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Topic: Lyon V Brownless Stoush (Read 63159 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #30
I am 50+ and come from Ballarat, and went to St Alipius. If you are remotely informed you will understand what this means. I really hope that the "mental health issues" is not smoke and mirrors for some bullcrape celebrity crap.
Last year my best mate killed himself, last week another one chose that path. This is no joke boys, good men in that town, and others , are killing themselves in droves and there seems nothing can be done.
Some friends of mine and myself have created a trust to help men with kids at school (in our case St Pats Ballarat) with a mental health illness should they need it (books, uniform, camps, fees, counselling, etc), we have a business breakfast for the 29/7, Mona will MC the gig and Prof Julian Mc Gory (Headspace/Aust of the Year) as key note.
We have buried at least 12 from our year of '81 to suicide, at least 8 from the f#$%ing clergy, the others just couldn't go on, divorce's booze, drugs etc.
I am currently talking to three old boys on the edge, one had the vacuum cleaner's hose attached to the exhaust pipe, he just couldn't turn the car on. There are others, one really high profile identity who is really doing it hard, we are very worried, and everyone knows him.
Bit of advice keep an eye on your mates, 23% of ALL school children have a parent with a mental health diagnosis (how many undiagnosed???) that's a quarter of every classroom in Australia, and it is real my friends, cause I am one of them......

I suspect that it was hard for you to share that Hanwell.

You have my admiration and I'm more than happy to help out if I can.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #31
I am 50+ and come from Ballarat, and went to St Alipius. If you are remotely informed you will understand what this means. I really hope that the "mental health issues" is not smoke and mirrors for some bullcrape celebrity crap.
Last year my best mate killed himself, last week another one chose that path. This is no joke boys, good men in that town, and others , are killing themselves in droves and there seems nothing can be done.
Some friends of mine and myself have created a trust to help men with kids at school (in our case St Pats Ballarat) with a mental health illness should they need it (books, uniform, camps, fees, counselling, etc), we have a business breakfast for the 29/7, Mona will MC the gig and Prof Julian Mc Gory (Headspace/Aust of the Year) as key note.
We have buried at least 12 from our year of '81 to suicide, at least 8 from the f#$%ing clergy, the others just couldn't go on, divorce's booze, drugs etc.
I am currently talking to three old boys on the edge, one had the vacuum cleaner's hose attached to the exhaust pipe, he just couldn't turn the car on. There are others, one really high profile identity who is really doing it hard, we are very worried, and everyone knows him.
Bit of advice keep an eye on your mates, 23% of ALL school children have a parent with a mental health diagnosis (how many undiagnosed???) that's a quarter of every classroom in Australia, and it is real my friends, cause I am one of them......

Sorry to read what you have been through and continue to struggle with, we had a suicide on my wifes side of the family connected to Aus Sport many years ago, I wont mention any more as its too easy to identify the person but it made us aware very early to look for signs and be on top of any issues our children had and deal with them quickly.
Good luck to you and your friends for the future and hope life improves for you all....

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #32
i hope Garry is not using MH as a cover for other nefarious activities. If he does, he deserves the full scorn of the public. If not.....get well soon

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #33
Cheers DJC, it was but now I can be open about what it is like, and its horrible. I've lost jobs, its hard to keep employed and life is all about "what you do" not what you are or how did you help....
Next month at the annual St Pat's day lunch in Ballarat I am going to get up in front of 150 people and challenge them to consciously interview someone with a diagnosis, you never know .....
I used to manage volunteers at a community centre, over half (15) were from a mental health background, and thats how it is with volunteers, no one employs them so the give their time to get real experience
Ironically George was once my personal reference, he didn't do any of the peado stuff, but he didn't do anything to stop it either.
Mulkearns and Nangle (Prin of SPC at the time) were the real bad guys
DJC you can help by looking out for your own, just be a set of ears, PM me if there is anything else or specific you might do, we are currently talking to two other schools interested in how we go, maybe thats where you might come in
And thanks Mav  I knew you would have an insight and it would be on the money
I was there, Blight missed!!!

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #34
Ye Sheikness... the following has nothing to do with your post.

Imagine my surprise, as my stay in NZ draws to a close, when I am walking down one of the trendiest streets in Wellington (Cuba st.) and I see your avatar in a shop window! Yep, the original album cover of Frank Zappa's 'Sheik Yerbouti' or, whatever! There was the album in mint condition for sale!!!!!!

How much did they want for it ??

I'd like it for myself.

By the way, Cuba St is terrific !!  
"The Other Teams Can Rot In Hell"

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #35
i hope Garry is not using MH as a cover for other nefarious activities. If he does, he deserves the full scorn of the public. If not.....get well soon

If they are using MH issues as a cover for anything else they deserve to be exposed and shamed. As Hanwell has so bravely revealed the underlying horrors from those exposed to abuse.within the church and it's scholarly extensions often have fatal consequences.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #36
I don't know anyone who watches TFS. Shocking people on it including Lyon. The worst humour.

You're so stupid because... insert statement... repeat.

MMM no different.

I'd say alot of people watch it. If no-one watched it it wouldn't be on. A show doesn't go 22 years without having something. That's both Footy Shows. Think we all know that. Footy Show is always open season for the knockers.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #37
Herald Sun reports Mr Lyon with Mrs Brownless......Mr Lyon left Mrs Lyon and has been checking out his best mate's ex wife.

Ummm.and NOW he's depressed and living alone.

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #38
Lyon has done a Carey.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #39
Lyon has done a Carey.
Technically no, sort off. If I read it correctly, Brownless and his wife had split, then along came Lyon to cut the Billys grass.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #40
Technically no, sort off. If I read it correctly, Brownless and his wife had split, then along came Lyon to cut the Billys grass.

Semantics for public consumption.

Either way - no excuses....
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #41
Semantics for public consumption.

Either way - no excuses....
Absolutely, just saying'.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #42
Lyon has done a Carey.

x2.....I'm just waiting for Carey, Ricky Nixon etc to come out in support of Lyon..under the guise of mental illness of course.

I dont buy the idea that it was after Brownless and his wife split either.....if i remember right Lyon was always very complimentary of Mrs B and said
Billy was batting out of his league etc.....

Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #43
I dont buy the idea that it was after Brownless and his wife split either....

At the time Brownless said that he didn't see it coming and that it was a total shock. Could be something in it. The dog act could get worse!!!


Re: Lyon V Brownless Stoush

Reply #44
At the time Brownless said that he didn't see it coming and that it was a total shock. Could be something in it. The dog act could get worse!!!

Brownless did say that he accepted that his lifestyle was the cause of the marriage failing.

I understand that the two women were BFFs.  If so, and if the alleged liaison did take place, one would have to question the moral values of those involved  ???

How long after a marriage breakup before open season is declared?  :P
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball