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Topic: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm! (Read 86668 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #135
yep, he's on the nose atm
done nothing for consumer confidence, in fact it may have gone backwards.
MIght be only one term tony unless he starts being innovative - and quick

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #136
Maybe Malcolm is warming uo in the back room?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #137
yep, he's on the nose atm
done nothing for consumer confidence, in fact it may have gone backwards.
MIght be only one term tony unless he starts being innovative - and quick

Not in the conservative mantra TTB Old Son. Preserve the status quo is the god of the conservative. Change scares the bejesus (sorry Anthony) out of them. These are not your 'visionary' types... they're more your 'fearful' types, worshippers of what worked in the past and some times that is relevant... but not now.

In fact, wanting Anthony to be innovative is like expecting a chocolate teapot to actually work or an ashtray on a motorbike to be functional.

Sadly, globally, Abbott reflects not so well on all of us... our nation. (Rudd and Julia stank at home but impressed OS due to a variety of superficial factors).
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #138
Here's the surprise. Ablett is a crap PM, just as he was crap in opposition. And Australians are dickheads when it comes to elections.


Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #139
Here's the surprise. Ablett is a crap PM, just as he was crap in opposition. And Australians are dickheads when it comes to elections.

He was a gun footballer though!  Or if its Ablett Junior your talking about, still is.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #140
We really don't want Anthony to leave or be dumped too soon... there are many comedians preparing for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival for early next year and they're relying on Abbott and now Pyne to provide valuable material. :)
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #141
I watched he last episodes of "Keating" on ABC iView last night.

Keating made the statement that he had to execute Hawk because Hawk could not let go. Turnbull needs to do the same to Abbott, but I fear Turnbull does not have the balls that Keating had!

Abbott is chaos surrounded by calamity, he has picked a set of 2ICs that are no threat to him, the bulk are less capable than himself and unleashed them on the country and the world! What he has done would not even get across the line in place like Appalachia!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #142
I watched he last episodes of "Keating" on ABC iView last night.

Keating made the statement that he had to execute Hawk because Hawk could not let go. Turnbull needs to do the same to Abbott, but I fear Turnbull does not have the balls that Keating had!

Abbott is chaos surrounded by calamity, he has picked a set of 2ICs that are no threat to him, the bulk are less capable than himself and unleashed them on the country and the world! What he has done would not even get across the line in place like Appalachia!

Where do we get some of these so called 'leaders'. Pyne's comments and strategies on his education portfolio are beyond embarrassing. Where did we get this clown from? Did the brief read, 'Incompetent D1ckhead needed to take charge of education in Australia... apply A. Abbott... in crayon and 1 syllable words'.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #143
Pyne, or Parn as he calls himself, is rapidly emerging as the greatest buffoon to grace Australian politics in many a long year!  :))
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #144
If Alexander Downer weren't still alive, you'd swear Pyne was Downer reincarnated. 

They both hail from the posh side of Adelaide and have accents that would fit in nicely at Harrow or Eton.  They both have inappropriate senses of humour.  Downer was lambasted for putting on a fishnet stocking and high heel for a photo opp promoting a Variety Club Rocky Horrow Show event while Opposition Leader.  But more worrying was his release of the Domestic Violence policy during an election campaign.  He'd been trying to present a unifying theme for his policies as "The Things That Matter".  He couldn't resist a play on words when he released the DV policy, saying that the clothing industry might refer to the slogan as "The Thongs That Matter" and that violent husbands might call it "The Things That Batter".  Oh dear ...

Despite his lack of appeal to the ordinary Aussie and his inappropriate humour, Downer at least seemed to have some intelligence.  Whether Pyne does is open to question.  At the very least, Pyne needs to realise that what passes muster in the argy-bargy of Parliament doesn't wash with the electorate.  When he's not on the floor of the House, he has to at least look as though he's telling the truth and dealing with issues that interest the electors rather than acting as if he's being smart when he tries to cut off criticism by using bald-faced denials that he's doing what he's doing. 

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #145
If Alexander Downer weren't still alive, you'd swear Pyne was Downer reincarnated. 

They both hail from the posh side of Adelaide and have accents that would fit in nicely at Harrow or Eton.  They both have inappropriate senses of humour.

Contaminated sausages?

Fallout from British nuclear testing?

Mum and Dad with a touch too much Barossa time?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #146
yep, he's on the nose atm
done nothing for consumer confidence, in fact it may have gone backwards.
MIght be only one term tony unless he starts being innovative - and quick

Not in the conservative mantra TTB Old Son. Preserve the status quo is the god of the conservative. Change scares the bejesus (sorry Anthony) out of them. These are not your 'visionary' types... they're more your 'fearful' types, worshippers of what worked in the past and some times that is relevant... but not now.

In fact, wanting Anthony to be innovative is like expecting a chocolate teapot to actually work or an ashtray on a motorbike to be functional.

Sadly, globally, Abbott reflects not so well on all of us... our nation. (Rudd and Julia stank at home but impressed OS due to a variety of superficial factors).

the conundrum is that there simply is no money in the til
tightening the belt is long arduous and unpopular .
Unfortunately, there was a lot of waste in the last 6 years
regardless of ideology of policy and whether one deemed it to be successful or not


Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #147
Can't wait for the next Clark and Dawe...
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #148
the conundrum is that there simply is no money in the til
tightening the belt is long arduous and unpopular .
Unfortunately, there was a lot of waste in the last 6 years
regardless of ideology of policy and whether one deemed it to be successful or not

The problem with using a term like "waste" in an argument like this is that it is subjective. What is "waste"?

Is a university spot a waste?

What about a hospital bed, is that a waste?

Perhaps cuts to such are considered to be a "saving', I suppose until you need one it is?

How about some diplomacy is offering some a waste? Given the diplomatic state of things today is unraveling over three decades of diplomatic effort in just a week or two also a waste?

Is waste selling gun boats to a semi-gorilla controlled democracy a waste of human life or is it just irresponsible?

Is cutting emission controls a waste? Perhaps we are going to turn the carbons around and send them home if they try to cross our border without permission!

Is canceling an ultra long life cheap to operate low maintenance fibre optic network a waste? Is replacing the same with high maintenance high cost 100 year old copper wire based network also a waste? Where is the smartness, where are the savings?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Abbott must go, arise Sir Malcolm!

Reply #149
I watched he last episodes of "Keating" on ABC iView last night.

Keating made the statement that he had to execute Hawk because Hawk could not let go. Turnbull needs to do the same to Abbott, but I fear Turnbull does not have the balls that Keating had!

Abbott is chaos surrounded by calamity, he has picked a set of 2ICs that are no threat to him, the bulk are less capable than himself and unleashed them on the country and the world! What he has done would not even get across the line in place like Appalachia!

Where do we get some of these so called 'leaders'. Pyne's comments and strategies on his education portfolio are beyond embarrassing. Where did we get this clown from? Did the brief read, 'Incompetent D1ckhead needed to take charge of education in Australia... apply A. Abbott... in crayon and 1 syllable words'.

I'm not sure that Pyne is an Incompetent Dickhead Baggers, although after 6 years as opposition education spokesperson, you would think that he would have developed some kind of plan.  I think it is more a matter of doggedly following right wing ideology and devout hero worship; why else would he even mention John Howard's failed education program.

No, I've just argued myself around to your assessment, he is an Incompetent Dickhead.

For a Government that's supposedly concerned with eliminating 'waste', how can they possibly be throwing money at the recalcitrant States without requiring any improvements in education delivery? 
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball