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Topic: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing) (Read 123326 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #135
Our problems lie not with debutants but are deep seated in some of the big names and more established players. I don't include Judd only insofar as we are still far too heavily dependent on him. Based on last night we have got a very long and hard road ahead of us.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #136
The question I ask now, do I even care anymore?

Gotta say, that's how I felt as I was trudging back to the car last night...went with great expectation after a "fantastic pre season"...been duped by Trigger's propaganda machine I'm afraid....

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #137
First off... FARK OFF with that LED advertising bouncing around all over the shop and superloud ad after a goal. I went to sleep and could still see bright red and blue when I closed my eyes. Not seeing a goal for 40 minutes then having that rumbling music startle you when it's dead quiet, screw that.

The good. Our first 30 minutes were outstanding I thought. Hard, running to the right spots, creating space for each other, disciplined. This was the best I've seen them play under Mick. Perhaps we've had better results but we haven't played better football.

Though Bell was a great contributor, White played his best game for us blanketing Martin, Menzel continues to show why he'll be a star and Judd still had that incredible will and never say die desire.

The bad. The rest of the game. We looked sloooooow and when the game was not on our terms we lost all will to play for each other and players ran free everywhere. Even Yarran looked off the pace.

I don't know what's happened to Murphy the once silky, zippy, evasive and skillful gun looked bogged down in mud. Injury?

Finally, really feel for Thomas. Needed and would definitely have wanted to prove the likes of me wrong and this was no way to have that opportunity taken from him.

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #138
Reading through this thread the morning after always puts me in a bad mood.

Yeah, we lost, but that does not mean we need to sack all the players, the coach and the CEO FFS. Even SOS got a bake somewhere. He joined the club after the draft/trade period!!! Seriously, get a grip!

A few things the people have focussed on which i disagree with.

1. Picking Clem Smith was the wrong thing to do.
No, it wasn't.
The sub is the perfect situation to bring in kids and give them a taste of it.
The sub is the perfect situation to play an impact player.
The sub is the perfect situation to play someone who may not be able to run out a game.

Smith ticks all those boxes. Yes, it was unfortunate we lost Thomas so early, but in 99% of the games, that won't happen.

Mick also likes to pick kids for big games and see what they can do under real pressure. 84,000 people will give Mick a great idea of what to expect from Smith. FWIW, i didn't think he was that bad.

2. Mick blamed losing daisy for the loss.
No, he didn't.
He said it caused a bit of chaos and meant we couldn't do a few things we wanted to do. In short, it meant we had to adapt and cover his loss which was going to be difficult. We don't know what he had in store for Daisy, but clearly all that went out the window. It didn't cost us the loss, but to try and suggest it was not a big deal is naive.

3. Jaksch is a wasted pick/trade already
No, he isn't.
He gave away a few free kicks, sure. Some of which he was very unlucky to get pinged for. One incident that stood out to me was when he grabbed/touched an arm as a player was getting ready to go up for a mark. It meant he couldn't get his arm up to mark it. Job done. Yes, it is a little bit illegal as these tiger ferals behind me pointed out. However, the exact same spot a quarter later when the tiger player did the same to Bell, and it wasn't called, those same tiger ferals informed everyone of how smart it was to give the arm a slight touch to throw off his timing.
Identical situations that worked against us, and Jaksch was on the wrong end of it.

On top of that, i'm not sure if it was shown on TV, but Jaksch copped a heavy hit to the ribs about halfway through and went off under duress. He came back on and dropped a mark he should've taken. Instead of chastising him for this, we should realise that he probably shouldn't have been out there and should commend him for showing ticker and putting his body on the line soon after.

Mick himself said he needs more size to really match up with the bigger blokes, but that will come.

So what did i think was the issue?
I think we lost it at the selection table which was confounded with the loss of daisy early.

Not playing Casboult meant that Rowe had to play backup ruck.
Rowe playing backup ruck meant that Jaksch had to cover a key back
Jaksch is not ready for that role so it meant we had to swap our forwards around to fit him in.
Our big men never got settled and were thrown around too much to get any continuity.

We went in with limited run, in part due to the injury of Walker.
Cripps wasn't going to provide it.
Bell did ok, but stamina is far from his strong point.
Gibbs wouldn't have been 100% fit after missing NAB 3 with an injury
A fit daisy was going to shoulder a fair bit of the work load, but that went out the window early.
Smith coming in for a full game threw a spanner into the works.
Yarran hurting his knee meant we lost further run.

We need to get more run in the side, how we do that will depend on who is fit for next week.

We simply played terrible.
Simpson went of his nut at Curnow because he wasn't picking up a man just off the stoppage (rightfully so)
Murphy played his worst game in ages.
We missed simple shots after simple shots.
Nobody really stepped up to make a difference.

Season is far from lost, but start was far from encouraging.

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #139
Soft & insipid, that is all.
They wanted the ball more than we did and made us appear slow.
Granted, there are zones on the field where we are slow.
We need pace and intensity. Intensity. Intensity.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #140
It's funny that for a bloke who folk say "ran out of puff early" (and I'm not disputing that) that I thought Smith's last 5-10 minutes of the game were probably his best.

