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Topic: trudeau (Read 3178 times) previous topic - next topic
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Threatening to euthanize the dogs riding with their owners in the Canadian truck convoy?
Freezing individual driver bank accounts, confiscate go fund me donations, labelling them as nazis?

This flap mouthed idiot has a death wish.

Re: trudeau

Reply #1
Yep, taking on nazis is dangerous but it has to be done.

Re: trudeau

Reply #2
Nazi singular.  The fop.   

Re: trudeau

Reply #3
Way to go Justin Trudeau!

I wish our governments had the gumption to take on the bullies whose protests cause disruption and inconvenience and break laws that ordinary folk are compelled to comply with.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: trudeau

Reply #4
Yep, but he should have gone harder sooner. If I were in his position, I would have pushed a law through Parliament giving anybody salvage rights over trucks that were left on public roads or spaces. I'm sure free big rigs would have led to a feeding frenzy, if only as scrap metal.

Re: trudeau

Reply #5
"The Maru poll, which was conducted from Feb. 9 to 10, found that only 16 per cent of Canadians would vote for Trudeau based on his actions of the last two weeks."

Re: trudeau

Reply #6
As I said, he should have gone harder & sooner. That's what the non-nazis expected.

Re: trudeau

Reply #7
I'm pro vax, saying that for the fiftieth time if you haven't heard it before.  Trudeau is stuffed, regardless.

Re: trudeau

Reply #8
90% of Canada’s international truckers are fully vaccinated.  Trudeau should have acted sooner to stop an insignificant minority imposing their will on the majority.

Trudea’s government was re-elected five months ago despite a 60% disapproval rating.  He has to go to the polls again by October 2025 and I wouldn’t write him off. 
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: trudeau

Reply #9
"The Maru poll, which was conducted from Feb. 9 to 10, found that only 16 per cent of Canadians would vote for Trudeau based on his actions of the last two weeks."
Be careful of trusting those polls, often the sponsors pre-determine the result by careful choice of both question and participant.
The Force Awakens!

Re: trudeau

Reply #10
Interesting.  Without context, the line between being a nazi and actively fighting what one perceives as one seems to be a very, very fine line. 

Some of the comments about government authoritarianism is quite shocking.

People have the right to protest against what they're witnessing is a government disservice.

Here we see people advocating for frozen bank accounts, loss of livelihoods and potentially lives.

When I watch a movie like the pianist, which action resembles a Jewish person being ostracised?  Is it right to do that, and if you're advocating for government action resembling this, then careful you aren't standing on the wrong side of history later.  Most government actions are not fully understood whilst injustice is being done until much later and I see people almost advocating for gulags to become the way to deal with recalcitrant citizens.

Very interesting to see the psychology at work.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: trudeau

Reply #11
Very interesting to see the psychology at work.
There might be a perceived difference between the right to protest, and the right to take actions that harm others.

Nobody has the right to protest if it harms someone else, there is a world of difference between causing an inconvenience to highlight an issue, and a blockade of food, fuel and medicine.

So for me the difference was even shown here in Melbourne, when anti-vax and anti-mask protestors started blockading / interfering with ambulance or other emergency services. The protest became the tantrum of a spoilt toddler prepared to hurt others to get their own way, but they are not toddlers they are adults who have to face the consequences of their actions!
The Force Awakens!

Re: trudeau

Reply #12
There might be a perceived difference between the right to protest, and the right to take actions that harm others.

Nobody has the right to protest if it harms someone else, there is a world of difference between causing an inconvenience to highlight an issue, and a blockade of food, fuel and medicine.

Lp, I'm not keeping abreast of what is going on, but simply reading the comments here.

If you review what I've stated here through that lens I'm looking at only the way people on this forum are advocating treating others and we have no real concept of the impact on every day people over there.  I know one Canadian and she isn't saying anything about whats going on over there.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson


Re: trudeau

Reply #13
You obviously haven't realised that right wingers love to say anyone who is a left-winger is a communist (and are happy to do the same with any conservative who isn't as far to the right as they are, e.g. calling them RINOs in the US). I couldn't be bothered railing against that. Instead, I just return the favour by saying anyone right-wing is a nazi or a fascist. Hey presto, we have synonyms for left & right wingers. Of course the right-whingers will do what they do they best when the table is turned: whinge. I couldn't give a feck.

If right-wingers weren't so hypocritical, I'd be more respectful. Imagine if they lived the principle that, "I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". In some parallel universe, maybe that's so. But not in this one.

FFS, right-wingers couldn't even cope with Colin Kaepernick going down on 1 knee as a silent protest. They were running around with their hair on fire. No doubt if the truckers were black and it was a BLM protest, the same pearl-clutchers who worry about freedom to protest would be advocating dropping bombs on them.

Re: trudeau

Reply #14
Lp, I'm not keeping abreast of what is going on, but simply reading the comments here.

If you review what I've stated here through that lens I'm looking at only the way people on this forum are advocating treating others and we have no real concept of the impact on every day people over there.  I know one Canadian and she isn't saying anything about whats going on over there.
I've contacts in Canada, they tell me the effect of the transport blockade was particularly bad in regional areas, there they basically found empty shelves in supermarkets, no fuel for heating, a shortage of critical medicines.

The media focussed on the impact the blockade had on the commercial world, a shortage of supplies for car makers, etc., and completely ignored the human cost. Just another sign of how sick the media has become.

What alarms me is how quickly things deteriorated, not unlike our great bog roll shortage of 2020, imagine that applying to pretty much everything! :o

The other thing that is alarming is how little disruption is required to send things into a spin, I heard one estimate the road blockade reduce supply by less than 20%, yet still having 80% of what is normally available had a massive impact. But I suppose the tell is in the impact of regional areas. It's not that they all get 20% less universally, the problem is that 80% of people are basically not affected, and 20% might get nothing at all, it is not linear. If you are at the end of the supply chain, bad luck for you!
The Force Awakens!