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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1111
I continue to marvel at how privatisation and self-regulation work so brilliantly. Pft, who needs accountability? Just as long as the profiteers are making huge amounts of loot off the elderly and the suffering... and keep the elderly out of sight.  >:(  :-X
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1112
I continue to marvel at how privatisation and self-regulation work so brilliantly. Pft, who needs accountability? Just as long as the profiteers are making huge amounts of loot off the elderly and the suffering... and keep the elderly out of sight.  >:(  :-X
I'm conflicted to bag out the industry in general, because there are some who are genuine about aged care, I've relatives and associates in the game of aged care and disability care(As in the blue bus to put an offensive label on it), and the tell is real proper care cost$, and in the absence of family participation it really really really cost$!

Mind you, some elderly will happily rot away in the knowledge the money goes to the children, that is a choice issue. In some cases they book themselves into facilities that expect family participation to pick up the shortfall of the cheaper 24x7 emergency overwatch, but knowing full well they won't see the family for dust, say for Christmas or a birthday if the family remember. That means "official" charities, some that are not always so noble or charitable pick up the slack. btw., Staff and volunteers are no longer permitted by workplace law to pick up that slack, you can't hand out gifts, organise a game of cards, bingo or just take someone for a walk in a wheelchair with being formally approved, tracked and traced!

But I'm not surprised the bad eggs have been exposed, those operators would be jumping ship as the costs rose, expect to find them in a flash Singapore, Fiji or Delhi Hotel, or on a yacht cruising the Mediterranean.

Actually Dehli or Singapore is too expensive, these gold chain covered, Rolex wearing, Ferrari driving, block of flat owning millionaire psychos are probably at a cheap cheap flash hotel in Sri Lanka, having breakfast and a bottle of sparkling for a dollar and complaining about the service! That description is too accurate to be a stereotype!

Also, I don't think it's an oddity that some of the loudest client squealers are coming from people who just happened to remember to visit poor poor old timer when COVID hit the fan! I presume there is a last will and testament involved, and if there isn't perhaps some dodgy lawyer, they'll probably try and sue people for comments like this if the case against the facility fails!

Not that some cases aren't genuine.

When you walk into the discount facilities and all you can smell is urine you know that the money has being siphoned elsewhere, the stories I've heard from industry insiders is horrific, some of them have had careers kiboshed or have collapsed from stress while trying to blow the whistle! It's been going on for years and years, long before the Feds took over, and ever since!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1113
Where there are troughs you will always find snouts getting into them. Government funding is a magnificent trough for accomplished snouts.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1114
Bit sad for NZ, they took such a massive social and fiscal hit going for eradication, and it seems it has failed.

That probably says more about human hubris than it does about medicine or society, I can't imagine that they did what they did in ignorance of the history of Spanish Flu. It was a high risk high reward strategy, and they'll be on the Isolation Merry-Go-Round now with the bulk of the rest of the planet!

Things might become even worse in the Northern Hemisphere in coming months, humanity is not taking is seriously, I've mates in the UK, Italy and Germany are very concerned. They tell me people are giving up trying to isolate and stay safe, the younger general public has an air of entitlement, for a freedom that comes at the expense of others. The dwindling oldies, those handful remaining from the war, think isolation is a relative doddle.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1115
Bit sad for NZ, they took such a massive social and fiscal hit going for eradication, and it seems it has failed.

That probably says more about human hubris than it does about medicine or society, I can't imagine that they did what they did in ignorance of the history of Spanish Flu. It was a high risk high reward strategy, and they'll be on the Isolation Merry-Go-Round now with the bulk of the rest of the planet!

Things might become even worse in the Northern Hemisphere in coming months, humanity is not taking is seriously, I've mates in the UK, Italy and Germany are very concerned. They tell me people are giving up trying to isolate and stay safe, the younger general public has an air of entitlement, for a freedom that comes at the expense of others. The dwindling oldies, those handful remaining from the war, think isolation is a relative doddle.

To take emotion out of something that is extremely emotional...
Could this be "the pandemic the earth had to have" ??

As humans, our ignorance towards the killing of mother earth is one thing.
Our ignorance towards some relatively basic health methods is another....and ironically....could become a mass extinction of our species, and go a large way towards healing the earth in the process.

