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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #540
No doubt the Yanks are better at the preacher-style of uplifting and florid oratory.  But I suspect that Australian audiences don't warm to it.  You can imagine that attempts to duplicate this style in Australian politics would be met with blunt assessments that the speaker was being a wanker.

Got it in one! Words are maybe just about tolerated but if there's no subsequent delivery on them then the flak is merciless, and rightly so IMO.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #541
No doubt the Yanks are better at the preacher-style of uplifting and florid oratory.  But I suspect that Australian audiences don't warm to it.  You can imagine that attempts to duplicate this style in Australian politics would be met with blunt assessments that the speaker was being a wanker.

Yet... It impresses us when we hear it.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that our leaders are just figureheads and extensions of parties...whereas a President is much more an individual.
Our system means that it's difficult to get a quality candidate to come from "out of the blue" without years of battling through the party structure.
That means that real quality or impressive people aren't always drawn to the job of country leader.
Hawke is probably the closest we've had to someone who was a high profile figure, who also had the substance and political skills, progressing swiftly to the leadership.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #542
Not sure how the democrat elites can bash trump about his border wall to stop illegal immigrants when they have put up an 8 foot, 4 mile fence around their convention to protect themselves.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #543
Not sure how the democrat elites can bash trump about his border wall to stop illegal immigrants when they have put up an 8 foot, 4 mile fence around their convention to protect themselves.

The planned extreme security measures for the Republican Convention were overturned as unconstitutional by a federal judge:

CLEVELAND—A federal judge on Thursday struck down the city of Cleveland’s rules limiting protests during next month’s Republican National Convention, finding the city’s strict security regulations violated the U.S. Constitution.

U.S. District Judge James Gwin ruled the city’s establishment of a large zone around the July convention site within which protesters’ ability to demonstrate would be strictly limited contravened the Constitution’s guarantees of the freedom of speech and assembly.

Given Trump's promotion of violence to his opponents and the prevalence of gun nuts, the Democratic Convention's security measures seem quite reasonable, particularly with the convention's strong backing for gun control . . . and their measures apparently don't contravene the constitution.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #544
but the democrats should feel secure, they live in the greatest country in the world! Right? :))

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #545
So the choices are no security of any kind or ridiculously over the top measures?  Pity there can't be a moderate response instead ...


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #546
Assange has a problem with the Obama admin and by extension Hillary.
They're after him.
They want to lock him up until 2116
I'm sceptical that there is anything really damaging to Clinton but just for arguments sake....

What would be the best way to play it if he does have more material to dump...which he suggests he does have.
The material relating to Sanders would best be used at the convention where his supporters could disrupt.
That "wave" has largely been ridden and negotiated.

Anything specifically damaging to Hillary would best be used a week or two out from the election when there wouldn't be time to counter and recover.

On this topic: But What If Trump Is Right About Russia Having Clinton's Email?, Huffington Post.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #547
What about Trump encouraging a foreign "enemy" power to hack Clinton's/Democrats' emails?

You may be able to get away with that in the WWF but not as an aspiring president of the USA.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #548
Nice zinger from Hillary after cataloguing things he has made overseas:
Mr Trump talks about making America great again.  How about starting by making things in America again.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #549
And that's finally the end of 8 days of conventioneering.  Now we have to wait to see who gets a bump in the polls. 

No doubt the DNC convention was far more coherent and well stage-managed.  It had a far more impressive list of speakers (if only we still had the vomit emoji which would be the best way of summing up Scott Baio).  But will the shambolic RNC convention and fear-mongering appeal to those who are distrustful of slick politicians and value "telling it like it is"?

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #550
Interesting point from some pundits.  Hillary directly attacked Trump's authoritarian declaration that "only I can fix it".  She stressed that the founding fathers made sure that no one person could hold all the power in the US - that they got rid of one ruler in King George and didn't need another.  She emphasised that there were so many people who had to work together to improve the US, from frontline troops to police to teachers to nurses and doctors, to entrepreneurs who build businesses; that all Americans had to work together.

The pundits point out that Trump's attitude to presidential power is the opposite of that of conservative GOP figures.  One pointed out that Paul Ryan, the GOP House leader, would say that neither the President nor the Federal Government should be the saviour, that the States should be left to fashion their own legislative solutions and churches and families should be left to decide moral issues.  Libertarians would also shrink from an authoritarian who promises to wield presidential power to refashion society.  They want to hear promises about small government rather than an all-powerful President.

No doubt he appeals to those who pine for an authoritarian leader.  But is that enough?

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #551
What about Trump encouraging a foreign "enemy" power to hack Clinton's/Democrats' emails?

You may be able to get away with that in the WWF but not as an aspiring president of the USA.

He's Donald Trump...He's got away with it. ;)
It will hardly impact.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #552
Not so sure about that.  I'd imagine that hatred and suspicion of Russia is hardwired into American minds.  Any suggestion that Trump would play footsie with Putin would be electoral poison, especially as he is hoping to carry the conservative vote.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #553
Not so sure about that.  I'd imagine that hatred and suspicion of Russia is hardwired into American minds.  Any suggestion that Trump would play footsie with Putin would be electoral poison, especially as he is hoping to carry the conservative vote.

He's a Teflon man.
None of his comments stick to him.
If it's a news item a week from now we may consider it to have had an impact but I suspect it will have been overtaken by other issues.

Democrats want the e-mail story to go away.
By attacking Trump on his comments it keeps them in play.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #554
He's a Teflon man.
None of his comments stick to him.
If it's a news item a week from now we may consider it to have had an impact but I suspect it will have been overtaken by other issues.

Democrats want the e-mail story to go away.
By attacking Trump on his comments it keeps them in play.

The way I see it Trump doesnt have swinging voters...doesnt matter what he says or does from here on in the same people will vote for him regardless..its Clinton's vote that will either rise or fall
depending on what she says or does....I reckon too every time there is a terrorist attack or racial disturbance in the USA that Trumps vote goes up...
Hilary would be better saying as little as possible and riding out her advantage in the polls to voting day...