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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 576245 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3675
This is an argument that is muddled and not really conducted on meaningful grounds. You can be quite certain that there will be deaths associated with Pfizer (there probably already are) and with any future vaccines. This is beyond doubt. So do we ban all vaccines which cause a death ? If not, what is the tipping point between acceptable and unacceptable death rates ? 1 dead, 20 dead, 100 ? Is 1 life worth less than 100 ? Is that a fair or sensible way of looking at it ?
@PaulP‍ what would be the death rate of 6M needle stick injuries?

The hysteria is caused by the media's heavily biased reporting.

Further the deaths are not trivial or incidental as vaccine opponents like to try and make out, somewhat ironically given the heavy focus of those issuing vaccines is to save lives at all cost.

Those front line in the vaccination effort are running themselves into the ground trying to save the public from it's indifference and it's ignorance!

One wonders how quickly wars would evaporate if only over 50s could be conscripted, enlisted and sent off to battle with the officer class?

Don't vaccinate my little girl I can protect her, but God help you if she gets COVID because I'll bring hell upon you all for doing this to her! ;)
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3676
Interesting comparison: the risk of dying from general anaesthetic seems to be somewhere between 4 and 33 per million. That risk doesn’t seem to scare anyone off surgery.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3677
Interesting comparison: the risk of dying from general anaesthetic seems to be somewhere between 4 and 33 per million. That risk doesn’t seem to scare anyone off surgery.
Nose job or bigger tits anyone, some expensive pearly whites?

Imagine that death rate if you include the implants, how many of those nurses who tell you the vaccine kills have some of those? :o

My GP wouldn't remove a mole in my hair line a few weeks back, because he thought it wasn't anything important to worry about and even seemingly trivial unnecessary surgery is apparently dangerous. He must have been thinking about risk vs benefit! ;)
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3680
Covid killed a man in his 70s in NSW today. Deaths are a lagging indicator, occurring a couple of weeks after infection. As yesterday had 112 new cases, the chances are there will be more deaths in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed we beat the odds.

Are Covid deaths more important then those related to mental health which have skyrocketed?

The over reaction and over the top scare tactics of the media and pollies is causing more damage in society then Covid IMO. This virus has a 99% cure rate amongst all those except the elderly or sick so no doubt protect all those in that bracket but let the the bulk go about their business and try and lead some sort of a normal 'happy' life.

I can't listen to the news anymore as its the same depressing, negative scare mongering BS every time.  How are we supposed to get the young motivated and mentally well when we surround these poor people with such an overload of negative news. Every single article is written like the world is about to end. 

I mean there has been no covid death in Victoria for over a year we have had no case in the community for weeks yet we are still made to wear masks when we go to a shopping centre. Why?  I know many will think what's the big deal but some cant handle these sorts of restrictions on their life- fair enough if its is out of control and rampant but surely these sorts of restrictions are not needed now. Let folk enjoy a normal life and stop with the over the top restrictions that slowly slowly society is becoming immune to having them remain. How sad is this and how much is this affected the young man and women in our country. 

The increased suicide rate is not even remotely discussed enough as they are too busy quoting exposure sites -the waste of young lives is just so sad and the effect on the poor suffering families left behind is a far bigger issue imo and is hardly ever considered as the media and pollies refuse to acknowledge it. Talk to any ambo and they will tell you straight up how bad it is at the moment.    

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3681
I wonder whether losing a friend or family member to Covid improves one’s mental health. And what about those who have battled long-Covid for 13 months only to give up and commit suicide? Wonder whether their friends and family are affected ...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3682
I wonder whether losing a friend or family member to Covid improves one’s mental health. And what about those who have battled long-Covid for 13 months only to give up and commit suicide? Wonder whether their friends and family are affected ...

Pls don’t tell me you’re implying that the soaring mental illness and suicide figures are are due to covid deaths or long term covid illness. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3683
Pls don't tell me you're implying the friends and family of the 800 who died from Covid suffered no negative mental health effects.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3684
By the way, I just checked up on the suicide data for Victoria. In 2019 when Victorians were blissfully ignorant of Covid, the total was 718. In 2020 after lockdowns and restrictions and the mayhem wreaked by Covid, the total was 698. Hmmm ... a drop of 20.

No doubt there has been an increase in calls to mental helplines. But was this due to the mayhem wreaked by Covid or the effects of lockdowns and other restrictions? No matter how we responded to it, Covid was always going to negatively affect us psychologically and economically.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3685
By the way, I just checked up on the suicide data for Victoria. In 2019 when Victorians were blissfully ignorant of Covid, the total was 718. In 2020 after lockdowns and restrictions and the mayhem wreaked by Covid, the total was 698. Hmmm ... a drop of 20.

No doubt there has been an increase in calls to mental helplines. But was this due to the mayhem wreaked by Covid or the effects of lockdowns and other restrictions? No matter how we responded to it, Covid was always going to negatively affect us psychologically and economically.

Yes, reported here :

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3686
Are Covid deaths more important then those related to mental health which have skyrocketed?
OK, so now I have to ask, where did this come from?

It's fair to ask, as the source matters greatly, it tells us who and what to trust.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3687
Bit hard to sell Astraz when the scoreline is three dead from the vaccine and one death(90 year old) from Delta in Aus.....
I know of one Primary school where the staff want to be vaccinated but have refused the AstraZ on mass and want the Pfizer.
Vaccination levels in Australia will only improve when we have more Pfizer and the Astraz is scrapped.....
They can run all the ads they like but the people have spoken and ScoMo and crew need to listen.

Two confirmed deaths from 5 million AstraZeneca jabs EB.  The COVID case fatality rate in Australia is around 2.9%.

Reluctance to get the AstraZeneca vaccine is based on media hysteria, a vacillating government and anti-vaxxer lies rather than any real health risk.

I'm looking forward to getting my second AstraZeneca jab on Friday  :)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3688
OK, so now I have to ask, where did this come from?

It's fair to ask, as the source matters greatly, it tells us who and what to trust.
As I said previously mental health calls as ambulance call outs only get registered if there is a hospital admission.....there was a 40% increase in calls to mental health agencies in 2020. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3689
As I said previously mental health calls as ambulance calls outs only get registered if there is a hospital admission.....
Shawny was posting about deaths.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"