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Jim Park Analysis 2024

Getting ready for next week. I'm assuming people still want this. Voting will be as usual.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #1
AFL 2024 Rd 0:   Carlton vs Brisbane
A terrible start, but a very solid finish to our first game against last year’s 2nd place getter in Brisbane. This is our first win against Brisbane at the ‘Gabba for something like 11 years, which makes it pretty special.

[1]   There were 15 voters this round, a solid number of start the year.

[2]   The rating was a 9.67, which is an A-. That is a measure of how well we finished this game.

[3]   18 players managed a mention again this week, which shows just how we've played in recent times. We are a champion team these days, rather than a team of champions and everyone is making a contribution.

[4]   The average vote this week was 33. Even spread over 18 recipients, this is a considerable score.

[5]   5 players managed 100 votes or more this week. This is becoming the norm when we win these days, and I am not disappointed.

[6]   George Hewett managed 245 votes to be BOG this week, just ahead of Harry McKay (233 votes).

[7]   Only H got votes from every voter this week. George missed one voter, while Tomd de Koning and Cripps missed two.

[8]   Jack Carroll and Zac Williams were in the votes this week, which is excellent. Carroll’s form last year was not consistent enough, while Williams missed the entire year with injury.

[9]   We were a very even team this week, with significant contributions from the mids, the defence and the forwards. May that continue!

George Hewett   245
Harry McKay 233
Patrick Cripps 158
Tom de Koning  152
Charlie Curnow 149
Blake Acres  87
Mitch McGovern 84
Jordan Boyd 52
Young, Lewis  52
Fogarty, Lachlan  42
Saad, Adam  42
William, Zac  42
Carroll, Jack  36
Cerra, Adam  32
Kemp, Brodie  19
Cuningham, David 13
Newman, Nicholas  10
Hollands, Oliver  6
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #2
AFL 2024 Rd 1:   Carlton vs Richmond
A game we should have won by more, but one in which we stood up when challenged.

[1]   There were 16 voters this round, a solid number of start the year and one better than last week.

[2]   The rating was a 8.71, which is an B-. Fair enough considering that we won, and that we dominated significant periods of play.

[3]   14 players managed a mention this week, which is done a little on last week, but still significant. We are a champion team these days, rather than a team of champions and everyone is making a contribution.

[4]   The average vote this week was 30. This is a considerable score.

[5]   4 players managed 100 votes or more this week. This is becoming the norm when we win these days, and I am not disappointed.

[6]   Patrick Cripps managed 346 votes to be BOG this week, just ahead of Mitch McGovern (288 votes).

[7]   three players managed votes from everyone this week; Cripps, McGovern and McKay. Tom de Koning missed from one voter.

[8]   Jack Carroll and Zac Williams were solid again, although not as significant as last week. Young and Kemp were significant.

[9]   We were still a very even team this week, with significant contributions from the mids, the defence and the forwards. May that continue!

Cripps, Patrick  346
McGovern, Mitchell  248
McKay, Harrison  207
de Koning, Tom  188
Saad, Adam  84
Newman, Nicholas  79
Kemp, Brodie  30
Acres, Blake 24
Carroll, Jack  24
Hewett, George  16
Curnow, Charles  8
Owies, Matthew  5
Young, Lewis  3
William, Zac  3

Progressive voting:
504 - Cripps, Patrick (0)
373 - McGovern, Mitchell (0)
441 - McKay, Harrison (0)
340 - de Koning, Tom (0)
262 - Hewett, George (0)
157 - Curnow, Charles (0)
127 - Saad, Adam (0)
112 - Acres, Blake (0)
89- Newman, Nicholas (0)
61 - Carroll, Jack (0)
55 - Young, Lewis (0)
52 - Boyd, Jordan (0)
50 - Kemp, Brodie (0)
45 - William, Zac (0)
42 - Fogarty, Lachlan (0)
33 - Cerra, Adam (0)
13 - Cuningham, David (0)
7- Hollands, Oliver (0)
5 - Owies, Matthew (0)
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #3
AFL 2024 Rd 3:   Carlton vs North Melbourne
North gave us everything they had and we still won by almost 10 goals.

[1]   There were 13 voters this round, a solid number of start the year but still less than our previous games. Good Friday? I left the thread open for longer than usual, but ...

[2]   The rating was a 9.45, which is an B+. Fair enough considering that we won, and that we dominated significant periods of play.

[3]   15 players managed a mention this week, which is one up on last week, but still significant. We are a champion team these days, rather than a team of champions and everyone is making a contribution. (I like writing this. :) )

[4]   The average vote this week was 32. We don't often better this.

[5]   4 players managed 100 votes or more again this week. This is becoming the norm when we win these days, and I am not disappointed in the least. May it continue!

[6]   Harry McKay managed 414 votes to be BOG this week, a Judd-like display. Most weeks, Cripps' 291 votes would have been hard to beat.

[7]   Only two players managed votes from everyone this week; Cripps and McKay. George Hewett missed from one voter.

[8]   Elijah Hollands was the youngster who stood out this week.

[9]   We were still a very even team this week, with significant contributions from the mids, the defence and the forwards. May that continue!

McKay, Harrison   414
Cripps, Patrick   291
Hewett, George  233
Cerra, Adam   102
Curnow, Charles   91
Weitering, Jacob  80
McGovern, Mitchell  58
Hollands, Elijah  58
Fogarty, Lachlan  25
Kennedy, Matthew  25
Acres, Blake  15
de Koning, Tom  11
Saad, Adam  7
Newman, Nicholas  4
Owies, Matthew   4

Progressive Voting:
Harry McKay  854
Patrick Cripps  795
George Hewett  495
Mitch McGovern  431
Tom de Koning  351
Charlie Curnow 248
Adam Cerra  135
Adam Saad  134
Blake Acres  127
Nic Newman 93
Jacob Weitering 80
Lachie Fogarty  68
Jack Carroll 61
Elijah Hollands  59
Lewis Young 55
Jordan Boyd 52
Brodie Kemp  50
Zac Williams 45
Matt Kennedy 26
David Cuningham 13
Matthew Owies 10
Ollie Hollands 7
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #4
AFL 2024 Rd 4:   Carlton vs Fremantle
We were lucky to win, but the way we kept scrapping was very good. Pity we can't kick straight.

[1]   There were 14 voters this round, a solid number of start the year. I'd like more, but...

[2]   The rating was a 8.98, which is an B. Fair enough considering that we won, and that we dominated significant periods of play.

[3]   16 players managed a mention this week, which is one up on last week. Everybody contributes when we win.

[4]   The average vote this week was 31.

[5]   5 players managed 100 votes or more again this week. This is becoming the norm when we win these days, and I am not disappointed in the least. May it continue!

[6]   Jacob Weitering managed 333 votes to be BOG this week. Tom de Koning was second while Cripps and Saad were tied for third.

[7]   No player managed votes from everyone this week. This is a rarity.  Weitering, Saad and de Koning missed from one voter.

[8]   None of our youngsters stood out this week, which is disappointing.

[9]   Our defenders generally dominated the votes this week.

Weitering, Jacob 333
de Koning, Tom  212
Cripps, Patrick  176
Saad, Adam  176
Curnow, Charles  131
Cerra, Adam  96
Kemp, Brodie  93
Cottrell, Matthew  64
Hewett, George  32
Owies, Matthew  6
William, Zac  6
Boyd, Jordan  6
McGovern, Mitchell  3
Acres, Blake  3
Newman, Nicholas 3
Carroll, Jack  3

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps  971
Harry McKay 854
Tom de Koning 563
George Hewett 527
Mitch McGovern 434
Jacob Weitering 414
Charlie Curnow 380
Adam Saad 310
Adam Cerra 231
Brodie Kemp 143
Blake Acres 130
Nic Newman  96
Lachie Fogarty 68
Matt Cottrell 65
Jack Carroll 64
Jordan Boyd 59
Elijah Hollands 59
Lewis Young 55
Zac William 52
Matt Kennedy 26
Matt Owies 16
David Cuningham 13
Ollie Hollands 7
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #5
AFL 2024 Rd 5:   Carlton vs Adelaide
We were unlucky to lose, but we panicked for the first time this season. had we kept our nerve, we would have won.

