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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5340
I think you missed a trick, from any state public servant there was no when in any of those declarations, that doesn't mean never, but realistically it doesn't mean tomorrow either!

I'm pegging they'll build more ICU beds, but it's something they were warned to do almost two decades ago when Sars hit in preparation for now, so the question is will it be ready for the next big one?
We need them now not in ten years time......we have had the luxury of watching the rest of the world deal with the pandemic given our geographical location and we knew that come winter like everywhere else in the world it was coming back with a new format in Delta but Dan was doing a Nero and fiddling instead of building and training.
Dan thought Lockdowns would do the job and he could get ground zero with cases because it worked before with the original less virulent CoVid19 so I dont need the safety net of more beds/staff.
When he promised 4000 beds those in the know all laughed because he left out all the associated requirements like Staff, Hospitals/facilities to put the beds and staff in...was only the poor Joe average public who got fooled by this compulsive liar
that we were going to get the backup plan to lockdowns that we needed.
Now we have a lot of cases, lockdown has failed to quell he numbers and Hospitals are crammed....I'll give you the tip too that one inner Melb Hospital ED was that full with Vaccine side effect patients that other patients had to be moved to other Hospitals.
Its a mess and Dan has to wear the responsibility like Gladys did and by the way I dont vote for either Labor or Liberal.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5341
Can also confirm across 3 hospitals out in the east, we had expanded our ability to "flex" ICU up by 30%.

Still way under 100 beds total, but to say they have done "nothing" again is selling everything a bit short.

Beds are the easy bit.....
From the Age..but behind a paywall...
Doctors say Victoria’s intensive care units would be forced to ration specialist staff and have them treat many more patients to cope if hundreds of seriously ill people hit hospitals by mid-December as predicted.
Without properly trained ICU staff that take 12 months to do a Critical Care Cert at Melb Uni then nothing works.......Nurse have to fork out 11k without a Govt subsidized place.
I want Beds in Hospitals with properly trained Nurses and Critical Care specialist Doctors.......Dan has been told what it takes he just failed to deliver, he wont even give Nurses a CoVid payment.
Not good enough in a Pandemic when he knew 12 months ago he need to be building/training....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5343
I am tickled the tackle evoked much pearl-clutching from right-wingers though. They're quite happy to see a bit of retribution or "attitude adjustment" inflicted on leftwing protesters, e.g. BLM protesters.  But when it's one of their own "freedom fighters", the strongarm tactics they love to see police use are suddenly inhumane. 

What "attitude adjustment" was inflicted on the BLM protesters? Are you referring only to the United States, more broadly the world, or what has gone on in Melbourne?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5344
I don't vote, period.  Bailed out of that obligation

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5345
..................................................... and by the way I dont vote for either Labor or Liberal.

Hmm, so no Labor, no Liberal. You're almost certainly not a Greens voter, which tends to leave independents, fringe parties, or Katter / Palmer / Centre Alliance types.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5346
spf, the US are world leaders of authoritarian right-wing rule, but as always where the US goes, Australian right-wingers follow.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5347
Hmm, so no Labor, no Liberal. You're almost certainly not a Greens voter, which tends to leave independents, fringe parties, or Katter / Palmer / Centre Alliance types.

Obvious you don't know a lot about voting options.  ::)

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5348
What Are The Potential Downsides To mRNA Vaccines For COVID-19?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5349
What Are The Potential Downsides To mRNA Vaccines For COVID-19?
They often leave out one important point when discussing the limits of knowledge in studies. With any drug or vaccine the size of the cohort produces a synthetic result similar to a longer or shorter term study, so a 350,000 cohort for 120 days "might" produces results that scale to be be equivalent to a 35,000 cohort for 1200 days.

I write 'might' because it is variable based on the long term characteristics of a disease. For example a disease that presents in hours versus one that presents in weeks. So the ratio isn't a hard and fast indicator, but the scaling effect is still very real.

The reason for this is that while science talks about side-effects and immunity appearing on average, the side-effects really present across time as part of a normal distribution. That is some small percentage of any initial long term effects would present early well ahead of the average FWHM. So the bigger the study, the sooner you know there will be some long term side effects.

In the case of Sars-CoV-2 vaccines they are being issued in the hundreds of millions of doses, larger than any cohort study ever conducted before. Due to the high number of doses issued, early acute long term side-effect cases would already be presenting in significant numbers, not in tens or hundreds of people, not one here or there as FB or Tic Tok try to make out, but in hundreds of thousands or even millions of people already. The area in green on the left of this graph.

When hundreds of millions of vaccines doses have already been issued, those little green areas on the lead or tail of the bell curve graph would represent millions of people with early or late presentation of acute long term side-effects if any existed. As yet they just haven't presented in any significant number, and are unlikely to now that so many doses are issued, but as the doctor points out correctly the risk can never be zero.

So you can take solace the vaccines are likely very very safe, perhaps the safest humanity has ever made!

Just an aside, if the graph was global COVID cases, those little green areas would be the number of people dying, at the moment that sits at about 4.8M deaths!
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5350
Hmm, so no Labor, no Liberal. You're almost certainly not a Greens voter, which tends to leave independents, fringe parties, or Katter / Palmer / Centre Alliance types.

That's very strong on me not voting for the did you arrive at that theory?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5352
That's very strong on me not voting for the did you arrive at that theory?

Just reading your material over 15 or 16 years, you never struck me as a Greens kind of guy.

As an aside, once you remove the 2 major parties plus the 3rd wheel (used to be the Democrats, now the Greens) there isn't really all that much left. I think 2 major parties plus very little else is an appalling state of affairs. There's very little genuine choice. Much better IMO the way it is in some European countries where 5 or so parties get decent votes and hold a good amount of power. The situation in the US is worse.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5353
Just reading your material over 15 or 16 years, you never struck me as a Greens kind of guy.

As an aside, once you remove the 2 major parties plus the 3rd wheel (used to be the Democrats, now the Greens) there isn't really all that much left. I think 2 major parties plus very little else is an appalling state of affairs. There's very little genuine choice. Much better IMO the way it is in some European countries where 5 or so parties get decent votes and hold a good amount of power. The situation in the US is worse.

I can't comment for all nations but in Greece you end up with 3 or 4 representations of the same stuff anyway, and see people changing parties accordingly.

Kke were far left, pasok moderately left and over the years its not uncommon for them to alternate leaving people more capable of being hoodwinked into voting for the wrong party because reps change parties more frequently and some may not notice.

Politics is broken more because they provide people the illusion of choice then maintain the status quo, and the rulers are far too disconnected from the true lifestyle of Joe average.  I wonder how these lockdowns would occur in situations where leaders had young children and not a device for each one to use for home schooling in an equation where IT hardware wasn't easy to come by and technology is a luxury purchase?

My sister has 3 kids in primary school and luckily for her I was able to repurpose some items marked for disposal and give her access two laptops she could use for them else they were dividing up 2 computers among 5 people to use for home schooling and working from home.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5354
What are your opinions on Yanis Varoufakis ?