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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 576240 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7335
How much damage have the Doherty Institute done themselves !
It's pretty hard to judge the researchers or the institute via the media edits.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that the researchers and institute have been verballed, the cutting room floor might be the tell!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7336
Its been almost 3 years since this begun, and its finally caught up with me.

Had my first positive test last night.

Been feeling average since thursday night, negative on friday. Spent all day in bed on the weekend, back to work yesterday. Did a test last night for $hits and giggles and was positive.  :o

Already over the worst of it.

Got me curious though....
Has anyone else managed to go this long without a positive test?
and on the other end of things....
Who has tested positive the most?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7337
Don't want to jinx myself but quite bizarrely despite working through the pandemic and continuing to be exposed to international travel I've never tested positive. I've had a couple of bouts of cold/flu over the pandemic but no positives for COVID so far, I am fully vaccinated with regular boosters.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7338
btw., Branson telling us to copy Stockholm borders on offensive, I'm getting over these old billionaire's protecting their bank balances at a cost to individuals.

It's OK to make these claims that the young and healthy weren't affect, retrospectively, but at the time there was no certainty that COVID wasn't going to be as deadly for youth as it was elderly. In effect Sweden's gambled the wellbeing of it's youth, and reports of it's great pandemic success are more political spin than hard reality.

What Sweden did do well, which is reported as "not locking down" or "not following WHO guidelines", was that it went for a softer approach over hard lockdowns. Re-organising commerce to avoid things like peak hour travel and transport crowding. But it was starting as a society that was already well into a partial work from home / minimise carbon emissions ethic before the pandemic, and it took that to another level.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7339
Its been almost 3 years since this begun, and its finally caught up with me.

Had my first positive test last night.

Been feeling average since thursday night, negative on friday. Spent all day in bed on the weekend, back to work yesterday. Did a test last night for $hits and giggles and was positive.  :o

Already over the worst of it.

Got me curious though....
Has anyone else managed to go this long without a positive test?
and on the other end of things....
Who has tested positive the most?
My wife never officially tested positive, nor her parents and I think her brother has succesfully dodged it too.

Meanwhile, My brother has had it 5 times, and my mate who is a paramedic twice.

When push comes to shove, you now know why those who copped it early thought things were a bit over stated.

I had my last booster in January of 2022 and caught covid in December of 22.

I havent been near it again since, nor have I felt the covid fatigue since.

I reckon given the state of the economy the worst of things on that front is still ahead, and I know a whole governemtn IT department has just been given the tap on the shoulder.

The group were a bunch of pi55 takers though.  Have rarely attended work since the start of the pandemic and spend more time in teams meetings talking about work, than actually doing any.  7 managers out of 22 and they were prime candidates for an outsourcing. 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7340
I'm still holding my virginity.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7343
I have absolutely no doubt that Mrs Baggers and I have had Covid at least once or twice over the duration but neither of us has ever tested positive... makes me wonder about the efficacy of the testing kits more than anything.

One amusing symptom I had the last time I suspect Covid descended upon me, apart from feeling pretty ordinary, running nose etc... my morning scrambled eggs for two days running tasted like coconut! Delicious. Glad it didn't last though - love my morning scrambled eggs with chili.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7344
I got covid for a second time over a month ago and I only tested myself because I had a fuzzy head cold (kind of hard to explain it any other way) and my body was just fatigued, I just knew it. My wife still has a cough after 5 weeks so it's not just another cold.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7346
Mrs E and myself both got our first dose of Covid earlier this year and it was terrible  with bad headaches, cough,and body aches which left us fatigued.
Hospitals are rife with CoVid but there is an apathetic attitude now in the community and the public don't want to know, hear, or talk about it anymore.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7347
I hope you have a full recovery with no lingering symptoms Kruddler.

Mrs DJC and I are still NOVIDs and we had the latest booster yesterday.  Apart from keeping up our vaccinations, we haven’t done anything to minimise our exposure.  Neither of us have been crook at all and the chances of both of us having asymptomatic COVID is pretty slim.

Some former NOVIDs in our circle recently contracted COVID.  My brother in law was quite ill but only for a short time.  His wife got the ant-virals early and only had mild symptoms.  A cousin still has a hacking cough some weeks after his other symptoms cleared.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7348
I have absolutely no doubt that Mrs Baggers and I have had Covid at least once or twice over the duration but neither of us has ever tested positive... makes me wonder about the efficacy of the testing kits more than anything.

One amusing symptom I had the last time I suspect Covid descended upon me, apart from feeling pretty ordinary, running nose etc... my morning scrambled eggs for two days running tasted like coconut! Delicious. Glad it didn't last though - love my morning scrambled eggs with chili.

I'm not sure I'm convinced that the RAT tests are reliable.
Maybe they don't work as well with new variants.

I had a flu/head cold a few weeks back that seemed to be identical to my covid experience (fever, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath) yet I tested negative for the duration.
I still have the cough but it sometimes takes me weeks to get over that even with the flu and colds.

I'm sure there are many folks who don't experience more than the mild symptoms and don't even bother to test or isolate anymore.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #7349
I'm not sure I'm convinced that the RAT tests are reliable.
Maybe they don't work as well with new variants.

I had a flu/head cold a few weeks back that seemed to be identical to my covid experience (fever, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath) yet I tested negative for the duration.
I still have the cough but it sometimes takes me weeks to get over that even with the flu and colds.

I'm sure there are many folks who don't experience more than the mild symptoms and don't even bother to test or isolate anymore.

I had similar concrens lods.

I went to the docs, whenever it was - a couple months ago?, after testing negative on a rats but still having 'something'.
Got some tests done, it was negative to the flu, negative for covid but positive to something else i'd never heard of before, but is basically the same as those 2.
There were times before that i thought i might've had covid, but always negative on the rats.

However, this time, my rats test showed up as positive in record time. Would've been less than 30 seconds and it was as clear as day.

I'm sure its possible that i have an older strain which shows up more easily, but more likely to be the latest one doing the rounds.