Just something different to think about.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1116
Bit sad for NZ, they took such a massive social and fiscal hit going for eradication, and it seems it has failed.

Not sure it has failed just yet. 

They had 4 instances of community transmission and have instigated a 3 day lock down.

I think this a reasonably conservative reaction to a small but unexpected infection.  Not an over-reaction.  And certainly not the under-reaction that is playing out across many jurisdictions.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1117
You watch the numbers disappear after the 'blink and you'll miss it' lock down.

Vote #1 Ardern.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1118
To take emotion out of something that is extremely emotional...
Could this be "the pandemic the earth had to have" ??

As humans, our ignorance towards the killing of mother earth is one thing.
Our ignorance towards some relatively basic health methods is another....and ironically....could become a mass extinction of our species, and go a large way towards healing the earth in the process.

Just something different to think about.
Yes, it is an interesting concept, a natural feedback mechanism, and it is a behaviour reflected in many natural systems that exhibit boom and bust cycles.

People think this is the "The Pandemic", but at this moment we are still talking tens of millions when the earth has billions of people on it. The money being spent is to stop that tens of millions number turning into hundreds of millions. It's very very serious business that makes the economic rationalist argument to save a few pennies trivial, trivial in relation to the relative potential total risk. If that number goes up an order of magnitude you'll be talking about wars as well.

Unfortunately, that leaves the solution as a people problem, and the way society's controlled behaviour unravels at the first sign of a drop in numbers is pretty pathetic. It looks like humans will keep shooting them-self in the foot with a virus laden bullet.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1119
Yes, it is an interesting concept, a natural feedback mechanism, and it is a behaviour reflected in many natural systems that exhibit boom and bust cycles.

The nature of the beast is that it can transmit more easily in heavily populated areas too. So the places that will be biggest hit, are places where there are more people to hit.

We are seeing this in america, where new york copped it. Of course that is spreading 'better' in the US because an overly healthy dose of ignorance.

But what about places like India where the population is through the roof. Covid could sweep through there pretty quick.

Of course, this could just be stage 1 and a more deadly virus could be on its way to compound our issues.
SARS wasn't that long ago.....and this is an upgraded version of that. Who knows what version 3.0 is....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1120
But what about places like India where the population is through the roof. Covid could sweep through there pretty quick.

Of course, this could just be stage 1 and a more deadly virus could be on its way to compound our issues.
SARS wasn't that long ago.....and this is an upgraded version of that. Who knows what version 3.0 is....
Yes, I suppose the hope is the less mobile populations in countries like India, China and Africa contributes to braking the rate of spread. But who knows if a super-spreader gets into the dense population like Mumbai.

NZ, just 4 yesterday but 13 today, this is how it works and no amount of wishing or indifference is going to change that!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1121
Yes, I suppose the hope is the less mobile populations in countries like India, China and Africa contributes to braking the rate of spread. But who knows if a super-spreader gets into the dense population like Mumbai.

NZ, just 4 yesterday but 13 today, this is how it works and no amount of wishing or indifference is going to change that!
Rumour has it, it has arrived with freight.  Those people working in freight have contracted it and then spread it around the community.

COVID aint going anywhere, and todays lockdown will lead to future lock downs.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1122
Rumour has it, it has arrived with freight.  Those people working in freight have contracted it and then spread it around the community.

COVID aint going anywhere, and todays lockdown will lead to future lock downs.
There are some rather disturbing early reports coming out of some regional centres as well. It looks like COVID deniers or disenfranchised youth may have been sneaking out of the city to visit country locations for a muck up, and have taken COVID with them!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1123
Not just young people. We now have over 170 active cases in Greater Geelong, and I'm hearing local business owners telling me that the well-to-do are coming down in their range rovers for a coffee or lunch and bragging loudly how easy it is to get through the police checkpoints

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1124
Not just young people. We now have over 170 active cases in Greater Geelong, and I'm hearing local business owners telling me that the well-to-do are coming down in their range rovers for a coffee or lunch and bragging loudly how easy it is to get through the police checkpoints

One of our local Osteo's has said that he's only been stopped once in two weeks of two way daily travel from Pakenham to the Island for work. Reckons it's way too easy.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17