[1]   There were 12 voters this round, which isn't that bad considering.

[2]   The rating was a 7.22, which is an D+. A little harsh, perhaps, considering that we lost by 2 points in the last few seconds. But, we were expected to win and we should have, so people judged us accordingly.

[3]   14 players managed a mention this week, which is 2 down on last week. Everybody contributes when we win, which wasn't quite how it worked out this time.

[4]   The average vote this week was 24. The first time below 30 for the year and indicative of how down we were this round.

[5]   3 players managed 100 votes or more this week. Even so, only one performance stood out.

[6]   Sam Walsh managed 460 votes to be BOG this week. This was a Judd-like performance if there ever was one. Cripps and Acres came in at 2nd and 3rd, and neither of them had great games.

[7]   One player managed votes from everyone this week. This is a rarity.  But Walsh's game stood out. Nobody else's did.

[8]   None of our youngsters stood out this week, which is disappointing.

[9]   Only Walsh stood out. We struggled over the rest of the field.

Walsh, Sam  460
Acres, Blake  114
Cripps, Patrick  102
Curnow, Charles  96
Kennedy, Matthew 63
Kemp, Brodie  54
Hewett, George  48
McKay, Harrison  36
William, Zac  33
Boyd, Jordan 30
de Koning, Tom 18
Fantasia, Orazio 12
Newman, Nicholas 9
Pittonet, Marc 6

Progressive Votes:
Patrick Cripps 1074
Harry McKay 890
Tom de Koning 581
George Hewett  575
Charlie Curnow 476
Sam Walsh 460
Mitch McGovern 434
Jacob Weitering 414
Adam Saad  310
Blake Acres  244
Adam Cerra 231
Brodie Kemp 197
Nic Newman 105
Matthew Kennedy 89
Jordan Boyd 89
Zac Williams 85
Lachie Fogarty 68
Matthew Cottrell 65
Jack Carroll 64
Elijah Hollands 59
Lewis Young 55
Matthew Owies 16
David Cuningham 13
Orazio Fantasia 12
Marc Pittonet 6
Ollie Hollands 6
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #6
AFL 2024 Rd 6:   Carlton vs GWS
I big effort against one of the best teams in the comp.

[1]   There were 17 voters this round, which is excellent for this year. It is the best so far.

[2]   The rating was a 10, which is an A. This is the first time I've seen a perfect, whole number score. For it to be a 10 tells you much better this one than last week,

[3]   14 players managed a mention this week, which is the same as last week. Again, it suggests that a lot of players made a decent contribution.

[4]   The average vote this week was 31. Considering last week it was 24, you can easily see the improvement.

[5]   4 players managed 100 votes or more this week. A great contribution from all 4.

[6]   Patrick Cripps managed 429 votes to be BOG this week. Sam Walsh managed 324 votes. Batman and Robin? De Koning and Pittonet rounded out the top 4.

[7]   Three player managed votes from everyone this week. Pittonet missed from one voter.

[8]   Not a lot from our younger players, as far as votes so anyway. Matthew Cottrell was the standout.

[9]   Our midfield totally dominated.

