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Messages - DJC

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Russian Ukraine War
check.  Right you are.

I guess jamming comms has never been done before either?  Regarding musk and being ask to turn it on, that sounds a bit basic.  His satellite service is always on, the individual connections probably subject to the same capability of taking out any other internet connection.  Depending on the method he might be able to.circumvent it, but denying it is harder.

Disrupting communications has been a thing since communication was first employed in human conflict.  The Persians would have nobbled Pheidippides given half a chance.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Russian Ukraine War
@EB1, propaganda has always been a tool to sway public opinion.  At first it was pictures because the majority were illiterate,  but over the centuries it became print, newspapers, advertisements television, movies and the internet just makes it easier for everyone to have a platform.

The tools have changed, the actual method not so much.  The messages are different but it's all just social engineering.

Jamming Skylink is not about propaganda.  It’s disrupting Ukraine’s battlefield communications at strategic and tactical levels.

Ukraine’s vastly outnumbered forces rely on rapid responses to Russian troop movements.  That cannot be achieved if battlefield communications are disrupted.

Of course, Ukraine will be doing whatever it can to disrupt Russian communications.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
Williams had significant game influence today, fans seem reluctant to give him credit where credit is due. For me his F50 success highlights a fundamental contributing cause of our failings over the last few weeks. How can it be a rookie SF like Williams gets in all the right spaces, while relatively more seasoned SFs like Fantasia, Owies and Durdin cannot?

I thought that Williams played with freedom and made his own luck.  Perhaps our regular small/medium forwards are too focused on performing defined roles to take a chance.

Of course, Williams is a very talented footballer whose skill set is similar to Jack Martin’s and a level above that of Owies, Durdin, Fantasia and Motlop.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
That snap for his fourth was a bit hungry, could have laid it off by hand.  Doesn't look a natural forward, but I'll take any goal we can get

There was no-one else in a better position and Williams had to take the shot.  How many times did we waste forward 50 entries with too many handballs and forwards not willing to seize the moment?
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
Again, are you taking the p!55 or what? Tom got smashed by Witts today, if ever you needed two rucks with one parked in the fwd line it was today. I dont know why they didn't park TDK in the goal square for his rest instead of the bench (like the resting ruckman did in the good old days). Sometimes old is new.

No, Tom didn’t get smashed in the ruck.  Witts got more hitouts but few ended up as GC clearances.  Most of Tom’s hitouts resulted in a clearance to us, and Tom’s second and third efforts at stoppages played a big part in that.

Tom had twice as many effective disposals than Witts and took important marks around the ground. Witts was a virtually a non-event around the ground, apart from the goal he was gifted.

From what I could see, Tom went to the bench for running repairs and because he had no gas in his tank.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Post Game Postulations Carlton vs Gold Coast
 Never in doubt really.  My only complaint is that we should have won by more … and that we kept pinpointing Mac Andrew.  He could be one of the best players of this era without our blokes kicking to him.

Kudos to the coaches for the forward line adjustments and kudos to Charlie for the work he put in to get on top of Andrew.

Some of the whipping boys in Ollie Hollands, Zac Williams and Orazio Fantasia deserve acknowledgment for their efforts today.  Williams showed enough to suggest that he could perform a Jack Martin role and he was effective when he went into the midfield too.

De Koning was outstanding against Witts and was probably more effective than a combination with Pittonet would have been.

Our defence was miserly, our midfield was brutal and our forwards were pretty good for a work in progress.

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)
Perhaps he has emboldened a few, but he isn't the first in recent times by any means. Berlusconi and Orbán immediately spring to mind as forerunners. I've said a few times that the left is basically dead, and the world is shifting to the right, with barely any exceptions, and barely any resistance.

I would be very reluctant to attribute any trend setting to a bloke who has never had an original thought in his life.  I think that his success in being elected to the Presidency and getting the presumptive Republican nomination for the next election may have emboldened populist and totalitarian leaders.  They have more ruthless and successful (if I can use that word) authoritarian figures to follow, as has the likely Republican nomination himself.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Kick it too.......who? Our Inside 50 top targets.
The problem with those simplistic analyses is that they don’t take into account goals that aren’t scored by Charlie, Harry or Tom but are the direct result of balls kicked to them, that is, the crumbing and scrambling goals scored after a marking contest.

In fact, Charlie has kicked quite a few goals after crumbing marking contests.

One thing that has struck me this season is how often we’ve targeted players other than Charlie, Harry and Tom inside 50.   Owies with a total of 15 from both inside 50 targeted kicks and opportunistic goals is our third highest goal scorer.

Ahead of all is the cumulative total of 60 goals from kicks targeting Cripps, Cottrell, Kennedy, the Hollands brothers, Martin, Durdin, Fantasia, Hewett, Walsh, Acres, Cerra and Pittonet as well as goals arising from their crumbing and pressure applied to lock the ball inside 50.

We don’t need another forward 50 target.  We need a small forward who can make the most balls targeting our key forwards that go to ground and who can force turnovers and stoppages inside our forward 50.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: CV and mad panic behaviour
odds are in 6 months it will all be over.  

Avian flu generally doesn’t last too long.  It’s a lot easier to limit the transmission of a virus when you can eliminate the birds and animals that are infected or are at risk of infection.  Over 400,000 chooks have already been slaughtered.

Hopefully, it won’t spread to our dairy herds.  Apart from the loss of milk production, avian flu is more likely to infect humans from other mammalian hosts.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 11 2024 Pre Game Prognostications Carlton vs Gold Coast
We can all laugh and joke, but it is the right thing to do....for a couple of reasons.

1. Who does he play on? Is there a matchup for him? why play him?
2. We need to be smarter with our player managing after coming back from injuries. Look at all the 're-injuring' we've had lately. Cerra, Williams....a couple others....have injured themselves in the 2nd game back....or 3rd game back. Ease them back into it and you'll have them available longer.

There is another explanation ... but I'll leave that alone  :)

I think that we would prefer to "manage" more players more often but we just haven't had the soldiers to make that possible.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: CV and mad panic behaviour
I’ve placed my chooks under a strict curfew 🙂

Interestingly, the cookers are out in force on the poultry forums.  Similar conspiracy theories to those circulating about COVID. 🙄
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 10 2024 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Sydney
we somehow manage to have frees paid against us directly in front of goals but hardly ever get one ourselves.

The two frees paid against Zac Williams for holding Elliott are a case in point.  Collingwood defenders did exactly the same to our forwards several times later in the game and there wasn't a whistle to be heard.

Perhaps umpires wish to set the ground rules early in the game, possibly subconsciously, then relax their interpretation as the game progresses.