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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2055
Don’t worry, that won’t change the minds of his supporters. They’ll be thinking, “No way, man! He’s a brilliant showman who’s owning the libs. It’s like he’s playing multi-dimensional chess!” The reality is he’s more like a wild animal driven by base instincts such as fear and the need to dominate. Just the sort of guy who’s cut out for public service ...

Given how dangerous Trump is, could there be a stunning endorsement of Joe Biden soon by ... George Dubya Bush? Can’t say I’m a big fan of his, but he has more decency in his little finger than exists in the Trump clan and he could swing moderate conservatives.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2056
His words, behaviours, actions etc. have been analysed by a million and one mental health professionals over the last 4 years, and he's been found seriously wanting. If his supporters don't admit his pathologies now, they should be struck off the electoral roll, because in my view, they're not fit to vote. Opinion and choice should not be an unlimited field - at some point you have to draw the line. He's not fit for office, and should never have been a candidate in the first place.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2057
That's an interesting insight Paul. Doesn't sound very democratic,  in fact more like a step toward tyranny - not like you at all if I may say so.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2058
That's an interesting insight Paul. Doesn't sound very democratic,  in fact more like a step toward tyranny - not like you at all if I may say so.

I can't be Marge Simpson all the time.  ;D

Saying his supporters should be removed from the electoral roll was over-egging my feelings somewhat, and I don't really mean it. But you do have to wonder about the way information is presented / concealed and processed in modern western democracies. Trump is off the charts in terms of unfitness for office. I've seen a few vox pop things from his supporters, and their fondness for him seems centred on "he speaks his mind", "doesn't take crap from anyone", "puts America first", which don't give me much confidence tbh.

Is there any psychometric testing for presidential candidates, or any political office at all in the US ? This is fairly common even for lowly positions in the corporate world, and you would think should be a non negotiable, bare minimum for the most powerful job in the world.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2059
I read a chilling article recently that analysed why folk support Trump.  It seems that many don’t necessarily care about his policies and agenda.  They are simply happy that he has given them licence to be as racist, sexist, anti-progressive, and as armed to the teeth as they like.

For a nation that is keen on forcing “democracy” on others, the USA’s version of democracy leaves a lot to be desired.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2060

I think we all know that " bringing democracy" in US parlance means looting and exploitation by the forces of greed. This has been the case for many decades, even before Trump and no doubt will continue after him.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2061
The history books will be most scathing of Trump and his regime, regardless of when it ends. An embarrassment that his relatives will have to cop for generations.

And for those studying psychology and psychiatry... a case study of severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) in real time, captured by cameras and microphones, right before their eyes.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2062
The democrats behaviour during his tenure has been as bad if not worse.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2063
The democrats behaviour during his tenure has been as bad if not worse.

Now come on MBB, you're having a giggle to yourself, aren't you? Got us with that one, eh? Taking the p1ss big time...

The Democrats have hardly been impressive... but next to Trump, they're Christ-like. Just for starters, how about rolling out the daily lies from those you believe are worse than Trump?
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2064
The democrats behaviour during his tenure has been as bad if not worse.

How exactly?

They control the House but can't pass laws, issue executive orders, withdraw from treaties or trade agreements, defund agencies, sack cabinet members, hire family members, raise tariffs or build walls.  Of course, they are free to encourage extremism and to lie and/or talk gibberish but none could hold a candle to the POTUS in those endeavours. 

Or do you mean the Democrat governors?
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2065
The democrats behaviour during his tenure has been as bad if not worse.

Many have certainly made it clear that they never really accepted the result and looked for every excuse to remove Trump.
I think it will be interesting after the election.
Will the Republicans look to 'square up' or will more moderate sections of the party seek to adopt a more conciliatory approach?
Having set the standard in opposition can the Democrats expect a better response?
I'm pretty sure the hard-core Trump supporters won't let go easily, so the Democrats won't be afforded and easy transition anyway.

A key to how things develop will be how decisive any Biden  victory is...and whether the Democrats can control both the House and Senate.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2066
Mitch McConnell was responsible for implementing total opposition during Obama’s 2 terms once they gained the Senate majority in 2010. It didn’t matter how conciliatory Obama was, he was never able to get anything through the Senate.

The GOP had control of both houses in Trump’s 1st 2 years & the Senate in the last 2. In the last 2 years, McConnell used his position to prevent any Bills going to a vote if Trump didn’t like them, even if there were enough votes in the Senate to pass them. He made sure Trump never had to veto any legislation. He even made sure no witnesses were called before the Senate when Trump was impeached.

The notion that the Democrats have behaved badly in Congress and will reap what they sowed is quite amusing!

And before anyone says that the impeachment was beyond the pail: (1) Trump was guilty as hell and was saved only by McConnell’s willingness to abandon the Senate’s obligation to scrutinise executive action, & (2) the never-ending Benghazi inquiry was a purely political attempt by the Republican’s (successful as it turned out) to diminish Hillary Clinton before she ran for the Presidency.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2067
Mitch McConnell was responsible for implementing total opposition during Obama’s 2 terms once they gained the Senate majority in 2010. It didn’t matter how conciliatory Obama was, he was never able to get anything through the Senate.

The GOP had control of both houses in Trump’s 1st 2 years & the Senate in the last 2. In the last 2 years, McConnell used his position to prevent any Bills going to a vote if Trump didn’t like them, even if there were enough votes in the Senate to pass them. He made sure Trump never had to veto any legislation. He even made sure no witnesses were called before the Senate when Trump was impeached.

The notion that the Democrats have behaved badly in Congress and will reap what they sowed is quite amusing!

And before anyone says that the impeachment was beyond the pail: (1) Trump was guilty as hell and was saved only by McConnell’s willingness to abandon the Senate’s obligation to scrutinise executive action, & (2) the never-ending Benghazi inquiry was a purely political attempt by the Republican’s (successful as it turned out) to diminish Hillary Clinton before she ran for the Presidency.

It really wont matter how we perceive it though.
It's how individual Americans see things that will determine any kick-back.
I'm not confident that many will go quietly into the night.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2068
It really wont matter how we perceive it though.
It's how individual Americans see things that will determine any kick-back.
I'm not confident that many will go quietly into the night.
They can only perceive what is delivered to them via Fox, Facebook and a handful of other questionable sources.

The media and big social media know Trumps threat's are empty, he wins populist votes by claiming he is going to call them into line, if they were genuinely threatened he already be a dead man walking but they are not scared of him in even the slightest!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2069
They can only perceive what is delivered to them via Fox, Facebook and a handful of other questionable sources.

The media know Trumps threats are empty, if they were threatened he already be a dead man walking, but they are not scared of him in the slightest!

That's the issue though, millions don't see them as questionable sources.
Millions perceive them as gospel and fighting the good fight.
For them the questionable sources, the biased ones, are on the other side.
We might regard that as poor judgement.
We might believe they've got it terribly wrong.... but we can't deny it's existence when polls still put hard support for Trump at 30-40% of all voters.
In their eyes any bias exists on the other side...and yes they will see Democrat efforts over the last 4 years as obstructive.