Cripps, Patrick 429
Walsh, Sam  324
de Koning, Tom  203
Pittonet, Marc  156
Kennedy, Matthew  82
Cottrell, Matthew  79
Hewett, George  65
McKay, Harrison  62
Curnow, Charles  38
Boyd, Jordan  29
Hollands, Oliver  15
Kemp, Brodie  9
Acres, Blake  6
Newman, Nicholas  3

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps 1503
Harry McKay 952
Sam Walsh 784
Tom de Koning 784
George Hewett 640
Charlie Curnow 514
Mitch McGovern 434
Jacob Weitering 414
Adam Saad 310
Blake Acres 250
Adam Cerra 231
Brodie Kemp 206
Matthew Kennedy 171
Marc Pittonet 162
Matthew Cottrell 144
Jordan Boyd 118
Nic Newman 108
Zac Williams 85
Lachlan Fogarty 68
Jack Carroll 64
Elijah Hollands 59
Lewis Young 55
Ollie Hollands 22
Matthew Owies  16
David Cuningham 13
Orazio Fantasia 13
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #7
AFL 2024 Rd 7:   Carlton vs Geelong
I am really disappointed to have lost this one. We did so much right, yet our mistakes cost us the game. Geelong were very much up against us, but we should have been too.

[1]   There were 15 voters this round, which is not that bad considering we lost. I'd love it if more people gave their opinions, but I'll take what I can get. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. Believe me, it is appreciated.

[2]   The rating was a 8.16, which is just higher than a C. Pity we couldn't reproduce last week's effort, but we may have been a little harsh, considering who was available.

[3]   12 players managed a mention this week, which is just two less than last week. Again, it suggests that a lot of players made a contribution. It was the mistakes that killed us.

[4]   The average vote this week was 24, which equals our yearly low. It does tell how we feel our players fared.

[5]   6 players managed 100 votes or more this week. This is very good, but it does suggest that more could have been done by the others.

[6]   Patrick Cripps managed 315 votes to be BOG this week. Behind him things were quite close between Walsh, Weitering and Pittonet.

[7]   Two player managed votes from everyone this week. Pittonet missed from one voter, as did Weitering.

[8]   Elijah Hollands was probably the youngster who stood out, followed by Jordan Boyd.

[9]   Our midfield totally dominated the voting. Only one forward (H) and one defender (Weitering) really stood out.

Cripps, Patrick   315
Walsh, Sam   196
Weitering, Jacob  185
Pittonet, Marc   174
Acres, Blake   109
McKay, Harrison  103
Kennedy, Matthew  63
Hewett, George   38
Hollands, Elijah  19
Curnow, Charles  8
Boyd, Jordan   8
Newman, Nicholas  5

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps 1819
Harry McKay 1015
Sam Walsh 980
Tom de Koning 784
George Hewett 678
Jacob Weitering 599
Charlie Curnow 522
Mitch McGovern 434
Blake Acres 359
Marc Pittonet 336
Adam Saad  310
Matthew Kennedy 234
Adam Cerra 231
Brodie Kemp 206
Matthew Cottrell 144
Jordan Boyd 126
Nic Newman 113
Zac Williams 85
Elijah Hollands 78
Lachie Fogarty 68
Jack Carroll 64
Lewis Young 55
Olliver Hollands 22
Matthew Owies 16
David Cuningham 13
Orazio Fantasia 13
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #8
AFL 2024 Rd 8:   Carlton vs Collingwood
We lost by a kick and should have won, but really didn't play that well.

[1]   There were 15 voters this round, which is pretty good for a loss. Traditionally, fewer voters bother when we lose.

[2]   The rating was a 8, which is an C. This is the 2nd time in 2 weeks that we averaged a whole number!

[3]   13 players managed a mention this week, which is only one less than last week. Again, it suggests that a lot of players made a contribution. The difference was that nobody seemed to dominate.

[4]   The average vote this week was 26. This is the second lowest of the year so far.

[5]   5 players managed 100 votes or more this week. This usually indicates a win, but even these 5 voters were not as outstanding as others have been this season.

[6]   Harry McKay was BOG this round with 260 votes . the other 4 100+ vote getters were all around the 160 mark.

[7]   No player managed votes from everyone this week. A number of guys got close, but nobody was so significant that everyone recognized it.

[8]   Not a lot from our younger players, as far as votes so anyway. Cincotta managed a mention, as did Elijah Hollands.

[9]   Our defenders were the main area of vote getting, which suggested that the ball was spending too much time down there.     :'(

McKay, Harrison  260
Weitering, Jacob  165
Newman, Nicholas  165
Walsh, Sam  160
Acres, Blake  150
Owies, Matthew  93
Hewett, George  65
de Koning, Tom  50
Pittonet, Marc  45
Cripps, Patrick  33
Hollands, Elijah  5
Young, Lewis  5
Cincotta, Alex  5

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps  1851
Harry McKay 1315
Sam Walsh 1140
Tom de Koning 834
Jacob Weitering  764
George Hewett 743
Charlie Curnow 522
Blake Acres 509
Mitch McGovern 434
Marc Pittonet 381
Adam Saad 310
Nic Newman 278
Matthew Kennedy 234
Adam Cerra 231
Brodie Kemp 206
Matthew Cottrell 144
Jordan Boyd 126
Matthew Owies 108
Zac Williams 85
Elijah Hollands 83
Lachie Fogarty 68
Jack Carroll 64
Lewis Young 60
Oliver Hollands 22
David Cuningham 13
Orazio Fantasia 13
Alex Cincotta 5
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #9
AFL 2024 Rd 9:   Carlton vs Melbourne
We dominated this game, but for the last 10 minutes, but Melbourne are a dangerous side and hard to score against.

[1]   There were 12 voters this round, which is 3 less than then last week's loss. Please, do take the time to vote. Everyone is appreciated.

[2]   The rating was a 9.47, which is bwteeen an A- and  B+. definitely not a whole number this week!

[3]   16 players managed a mention this week, which is incredible. Everyone out there did something of note.

[4]   The average vote this week was 30. Much better than last week.

[5]   4 players managed 100 votes or more this week.

[6]   Jacob Weitering was BOG with 292 votes, only a couple ahead of Sam Walsh ([color=limegreen]284 votes[/color]) . Cripps was next with 229 votes.

[7]   Two players managed votes from everyone this week. A number of guys got close, like Cripps and Owies.

[8]   Ollie Hollands had a good one, as did Cincotta.

[9]   Our defenders and midfielders were the main area of vote getting, which tells you something of the game.

Weitering, Jacob 292
Walsh, Sam  284
Cripps, Patrick  229
Owies, Matthew  166
Pittonet, Marc  87
Newman, Nicholas  75
Acres, Blake  75
Cincotta, Alex  47
Kennedy, Matthew  39
Cerra, Adam  32
Hollands, Oliver  28
Curnow, Charles  24
McGovern, Mitchell  20
Hewett, George  8
de Koning, Tom  8
Hollands, Elijah  8

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps 2080
Sam Walsh 1424
Harry McKay 1315
Jacob Weitering 1056
Tom de Koning 841
George Hewett 751
Blake Acres 584
Charlie Curnow 546
Marc Pittonet 468
Mitch McGovern 454
Nic Newman 353
Adam Saad 310
Matthew Owies 274
Matthew Kennedy 273
Adam Cerra 262
Brodie Kemp 206
Matthew Cottrell 144
Jordan Boyd 126
Elijah Hollands 91
Zac Williams 85
Lachie Fogarty 68
Jack Carroll  64
Lewis Young 60
Alex Cincotta 53
Oliver Hollands 49
David Cunimngham 13
Orazio Fantasia 13
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #10
AFL 2024 Rd 10:   Carlton vs Sydney
Our worst game by some margin: the only time this year that we've been comprehensively beaten and broken.

[1]   There were 14 voters this round, which is reasonable consider that we lost so badly. Please, do take the time to vote. Everyone is appreciated.

[2]   The rating was a 6.36, which is a E+. The first time all year the rating so significantly low.

[3]   14 players managed a mention this week, which shows that most players made some sort of contribution. However, not many of those contributions were winning ones.

