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Would you vote for Dan Andrews if there was a election this weekend?

[ 8 ] (34.8%)
No - I would vote Liberal
[ 7 ] (30.4%)
No - I would vote Green
[ 0 ] (0%)
No - I would vote for another, but not Dan
[ 2 ] (8.7%)
[ 6 ] (26.1%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Voting closed: September 28, 2020, 10:10:10 am

Topic: Who would you vote for in a State Election if held this weekend 28/09 (Read 8344 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Who would you vote for in a State Election if held this weekend 28/09

Reply #45
Do yourself a favour and read some other news. Rita is the cruder version of Andrew Bolt!
I agree, nice post above.

On Panahi I don't know what has happened to her, a mortgage maybe?

She wasn't always like this but she has well and truly sold out any rational line now. she seemed reasonable back in the Harf days. But I suspect in reality in recent times she saw the end coming for Bolt and decided she could grabbed the Bolt gig as he slides off into rural oblivion!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Who would you vote for in a State Election if held this weekend 28/09

Reply #46
Loved your post M, and I don't want to trivialise it, but Bec's "pick of her new nose job" was inspired.
She's gone way too sharp on it this time ;)

Re: Who would you vote for in a State Election if held this weekend 28/09

Reply #47
I feel Like you’re baiting me by 1 quoting Rita Panahi and 2 Herald Sun!

Bzzzz wrong.

Honestly, have you watched one press conference from start to finish?  Have you listened for yourself. I wish you wouldn’t read Rita, HS, The Age, watch Sky etc etc.

Do you know why? Because they misrepresent every single day, what is said. I watch most of them and listen closely. The men who speak to him in such an arrogant unnecessarily rude tone are spoken to in the same way - a polite refuting of the False statements they’re throwing at him to get a ‘grab’ for their grubby Daddy Murdoch.

I wish he’d do the conferences at 7pm so everyone was free to watch them every day. I guarantee most people would feel disdain for these absolutely unprofessional gits - whipping their readers into a frenzy.

Did you know at the presser today and on The Australian, Dan was accused of killing 4 babies in south Australia? Do you know they put that to him at the presser and printed it? Because 4 babies apparently were locked out by him. The absolute rage I feel about this blatant lie is beyond anything I’ve felt for a long time. To drag 4 families through politics to score a point against something that is getting lashed every day, yet turns up again the next day. It is despicable and completely untrue. Look into it yourself.

Re Sam - bzzzt wrong again. She put on Instagram that she is trying to ‘help free Victoria’ and intimated that she’s received 100’s of messages asking for help because dan is keeping us in lockdown and she did a martyr post about helping all Victorians. Personally I don’t need the help of someone who counts ALAN JONES as a close friend and mentor. You know, the
Misogynist who said Julia Gillard should be put in a bag and thrown in the harbour, amongst a million other criminal incitements - Cronulla riots? Forcing the head of the Opera House to allow betting advertising on the Opera House via Gladys and on and on.

BecJudd - bzzzt. She put a post on her Instagram about 6 weeks ago showing off her free crap she gets from businesses because she Spriuks them online to get more money - she loves her freebies and $$$ let me tell you. On that, she wrote Dictator Dan has us locked up etc. She lives on the Bay, $7m renovated mansion pool spa full size tennis court, getting free crap for her kids and all kinds of stuff for herself including gourmet food - and she has the audacity to say she’s living in a dictatorship and is in jail. She then posts a pick of her new nose job b
Plus flogging her skincare range and overpriced Jaggad leggings with a Free Melbourne tshirt on. Again, hello, are we actually under a dictatorship and in jail!? If only - then she’d be marched out and never seen again.

People like her and Sam Are the absolute epitome of white privilege and to whine and moan next to hashtagged free crap given to them, is damn

Do yourself a favour and read some other news. Rita is the cruder version of Andrew Bolt!


I’ve stopped watching the pressers because I can not handle listening to the media’s stupid repetitive questions that just constantly attacks him it honestly affects my mental health and makes me so anxious and on edge listening to them. I don’t even know if I like how he has handled COVID well there are parts that I do and parts that I don’t but the medias influence alone has basically made me a pro dan Victorian because of their behaviour towards him. 


Re: Who would you vote for in a State Election if held this weekend 28/09

Reply #48
I agree, nice post above.

On Panahi I don't know what has happened to her, a mortgage maybe?

She wasn't always like this but she has well and truly sold out any rational line now. she seemed reasonable back in the Harf days. But I suspect in reality in recent times she saw the end coming for Bolt and decided she could grabbed the Bolt gig as he slides off into rural oblivion!

Once you join any Murdoch outlet, you are expected to unclip your left wing and inject steroids into the one on the right.

So, if you have only one wing, apparently you see just one version of the world because you can only fly in a circle.....
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?