It's funny for people who weren't at the ground to think they know better than the people who were. He was rooted, he couldn't physically chase anybody and it cost us. He's not up to AFL standard.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #141
Geez Cripps disappointed me last night......moves like a bulldozer & just no impact on the game whatsoever. After his last NAB challenge game in particular, my expectations of him were extremely optimistic, needs to turnaround last's performance real quick.

Another point of irk for me last night was Clem Smith's kicking.......yikes, looks like yet another butcher to me. Yes, he wasn't alone (Bryce Gibbs, I'm looking at you), but for a young bloke looking to make his way on the big stage - FMD, most of his kicks didn't even spin like drop punts, as he sliced through the ball at point-of-contact. Had he not kicked a footy before last night? There's no excuse for that.

Yarran is diabolical in one-on-one contests, have always felt that.....but when we're bad, that part of his game gets exposed big time.
Football is life, there is nothing else....


Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #142
They wanted the ball more than we did and made us appear slow.
Granted, there are zones on the field where we are slow.
We need pace and intensity. Intensity. Intensity.

We continue from where we left off last year unfortunately.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #143
They wanted the ball more than we did and made us appear slow.
Granted, there are zones on the field where we are slow.
We need pace and intensity. Intensity. Intensity.

Perfect example was Riewoldt's goal off the pack in the 3rd quarter, when the pack went up for the mark & the ball spilled, you could clearly see Jamo casually jog away from the contest, he suddenly sees Jack heading in the other direction to where the ball had dropped at pace (who would've thought a forward would be hunting the ball down deep in his forward line you dumb shiit Jamo), Riewoldt gets possession, by then Jamo realises he needs to go to where the ball actually is (i.e. in Riewoldt's hands)....which was by then way too late and bang, another goal. Nice work Jamo you stupid, lazy fek.
Football is life, there is nothing else....

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #144
Losing Daisy early was a problem, I am glad it was a shoulder and not his ankle. Murphy & Gibbs disposal were poor at critical times, so was Simpson. Our set goal shots were poor as were our field kicking. the question for our coaching panel is why can't our player kick the ball. The stat that worried me at 3/4 time was that Carlton had had the ball 53% of the time yet Richmond had had 30+ more disposals. This to me means we are hanging onto the ball and not running. It was the lack of run that really concerned me. We have got two key defenders in Rowe and Jamison. Tall defenders are gold and we have two, or three if you count Hendo, why not use that base to build the team. If Casboult is unable to fulfill the second ruck and forward role, find someone else, do not rob Peter to pay Paul. The players i would be looking to next week would be Buckley, Armfield, Tutt, Graham, Byrne, players who would give us more run. I thought Clem Smith was good, I think Jaksch has potential and Jones didn't do enough. Cripps had a poor game. We need to run harder and kick the ball cleaner and we need passion from our players.

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #145
Does anyone feel it's strange that we all were happy that Rowe had a break out season last yr at CHB , so first game this year we change the structure so he is the back up ruck, so we have to restructure what was working ? I assume it was to fix the forward line & fit in Jones & Jaksch, but seems silly to change one of the few positives from last year.

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #146
We continue from where we left off last year unfortunately.

This is exactly how i felt at certain parts in the game. I was there last night like I'm sure many of you were as well. Gee it was a tough game to watch. When the game was on our terms we did really well, that being the first quarter.

As soon as the pressure was put on us we simply fell to bits. We were unable to stop the late hemorrhaging, especially as it started soon into the 2nd quarter. You could see the structure, system crumble before your very eyes. The skills just fell away in a heartbeat, and then they started with the bombing, not looking for targets and just hoping for the best.

I'm going to reserve my judgment on how we are looking after 5 rounds, to judge the team as a whole on one poo poo performance imo is a little short sighted.

I just wish i could have had a happier Easter, oh well :)
SOS - "I hated losing"

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #147
the morning after from the night before attending....

im taking the broader view...the club is still rebuilding off the field

the decisions off field will not take affect on field for 2 to 3 years

i have always maintained the position that the football on field is a direct and sole result of the process off the field.

if the process off field is wrong the product on field is awful

after sos's presser last month, l assume that we are still beefing up our recruitment and list management?

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #148
Ah, yes, I almost forgot why my winters for so many years have been just full of misery!
Was it really only last week, that euphoria of the Cricket World Cup win?
Now it's back to cringing and hiding under the furniture when Mick has to front for another post-match press stoush, following another mediocre performance.........

Re: RD 1 - Blues Lose To Tigers (Aftermatch Angst & Teeth Gnashing)

Reply #149
It's funny for people who weren't at the ground to think they know better than the people who were. He was rooted, he couldn't physically chase anybody and it cost us. He's not up to AFL standard.

Not what i said at fact i was at pains to say I didn't dispute the fact he was done.

What I said was he was more involved in the last 5-10 minutes than I can remember him  being for the rest of the game.
I wasn't defending him....just thought it funny given he was talked about as being stuffed.

As for being at the ground......
It is fine for some things like watching the positional lead up and things like chasing, and fatigue......... but watching on TV also gives you a much closer perspective of some aspects of the play than someone sitting 100 metres away would have.

I get much more from the TV than watching live these days.....but that's a personal view.