[4]   The average vote this week was 19. By far the worst for the year.

[5]   3 players managed 100 votes or more this week.

[6]   Nic Newman was BOG with 328 votes. He was a long way in front ofBlake Acres (143 votes) and Mar Pittonet ( 138 votes).

[7]   Only one player managed votes from everyone this week, Nic Newman.

[8]   Our youngsters were not significant this week, although a couple were recognized for their efforts.

[9]   Our defenders were the main area of vote getting, which tells you something of the game.

Newman, Nicholas 328
Acres, Blake  143
Pittonet, Marc  138
Kennedy, Matthew  95
Cripps, Patrick  48
Boyd, Jordan  42
McGovern, Mitchell  32
Kemp, Brodie  29
Hewett, George  24
Cincotta, Alex  21
William, Zac  21
McKay, Harrison  13
Hollands, Elijah  11
Curnow, Charles  8

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps 2128
Sam Walsh 1424
Harry McKay 1329
Jacob Weitering 1056
Tom de Koning 841
George Hewett 775
Blake Acres 727
Nic Newman 682
Marc Pittonet 606
Charlie Curnow 554
Mitch McGovern 486
Matthew Kennedy 369
Adam Saad 310
Matthew Owies 274
Adam Cerra 262
Brodie Kemp 235
Jordan Boyd 169
Matthew Cottrell 144
Zac William 106
Elijah Hollands 101
Alex Cincotta 74
Lachie Fogarty 68
Jack Carroll 64
Lewis Young 60
Ollie Hollands 49
Orazio Fantasia 13
David Cuningham 13
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #11
AFL 2024 Rd 11:   Carlton vs Gold Coast
What a difference a week makes! We were the superior team all day. Pity we couldn't put them away as we could have.

[1]   There were 17 voters this round, which is excellent for this year. It is double the number who voted in this round last year.

[2]   The rating was a 9.35, which is an B+. Consioderably better thanlast week!

[3]   16 players managed a mention this week, which is nothing short of excellent. We had a lot of players who won their position and pretty much everybody did something significant to contribute.

[4]   The average vote this week was 32. Considering last week it was 19, you can easily see the improvement.

[5]   4 players managed 100 votes or more this week. A great contribution from all 4.

[6]   Patrick Cripps managed 410 votes to be BOG this week, his 4th BOG for the year. Sam Walsh and Tom de Koning came in 2nd and 3rd.

[7]   Only two players managed votes from everyone this week; Cripps and de Koning.

[8]   Of our youngsters, Cincotta, Kemp and Ollie Hollands all made significant contributions. Cowan and Elijah Hollands also got votes.

[9]   This was a game where all sectors of the team made significant contributions. The top 3 vote getters were mids, but the numbers were spread among the other places.

Cripps, Patrick  410
de Koning, Tom  220
Walsh, Sam  209
William, Zac 138
Curnow, Charles  69
McGovern, Mitchell  63
McKay, Harrison  63
Acres, Blake 58
Kennedy, Matthew  44
Newman, Nicholas  33
Cincotta, Alex  28
Kemp, Brodie 25
Hollands, Oliver  22
Weitering, Jacob  17
Hollands, Elijah  3
Cowan, Lachlan  3

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps 2538
Sam Walsh 1633
Harry McKay 1392
Jacob Weitering 1072
Tom de Koning 1062
Blake Acres  785
George Hewett 775
Nic Newman 715
Charlie Curnow 623
Marc Pittonet 606
Mitch McGovern 549
Matthew Kennedy 413
Adam Saad 310
Matt Owies 274
Adam Cerra 262
Brodie Kemp 260
Zac William 243
Matt Cottrell 244
Jordan Boyd 169
Elijah Hollands 140
Alex Cincotta 102
Oliver Hollands 71
Lachie Fogarty 68
Jack Carroll 64
Lewis Young 60
Orazio Fantasia 13
David Cuningham 13
Lachie Cowan 3
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #12
AFL 2024 Rd 12:   Carlton vs Port Adelaide
A second win at Adelaide Oval in a season, and against Port! One of the better team performances of recent time, and a great last quarter to top it all off.

[1]   There were 16 voters this round, which is pretty good for this year. This round last year 12 voters bothered after another disastrous performance.

[2]   The rating was a 10.06, which is an A. This is the highest rating I can remember us having since I took over running this award. Very solid!

[3]   18! players managed a mention this week, which is the highest I've seen. We had a lot of players who won their position and pretty much everybody did something significant to contribute. And we really did share the votes around!

[4]   The average vote this week was 34!. Another first since I've been doing this. Brilliant!

[5]   5 players managed 100 votes or more this week. Even with more players than ever getting recognition!

[6]   Tom de Koning managed 336 votes to be BOG this week. Sam Walsh and Patrick Cripps came in 2nd and 3rd.

[7]   Only two players managed votes from everyone this week; Cripps and de Koning. Walsh missed from one voter.

[8]   Of our youngsters, Cincotta and Kemp all made significant contributions. Oliver and Elijah Hollands also got votes.

[9]   This was a game where all sectors of the team made significant contributions. The top 3 vote getters were mids, but the numbers were spread among the other places. It was lovely to see how even our contributions were.

de Koning, Tom  336
Walsh, Sam   277
Cripps, Patrick  261
Newman, Nicholas  135
Cincotta, Alex  104  For the first time over 100 votes!
McKay, Harrison   88
William, Zac  47
Weitering, Jacob  47
Acres, Blake  44
Curnow, Charles  35
Hollands, Elijah  35
Kemp, Brodie  28
Saad, Adam  19
Hewett, George  16
Hollands, Oliver  13
Fogarty, Lachlan  13
McGovern, Mitchell  6
Boyd, Jordan  6

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps  2799
Sam Walsh   1910
Harry McKay 1480
Tom de Koning 1398 A great effort so far, considering he usually loses in the ruck.
Jacob Weitering 1119
Nic Newman  850
Blake Acres 829
George Hewett 790
Charlie Curnow 657
Marc Pittonet   606 A fantastic effort considering how few games he's actually played!
Mitch McGovern   555
Matthew Kennedy 413
Adam Saad 329
Zac William 291
Brodie Kemp 288
Matthew Owies   274
Adam Cerra 262
Alex Cincotta 205  Cincotta has got decent votes in the last 4 games.
Jordan Boyd   175
Matthew Cottrell   144
Elijah Hollands  139
Ollie Hollands 84
Lachie Fogarty   81
Jack Carroll 64
Lewis Young   61
Orazio Fantasia 13
David Cuningham   13
Lachie Cowan   3
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #13
AFL 2024 Rd 13:   Carlton vs Essendon
A solid win over the Drug Cheats is what we wanted, and we certainly got it!

[1]   There were 18 voters this round, which is very good for this year. This round last year 10 voters bothered after another disastrous performance.

[2]   The rating was a 9.33, which is an B+. Solid!

[3]   17 players managed a mention this week, only one less than last week's number. We had a lot of players who won their position and pretty much everybody did something significant to contribute. And we really did share the votes around!

[4]   The average vote this week was 32!. Excellent!

[5]   5 players managed 100 votes or more this week, for the second week in a row!

[6]   Tom de Koning managed 399 votes to be BOG this week, his thrord week in a row over 200 votes. George Hewett and Elijah Hollands came in 2nd and 3rd.

[7]   Only two players managed votes from everyone this week; Elijah Hollands and de Koning. Hewett missed from one voter.

[8]   Our younger, less experienced players really stood up; Elijah Hollands, Cincotta. Kemp and Cowan all managed significant votes.

[9]   This was a game where all sectors of the team made significant contributions. The top 3 vote getters were mids, but the numbers were spread among the other places. It was lovely to see how even our contributions were.

de Koning, Tom   399
Hollands, Elijah  280
Hewett, George  218
Cincotta, Alex  114
Saad, Adam   114
Weitering, Jacob  62
William, Zac  39
Walsh, Sam  34
Curnow, Charles  29
Cripps, Patrick  26
Newman, Nicholas  26
Kemp, Brodie  21
Cowan, Lachlan  13
Fogarty, Lachlan  10
Kennedy, Matthew  8
Boyd, Jordan  5
McGovern, Mitchell 3

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps   2824
Sam Walsh   1944
Tom de Koning 1797
Harry McKay   1480
Jacob Weitering   1182
George Hewett   1008
Nic Newman   876
Blake Acres  829
Charlie Curnow   686
Marc Pittonet   606
Mitch McGovern 558.
Adam Saad   443
Matthew Kennedy   421
Elijah Hollands   419
Zac Williams   330
Alex Cincotta  319
Brodie Kemp   309
Matthew Owies   274
Adam Cerra   262
Jordan Boyd  180
Matthew Cottrell   144
Lachlan Fogarty  91
Ollie Hollands  84
Jack Carroll  64
Lewis Young   60
Lachlan Cowan  16
Orazio Fantasia   13
David Cuningham  13
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Jim Park Analysis 2024

Reply #14
AFL 2024 Rd 15:   Carlton vs Geelong
They've had the wood over us for a while and we slayed them. it was beautiful to watch.

[1]   There were 15 voters this round, which is good for this year. This round last year 12 voters bothered to vote.

[2]   The rating was a 10.22, which is almost an A+. We haven't had many better in recent years!

[3]   20 players managed a mention this week, which must be a record. We had a lot of players who won their position and pretty much everybody did something significant to contribute. And we really did share the votes around!

[4]   The average vote this week was 35!, even with us sharing the votes around!

[5]   4 players managed 100 votes or more this week, which is just 1 less than a our record. One the other hand, 4 has been consistently achieved this year!

[6]   Tom de Koning managed 388 votes to be BOG this week, his 4th week in a row over 200 votes. He beat Cripps by just 13. Cripps' 375 would be BOG most weeks easily.

[7]   Three players managed votes from everyone this week; de Koning, Cripps and Walsh.

[8]   Our younger, less experienced players really stood up again; Elijah Hollands, Ollie Hollands, Cincotta. Kemp and Cowan all managed votes.

[9]   This was a game where all sectors of the team made significant contributions. The top 3 vote getters were mids, but the numbers were spread among the other places. It was lovely to see how even our contributions were. (I like writing this.)

de Koning, Tom  388
Cripps, Patrick  375
Walsh, Sam  235
Curnow, Charles  106
Cincotta, Alex  95
Kennedy, Matthew  78
Acres, Blake  48
Owies, Matthew  34
Newman, Nicholas  27
Hollands, Elijah  20
Saad, Adam  20
Weitering, Jacob  20
Hewett, George  14
McGovern, Mitchell  14
McKay, Harrison  14
Kemp, Brodie  10
Cowan, Lachlan  10
Boyd, Jordan  10
Hollands, Oliver  10
Fogarty, Lachlan  3

Progressive Voting:
Patrick Cripps  3199
Tom de Koning 2186
Sam Walsh  2179
Harry McKay 1494
Jacob Weitering   1202
George Hewett 1022
Nic Newman 903
Blake Acres 876
Charlie Curnow  791
Marc Pittonet  606
Mitch McGovern 572
Matthew Kennedy 499
Adam Saad 464
Elijah Hollands  439
Alex Cincotta 415
Zac Williams 330
Brodie Kemp 319
Matthew Owies  308
Adam Cerra 262
Jordan Boyd   190
Matthew Cottrell  144
Ollie Hollands 94
Lachie Fogarty  94
Jack Carroll  64
Lewis Young  60
Lachie Cowan  26
Orazio Fantasia  13
David Cuningham  13
Live Long and Prosper!