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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 423694 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3015
End result was we had to take her to a City based Private Group of Hand Surgeons on referral, only they had the micro surgery skill level to repair the nerve/tendon damage and deal with the infection, one of her fingers is now shorter but at least she has a working hand.
Had a similar experience with our youngest when he got hit in the forehead by a flying debris from a Vicroads mower.

But I've heard the other side as well, I've been told stories from critical patient transport staff that will tell you the Private Hospital will take their pick of cases for top dollars, but when some things go bad they ship the trouble patients off to the public system anyway.

But it doesn't really make much difference, Public in Private, Private in Public, what matters is access to the care.

What I do not like the idea of very wealthy taking a spot on the queue from a public patient, when they can fund care themselves and set a schedule outside the system. I've a friend who works in council and private sector home care social services, she had a wealthy patient she would roll up to bathe and take for outings funded on the council purse, that would have his chauffeur drive them in his Rolls to go shopping for new clothes while he waited for his turn at a publicly funded hospital procedure! This happens more than people think, and it stems from a why should I pay attitude when I can get it free.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3016
Impeachment only leads to a political trial, not a criminal one. But if you were to compare it to a criminal trial, the best analogy would be a crime boss who has bribed all 12 jurors and hardly has any need for a good lawyer. Trump knows that 17 Republican Senators won’t vote to convict. He just needs someone to put on a show to keep his base happy. And the best lawyers don’t want to breach their ethical obligations by doing so.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3017
Impeachment only leads to a political trial, not a criminal one. But if you were to compare it to a criminal trial, the best analogy would be a crime boss who has bribed all 12 jurors and hardly has any need for a good lawyer. Trump knows that 17 Republican Senators won’t vote to convict. He just needs someone to put on a show to keep his base happy. And the best lawyers don’t want to breach their ethical obligations by doing so.

Yes, fair points Mav.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3018
If Trump wanted the best legal defence, I reckon he should highlight the pre-planning by extremist groups including the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers. If extremists had planned a violent insurrection before Trump’s rally had occurred, his rhetoric at the rally was irrelevant to their actions.

Of course, the extremists were like special forces who needed the regular army alongside to provide the sheer manpower required to overwhelm Capitol Security. And Trump delivered that to them in spades. But the more important reason not to run this line of defence is that Trump doesn’t want to be seen as lagging in his own most hardline supporters when he doesn’t have to do so given he won’t be convicted. Why risk political blowback from his own base?

Politically, he’d be better off trying to use the trial as a way of spreading the stop the steal lie and complaining about being silenced when the impeachment managers try to shut that down for being irrelevant to the article of impeachment.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3019
Apparently the Washington Post beat me to the punch. Josh Dawsey reports the lead lawyers withdrew when Trump insisted they relitigate his election fraud claims.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3020
Don Lemon came up with a great name for the GOP: the QOP. Says it all quite nicely. When Republicans give Greene-Taylor a partial standing ovation and spent most of their time haranguing Cheney who is farther right than Genghis Khan, it’s obvious there’s a problem.

PS: Maybe Rep. Jacqui Speirs (& maybe others) beat Don Lemon to the punch. But the main point is that I didn’t come up with it, and I wish I had!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3022
He only got into Home Alone 2 b/c he made a cameo part of the price of filming in his hotel. His cameo made into that film but when he used the same strategy with other films, his cameo was left on the cutting room floor.

SNL learnt their lesson when they had him as a guest host. The comedians discovered that he had no sense of humour and he went through the set of jokes they’d put together for him and used his infamous Sharpie to put a line through them all. All he wanted to do was “jokes” about how rich he was (in his own lunchtime).

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3023
Ha ha! Right-wingers love to whinge about cancel culture and bemoan the loss of their right to free speech (aka the right to humiliate and cancel anyone they don’t like).

Fox News uses this sort of whining to fill its shows. But now they’ve cancelled and silenced Lou Dobbs despite his show being their top-ranked show. To silence him even further, Fox News will warehouse him: he’ll be paid under his contract to make sure he can’t just move his show to rival cable channels Newsmaxx or OAN. Whatever happened to Fox’s hatred of cancel culture and silencing political speech?

Of course, the reason why Dobbs has been warehoused is that he’s a far right conspiracy nut who was pushing Trump’s election fraud lies. Now that 2 of the voting machine companies are suing Fox and other Trump co-conspirators for billions of dollars, Fox is realising its hosts’ free speech might actually be very costly indeed  :D

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3024
There's a tactic the right wing media use in Australia of making a false claim, trying to get some mud to stick, then when challenged or sued, they cough or some dough or issue a "heartfelt" apology. Miranda Devine did it with Quaden Bayles, Peta Cretin did it with Kevin Rudd recently, and Alan Jones has done it repeatedly over the years. As low rent as it gets.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3025
There's a tactic the right wing media use in Australia of making a false claim, trying to get some mud to stick, then when challenged or sued, they cough or some dough or issue a "heartfelt" apology. Miranda Devine did it with Quaden Bayles, Peta Cretin did it with Kevin Rudd recently, and Alan Jones has done it repeatedly over the years. As low rent as it gets.
It's a tactic used by many radicals and anarchists on all sides of politics to poke the bear!

I'm not sure they want the mud to stick, but no doubt they do want to get a reaction.

But in fairness to all those people, institutes and entities, Trump took this to whole new level because he doesn't even require it to have a semblance of truth! At least the rest of them seem to construct conspiracies that at least have some cursory evidence, correlation or connection, even if it is easily debunked.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3026
There's a tactic the right wing media use in Australia of making a false claim, trying to get some mud to stick, then when challenged or sued, they cough or some dough or issue a "heartfelt" apology. Miranda Devine did it with Quaden Bayles, Peta Cretin did it with Kevin Rudd recently, and Alan Jones has done it repeatedly over the years. As low rent as it gets.


Get that click-bait out there, get those clicks happening, get those ratings up, rake in the loot and keep your job... your job being opportunism, manipulation, exaggeration and drama to get attention... at the expense of accountability, ethics, integrity, decency and intelligence.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3027
Loved Credlin 's on air apology. Complete humiliation and just laid bare how pathetic these people are.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3028
Loved Credlin 's on air apology. Complete humiliation and just laid bare how pathetic these people are.

One day, in a moment of rare clarity, she will look in the mirror and mutter, "What the fck have I become? I've sold my soul."
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3029
Ha ha! Right-wingers love to whinge about cancel culture and bemoan the loss of their right to free speech (aka the right to humiliate and cancel anyone they don’t like).

Fox News uses this sort of whining to fill its shows. But now they’ve cancelled and silenced Lou Dobbs despite his show being their top-ranked show. To silence him even further, Fox News will warehouse him: he’ll be paid under his contract to make sure he can’t just move his show to rival cable channels Newsmaxx or OAN. Whatever happened to Fox’s hatred of cancel culture and silencing political speech?

Of course, the reason why Dobbs has been warehoused is that he’s a far right conspiracy nut who was pushing Trump’s election fraud lies. Now that 2 of the voting machine companies are suing Fox and other Trump co-conspirators for billions of dollars, Fox is realising its hosts’ free speech might actually be very costly indeed  :D

Election fraud lies? Hardly. Greatest fraud ever perpetrated in/on a western nation.

or hot off the press:
Finals, then 4 in a row!