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Topic: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of (Read 7136 times) previous topic - next topic
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So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Due to other commitments I don't expect to get to more than a handful of Northern Blues' games this season :(  but with luck I will catch up with some others when I do.

Hopefully some other posters will be able to fill the breach and keep everyone in the loop.  ;)

I will still try to come on board most weeks but I probably won't post as often.  :-\


Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #1
Good onya RR we'll miss your reports I've been reading them for the last 8 or so years, always there without fail. Good luck with the new commitments. Hope to see you on here often!
Ignorance is bliss.


Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #2
Thanks for the effort RR.

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #3
Thanks for all your efforts RR. Hope to hear from you as often as it is possible for you. ;)
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #4
Due to other commitments I don't expect to get to more than a handful of Northern Blues' games this season :(  but with luck I will catch up with some others when I do.

Hopefully some other posters will be able to fill the breach and keep everyone in the loop.  ;)

I will still try to come on board most weeks but I probably won't post as often.  :-\

Like the others here, I am disappointed. You have provided us with feedback of exceptional quality for a long time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I hope your new commitments, whatever they may be, are a positive step for you.
I will try to fill in what I can when I can, but it won't be the same.

I am sure we will all look forward to your visits here, as often as you can make them. In the mean time, cheers!
Live Long and Prosper!


Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #5
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart RR, there were times after a humiliating senior performance that your reports were the only ray of light I had to look forward to. Don't be a stranger!
The Ox is slow but I'm running out of patience.

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #6
I'll miss your reports RR but will still enjoy your contributions however infrequent they are ..all the best for 2014 and hope the NB's can give you more pleasure than pain.. ;)

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #7
Just echoing the sentiment here. Always appreciated your evaluation of players. Very fair and never clouded by emotion.

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #8
I'll miss your reports RR but will still enjoy your contributions however infrequent they are ..all the best for 2014 and hope the NB's can give you more pleasure than pain.. ;)

+1, nicely said EB!
Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Navy, it's not just a color, it's an attitude !!!

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #9
I'll miss you too RR.
I regard you as an old friend who I've never met...
I hope that you have a 6 goal breeze at your back.

Let’s go BIG !

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #10
Thanks for your past contributions, RR, in which you gave us both quality and quantity.  But quality is more important than quantity, so keep them coming no matter how infrequent they might be.

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #11
Really sorry to read this, Ye Rat O' the River. Loved your reports and to echo what Monsieur MAV said... so much quality in every possible respect.

I'll sure look forward to the reports you do give us... with relish. Cheers good buddy.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #12
Thanks for all of your excellent past reports RR - great reading. Hopefully you'll find time to make the occasional contribution in the future, which would be greatly appreciated.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #13
I'll certainly miss your detailed reports about our up and coming (or not) players.  :(
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: So long and thanks for all the fish - sort of

Reply #14
One of the great CSC'ers!!  I've always enjoyed and even relied on your excellent analysis of the NB's.

Any input you can provide this year RR will be highly valued, and I guess it shall teach us all not to take a poster of your calibre and commitment for granted.