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Election 2016

Looks like it's on for July 2nd.

We think the Yanks are going bad....we're not much ahead in our choices.

The issues with Turnbull are exactly the same as they were before....all fluff, no substance.
He's heading out backwards and taking his party with him.

But will folk vote for Bill Shorten as PM? ::)
...and is it too soon to have them back.

It will be close.... but it looks like we lose whichever way it goes. :(

Re: Election 2016

Reply #1
Dont think the aussie public has caught on to Turnbull justyet and an election win will give him the mandate he currently doesn't have both with the public and the liberal party.


Re: Election 2016

Reply #2
A good budget will just about get Turnbull home IMO - well at least not a bad one. I think Shorten turns most people off and they wouldn't want to see him as PM, but you never know.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Election 2016

Reply #3
Just hope we dont get more undecided/disenchanted electors voting for the Greens......

Re: Election 2016

Reply #4
we play the pies ,that day

Re: Election 2016

Reply #6
Looks like it's on for July 2nd.

We think the Yanks are going bad....we're not much ahead in our choices.

The issues with Turnbull are exactly the same as they were before....all fluff, no substance.
He's heading out backwards and taking his party with him.

But will folk vote for Bill Shorten as PM? ::)
...and is it too soon to have them back.

It will be close.... but it looks like we lose whichever way it goes. :(

Yeah it's amazing he hasn't turned the country around in 6 months?
WTF has he done in all that time.

The country is hamstrung by debt, thanks to the previous government.
No one is used to, or prepared to take a hit so it will probably happen in a recession where we are forced to.

When you live beyond your means for so long it's going to hurt.

Re: Election 2016

Reply #7
It's interesting to compare Victoria's government with the Commonwealth.  While folk may not agree with everything Andrews is doing, at least he's not afraid to make a decision.  Meanwhile, Turnbull has pulled back from everything he has floated.  It must be hard for the poor bastard to abandon all of his principles to appease the far right nut jobs like Bernardi, Hastie, Christensen and other Abbott supporters.

Another interesting comparison was made today by the Brick with Ears when said that the Coalition and its culture of leaking was typical of the struggling NRL clubs.  Unless the conservatives can give the impression that they are united behind Turnbull, a one term government is not out of the question.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Election 2016

Reply #8
It's interesting to compare Victoria's government with the Commonwealth.  While folk may not agree with everything Andrews is doing, at least he's not afraid to make a decision.  Meanwhile, Turnbull has pulled back from everything he has floated.  It must be hard for the poor bastard to abandon all of his principles to appease the far right nut jobs like Bernardi, Hastie, Christensen and other Abbott supporters.

Another interesting comparison was made today by the Brick with Ears when said that the Coalition and its culture of leaking was typical of the struggling NRL clubs.  Unless the conservatives can give the impression that they are united behind Turnbull, a one term government is not out of the question.

Andrews, like all previous labour leaders has no fear of putting us in years of debt.
It's easy to spend if you DGAF about the future.
Cancel east west.
Build western link that only puts more traffic on the WG freeway.
He's a genius

Re: Election 2016

Reply #9
more nut job independents get oxygen because of disenchantment amongst voters for both parties. A vicious circle
No money, and a reluctance to take a hit on spending, forces leaders of appeasement to keep deferring fundamentals
to stay employed

Re: Election 2016

Reply #10
Shorten has been very highly underrated throughout. Been strong, tactically smart ,has a unified party, has clear, concise policies compared to Turnbull, who has stood for nothing, full of short-term thought bubbles, waffled, dithered, leads a dived party, been the poorest Liberal Government ever on the economy, as the figures show, debt up, deficit doubled, and basically given up on his tax policy as the party can't come to terms on it. Can't trust them after the 2014 Budget. Thank goodness for the Senate on that one. Good reason why the polls have turned around as the people have worked him out. All talk, no action. Everything Turnbull does is based on negativity at the moment as he has nothing.

Be a close election. They might want to give the Libs another go, given they've just served one term, or they might be thoroughly sick of them. Could well be a hung parliament where the independents decides.

Re: Election 2016

Reply #11
shorten is a union hack that wanted the PM job 10 years ago when he was the awu head

oppositions should spend time formulating policy- he has got none and if there is a policy, its developed through the prism of the unions that represent 18% of the work force

Re: Election 2016

Reply #12
Shorten has been very highly underrated throughout. Been strong, tactically smart ,has a unified party, has clear, concise policies compared to Turnbull, who has stood for nothing, full of short-term thought bubbles, waffled, dithered, leads a dived party, been the poorest Liberal Government ever on the economy, as the figures show, debt up, deficit doubled, and basically given up on his tax policy as the party can't come to terms on it. Can't trust them after the 2014 Budget. Thank goodness for the Senate on that one. Good reason why the polls have turned around as the people have worked him out. All talk, no action. Everything Turnbull does is based on negativity at the moment as he has nothing.

Be a close election. They might want to give the Libs another go, given they've just served one term, or they might be thoroughly sick of them. Could well be a hung parliament where the independents decides.

I think that's a pretty good analysis.  I'm not a gambler but, if I was, I'd steer clear of betting on the election outcome.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Election 2016

Reply #13
It appears, as Abbot was a champion of the more extreme right of the Liberals, Turnbull is more a prisoner of it. The budget is his chance to really set things straight - I'm not sure that the present divide in the Liberal party will allow this to occur. This is the deep blue sea!

The devil on the other hand is Shorten. I like the sound of some of Labor's recent policy announcements BUT I don't trust Shorten and his union mates if they get to call the shots.

It's a worry either way.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Election 2016

Reply #14
It appears, as Abbot was a champion of the more extreme right of the Liberals, Turnbull is more a prisoner of it. The budget is his chance to really set things straight - I'm not sure that the present divide in the Liberal party will allow this to occur. This is the deep blue sea!

The devil on the other hand is Shorten. I like the sound of some of Labor's recent policy announcements BUT I don't trust Shorten and his union mates if they get to call the shots.

It's a worry either way.

I like your analysis too Cookie  :)

While I don't like the manipulation of senate preferences to give lunatic fringe candidates a gig, I would like to see more genuine independent candidates get up in both houses.  That could keep the major parties honest, as Don Chipp once said.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball