, the NRA and the Republicans will have effectively shot themselves in the foot if such a sad event happens.
The Force Awakens!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #593
You'd think so, yet nothing much happened when former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot in the head in 2011 in an assassination attempt which left 6 others dead.  Every time there's another mass shooting in the US, gun sales go through the roof.  Not even the mass murder of young schoolkids leads to any legislative action.

The weird thing is that many Americans believe that an armed citizenry is a useful check on government tyranny.  In particular, the Sovereign Citizens movement repudiates the government's authority over them.  It used to be just a white movement but blacks are now part of it too.  They have no hesitation in pointing guns at any authorities, including police, who seek to enforce laws.  Click HERE for an article linking the black shooter who killed 3 Baton Rouge cops with the Moorish branch of the movement.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #595
Why are you posting that crap?  Lead attorney, phooey.  He was a process server, period.  In what twisted world does anybody murder process servers AFTER they've effected service?  What on earth could be gained?  And what a stretch to suggest Clinton has any reason to go after a process server who serves Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC.  Wow, Bernie Sanders must be in witness protection by now ...

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #596
Why are you posting that crap?  Lead attorney, phooey.  He was a process server, period.  In what twisted world does anybody murder process servers AFTER they've effected service?  What on earth could be gained?  And what a stretch to suggest Clinton has any reason to go after a process server who serves Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC.  Wow, Bernie Sanders must be in witness protection by now ...

Well you seem to have all the answers and you were posting about assassinations and the gung-ho use of guns?  :o
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #597
I was posting about real assassination attempts, not fantasies.  But clearly there's an equivalence.  If one talks about horse racing, one clearly opens up discussion of unicorns.  Fair's fair and all that ...

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #598
I was posting about real assassination attempts, not fantasies.  But clearly there's an equivalence.  If one talks about horse racing, one clearly opens up discussion of unicorns.  Fair's fair and all that ...

What I posted concerned real actual deaths but you obviously know all about them?
Reality always wins in the end.


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #599
It's just a poorly-constructed conspiracy theory.  When the latest supposed assassination is such an obvious crock, it beggars belief that anybody would help to peddle it.  And there I was thinking that Aussies wouldn't fall for that nonsense ...